Plane Development Plan

Chapter 703 The God of War in the Prison

Xiao Jiang originally had a crush on Diana, but when Diana decided to hand it over to him, he felt an inexplicable state of mind, it did not come from greed, but a kind of love left behind by reincarnation, He still fucked Diana.

Now the female warrior wants Xiao Jiang and Diana to meet Queen Hippolyta, but Xiao Jiang is actually a little unwilling, because he also intends to ask what is the relationship between Ares, the god of war in the cell, and Ares outside.

But looking at Diana who gave everything to him, Xiao Jiang thought for a while and took her hand and followed the female warrior to the temple behind the mountain.


Half a day later, on the top of Paradise Island, the very strong Amazon Queen Hippolyta, Xiao Jiang, Diana and the female warrior Antiope stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the beach with rolling waves. Holding a spear, he said:

"You are actually able to lie under the lasso of truth. It seems that as you said, the power of the lasso of truth is also limited, but you made a promise to Diana. I hope you will treat her well in the future."

Xiao Jiang put his arms around Diana's waist and nodded:

"Don't worry, I still have to ask about Ares, and then I'll go outside to solve this problem. As for the next time I come to get the mother box, that thing is only one-third of the thing, and it doesn't make sense to take it now."

Hippolyta sighed and said:

"I hope you can come back on time. Our Amazon tribe is actually not as safe as we think."

It turned out that Xiao Jiang talked about some special things after meeting his mother-in-law in the past half day. As the earliest warrior of the Amazon tribe, Hippolyta understood many unknown things.

Although it seems that the Amazon female warriors are all powerful, she actually knows that their fighting power is far from enough, especially after the ancient gods abandoned the earth, those terrifying new gods have terrible power.

Xiao Jiang does not belong to their world, but Hippolyta also felt his divine breath, and later she used the mantra lasso to try to make Xiao Jiang reveal some secrets, but Xiao Jiang's body was fused with the heart of the universe, and he easily copied the mantra lasso With the power in his mouth, don't even want to know the truth.

However, Xiao Jiang still kindly reminded Hippolyta and others that they would come back for Diana and the future.

Xiao Jiang lit a cigarette and said:

"Perhaps, I can turn the female Amazon warriors into Goddesses of War one by one, but it will take a certain amount of time, and they will be under my control, which is not very suitable for you."

Hippolyta smiled and said:

"Who knows what the future holds? If need be,

Maybe the Amazon tribe will attach itself to you, it depends on God's will. "


God's will, Xiao Jiang didn't reveal too many things that would happen in the future. After talking with Hippolyta, Xiao Jiang took Diana into a cave full of infinite oppression.


Waves of loud roars came from both sides of the cave, but Xiao Jiang stood with Diana in his arms in a stone room with only a simple stone platform. On the stone platform, a burly man was chained and sat on it , Seeing the two of Xiao Jiang appear, he scratched his head and looked at them with dull eyes, then lowered his head.

"Ares, the god of war, as the god of battle, who is stronger in your combat power or Athena, the god of war? One of the dignified Olympian gods of war, is he imprisoned here without the slightest desire to resist?"

Xiao Jiang smiled and asked with smoke coming out of his nostrils, the man glanced at Xiao Jiang indifferently and said:

Ares said calmly:

"If my divine power is banned, I will no longer be the God of War. You can say whatever you want. I don't care. After so many killings, I have already seen it."

Diana beside Xiao Jiang gently pulled Xiao Jiang's sleeve, and after she gestured for a moment, she suddenly shook her hand. A bright golden rope wrapped around Ares' waist, and Ares shrank his eyes and shouted:

"Mantra lasso, what are you doing?"

Diana was just like a kitten by Xiao Jiang's side. Once she was doing business, she would become extremely calm. She pulled the mantra lasso and said in a deep voice:

"Aris, what is your situation now? Why is there still an Ares in the outside world?"

Xiao Jiang had already told Diana about this matter, this time Xiao Jiang didn't leave because he wanted to solve the Ares matter, although he didn't want to interfere with too many things in this world, but Diana needed Ares' God of War to become the new God of War. God of War, then we have to figure this out.

Diana directly used the lasso of mantra to force out the truth. The golden light on the lasso of mantra continued to spread, and Ares, who was imprisoned, kept roaring. When the golden light enveloped his whole body, Ares hissed. said:

"I am Ares, and the one outside is also Ares, because before I was imprisoned by Zeus, I had already thrown the godhead to the world with my memory. I only have the godhead imprisoned here, but the godhead will bring my memory to the world. Constantly reborn."

Diana looked at Xiao Jiang and smiled, then turned her head to look at Ares, her eyes became sharp again and said:

"How can we destroy Ares outside?"

Ares struggled, but the Lasso of Mantra suppressed the Olympus Protoss the strongest. He wanted to shut up, but his mouth still could only speak truthfully:

"Kill the reincarnated person, devouring the godhead can annihilate him, and you can also have the godhead of the god of war, and finally reach the level of the main god."

Xiao Jiang smiled. It seems that Diana couldn't get rid of the matter of swallowing Ares's godhead. Hearing what Ares said, Diana still didn't show any other expressions, but continued to ask:

"How to kill him? You must know that he has your God of War status. Even if he is reincarnated and does not restore the power of God, he still has a very strong fighting power."

Ares's face was already tangled by his inner struggle, but he was unwilling to say it and couldn't resist the suppression of the mantra lasso and said frankly:

"Ambition, recklessness, these are flaws in the godhead, because I am only the god of battle, and fighting is instinctive, but I lack calculations. You just need to calculate him, or you don't need to calculate if you have the ability to kill him directly."

Diana put away the mantra lasso in her hand, and just when she was about to talk to Xiao Jiang, Xiao Jiang flashed behind Ares, pressed his finger on Ares's door, and a circle of golden light flashed across the opponent's body in the blink of an eye .

Xiao Jiang let go, and Ares fell on the stone platform with his head drooping. Diana asked with a smile:

"Xiao, what are you doing? You didn't kill him, so what's the use of putting him to sleep?"

Xiao Jiang shook his head and flickered to Diana, hugged her and said:

"You haven't been in contact with the outside world yet, and you don't know the darkness of the world. It's meaningless for you to ask only a few things, because although this Ares can't connect to the Ares outside, they are one. That guy must What kind of crisis will be sensed?"

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