Plane Development Plan

Chapter 702 Mark of Reincarnation

Knowing that the other party was Diana, Xiao Jiang still held back and did not make a move. It was because Xiao Jiang knew that he could not let go of his greed. He took out a cigarette and lit it and took a breath. When he was about to go to the unguarded cell, he suddenly felt something There was movement from behind the mountain, and before he put on his armor, he saw a white shadow falling in front of him, and then a crisp voice said in ancient Greek:

"Sure enough, outsiders came to Paradise Island. I smelled an aura that didn't belong to this place in the hot spring. I searched all the way and there were actually people.

Hey... why are you naked like me, you... aren't you a woman? Are you a man? "

Xiao Jiang stared dumbfoundedly at Guo Nu in front of him with a cigarette in his mouth. It was nothing to peek at just now, but the other party ran around without clothes on. This is simply a nosebleed.

Diana grew up on Paradise Island. There are only a few thousand Amazon female warriors here. They rarely worry about whether they wear clothes or not. Although they also know that there are men outside, this is a place where even gods cannot enter. Xiao Jiang's appearance is not at all It would embarrass Diana, who has no defense against men and women.

At this time, Diana was not only not embarrassed, she even carefully observed that Xiao Jiang was different from her, Xiao Jiang's face twitched, because of Diana's current appearance, his anger slowly rose again, and he tried his best to suppress the mess in his mind In the picture, he took a deep puff of his cigarette to suppress his shock and said:

"Miss, I'm just passing by here and I'll be leaving soon. I don't want to disturb your life."

Diana looked at Xiao Jiang curiously and thought for a while and said:

"I haven't seen anyone outside, let alone a man. They all say that men are very strange existences. Can you let me take a closer look? If you promise, I won't tell others that you have been to Paradise Island. "

Xiao Jiang smiled wryly and signaled Diana to look casually. This Diana touched Xiao Jiang's face and his heart with her small hands. Seeing the difference between herself and Xiao Jiang, her hands fumbled without any scruples. .

Xiao Jiang was holding back at first, but this simple Diana touched her and her eyes became blurred and her face was red. She looked at Xiao Jiang with a sharp breath and said:

"Is there any poison on you? Why do I feel like I'm on fire, and I'm about to pass out."

Xiao Jiang rubbed his forehead and sighed. If he didn't restrain himself, even if Diana was yelled at by him, he probably wouldn't have any other thoughts. He pointed his fingers at Diana's forehead, and a memory about human reproduction and reproduction was transmitted. past.

In just a few seconds, Diana's eyes showed an uncontrollable shyness. She wanted to let go, but the scene at the scene made her at a loss.

Xiao Jiang said:

"You know the difference between men and women, right?

I am a man and you are a woman, if you do this again I will not be able to control myself and bring you down. "

Diana understood the things between men and women, and also knew the difference between innocence and this kind of innocence. According to normal people's thinking, she would definitely turn around and run away after knowing this kind of shyness, but Diana is not an ordinary person, although the scene is embarrassing. , but she did not let go but looked at Xiao Jiang very seriously and said:

"Does it mean that you and I are only husband and wife? Now that this is the case, can I be your wife?"

Xiao Jiang laughed dryly and said:

"You already know about husband and wife and marriage, you should know that there is no relationship between us, right?"

Diana's pure water eyes looked at Xiao Jiang very seriously, which made him unable to have any evil thoughts. This also made him feel very strange, because he actually felt that Diana gave him a very familiar feeling. There was even an indescribable intimacy rising, he frowned and looked at the Shenwu bracelet, he suspected that this feeling had something to do with the bracelet's origin.

Diana said seriously:

"If everything is God's will and everything is fate, then you and I met like this. You didn't take advantage of me when I didn't understand this matter, which shows that you are not so bad. My name is Diana and I decided to be your Wife, would you like me?"

The irritability in Xiao Jiang's heart became more and more calm when Diana spoke, as if it was inevitable that Diana made this choice, and even made him feel that Diana would not change her current mentality if she put the male lead in.

Looking at Diana who still did not let go, Xiao Jiang nodded and said:

"If you want, I won't refuse, but if you follow me, you have to leave with me, and it may even take a long time to come back here, what do you think?"

Diana didn't answer, but expressed it with actions, and Xiao Jiang didn't have the slightest repulsion and a mentality of only desire in his heart. The two were very close, skillful and cooperative to develop on the top of the mountain.

A kind of cooperation that seems to be familiar for thousands of years, a kind of intimacy that comes from the soul is emerging, Xiao Jiang does not understand the origin of this feeling, but Diana is extremely devoted and docile, unlike the cold and arrogant in the movie The domineering Wonder Woman is completely different.

A touch of silver and gray rose from the sky. On the mountain peak, Xiao Jiang held Diana who was like a little sheep, thinking about things. Seeing the red sun jumping over the sea level, a strange thought rose in Xiao Jiang's heart and whispered:

"Could it be that there is reincarnation in the past life, so that today's reunion, or how do I feel that you belong to me?"

Diana leaned against Xiao Jiang's arms with a pretty face and whispered:

"Whether it is reincarnation in the previous life or not, I am your woman anyway, and I will be with you in the future. No matter how the sea changes and the world collapses, I will stay by your side."

Xiao Jiang stroked Diana's beautiful hair, at this moment there was a sound of horseshoes, Xiao Jiang touched Diana's leather armor beside the Shanxin Hot Spring and put it on directly. Hearing the horse's hoof approaching, a good-looking but muscular female warrior reined in the horse and looked at Xiao Jiang and Diana in his arms with surprise on her face.

"Diana, what's the matter with you? Why did you hand over your body to an outsider?"

The female soldier said in surprise, Diana came down from Xiao Jiang's arms with a face of shame, she looked at the female soldier and said:

"Teacher, I have already agreed to marry him, so there is nothing left for him, and I plan to leave Paradise Island with him."

The female soldier looked at Xiao Jiang calmly, and after a while she said in a low voice:

"I thought you were unreliable at first sight, but Diana has already been taken advantage of by you, so you have to take responsibility.

Now you all go to meet the queen with me. If you can pass the test under the lasso of mantra, neither the queen nor I will stop you. If you can't pass the test, I believe Diana also knows what to do.

Let's go, I hope it is God's will for you to be together, otherwise it means that the sharks in this sea are lucky. "

The woman didn't get angry, but her tone showed her attitude. Xiao Jiang, a strange man from the outside world, directly yelled at Princess Amazon. If this matter is not handled properly, it will be troublesome for the Amazon tribe.

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