Plane Development Plan

Chapter 704 Don't Intervene

Diana was a little puzzled, Xiao Jiang whispered something next to Diana's ear, Diana suddenly blushed and nodded and said:

"It's possible, we can all feel it, then his divine body and godhead must have a special potential influence.

But can you block their connection just now? If so, don't worry? "

Xiao Jiang shook his head with a smirk and said:

"He is the main god, although the god body is suppressed by shackles, and the godhead is not here, I still can't do it if I want to restrain a main god-level powerhouse.

But he can't use the power of the divine body, and he can't protect the body without the godhead, which just gave me a special opportunity.

Now we don't have to worry about their latent induction, as long as the godhead is resolved after going out, I will take you out of this place temporarily. "

Diana nodded, she really didn't know about the outside world, and Xiao Jiang was an old bastard who wandered around the world, he had experiences with everyone, of course he was very clear about Diana's mistakes.

Xiao Jiang's affairs are not so aboveboard. After he directly controls Ares, he has the ability to lasso the mantra and the power to search for souls. After locking on the weak soul of Ares, all the secrets of the other party are hidden by him. It was discovered that at the same time, all the abilities mastered by the other party were also copied.

Before finally closing his hand, Xiao Jiang also cleared the memory of the other party's soul just now, so that Godhead Ares would naturally not be able to sense the danger.

Xiao Jiang has a character of plucking hair, and now he has accepted Diana. As one of the protagonists in this world, Diana herself is Xiao Jiang's amulet. Under normal circumstances, Xiao Jiang does not do too much damage, and the power of backlash is It won't be too big, and even a counterattack that threatens Diana is impossible.


At the end of World War I in this world, in a suburb of Gotham City that did not exist in the real world, Xiao Jiang bought a farm with ten thousand acres of farmland. In the valley of the farm, in a simple farmhouse, Xiao Jiang leaned against Diana Eating the grapes she fed in his arms, squinting his eyes to enjoy for a while, Xiao Jiang's eyes suddenly lit up and said:

"The matter is over, we should leave for a while, the Red Queen uses the cyborg to manage my assets, and I will come back after a hundred years to make troubles."

Diana smiled while holding Xiao Jiang's head and asked:

"Have you infiltrated all the businesses of the four major families?"

"Of course, the Wayne family, the Elliott family, the Kane family, and the Colbert family have all acquired a lot of equity by me. The bigger they are, the more assets I have, not to mention the fact that the current financial market is even more imperfect. The cyborgs can crazily loot the wealth of this world by taking advantage of the information time difference.

Since you killed Godhead Ares and devoured Godhead three months ago, your God of War attribute has become stronger and stronger. When I take you to the abyss and God Realm to toss and toss, it is estimated that it is not impossible to beat Superman violently when you come back. "

Diana laughed:

"Why do you always want me to beat up this Superman? He offended you?"

Xiao Jiang smiled and said:

"You'll know it after you watch the movie after you leave. I'll be surprised if you beat him up after watching it. Okay, let's go home and get ready to go to the next place."


Xiao Jiang really didn't interfere with any major events from the outside world this time. He has been tossing around in Gotham City. Wealth is useless to the will of the plane, at least it won't care until wealth becomes destructive, so As long as Xiao Jiang doesn't cause the world's finances to collapse, he is generally fine.

However, Diana went to the European battlefield under his guidance, and led the godhead Ares out step by step, setting a trap to kill the opponent and devour the godhead.

This one came prepared, but the other can only see what he can see. It is inevitable to be calculated. Xiao Jiang doesn't need to do it himself, just keep monitoring. Everything is promoted by the plane and the plot is normal.

In Gotham City, Xiao Jiang used various means to control some unimportant people in several major families, and then got their equity in his hands. He didn't need to control these companies but used them to make money. At the same time, he had the ability to intervene in these companies The company's rights are on the line.

Money, the Red Queen has a lot of ways to make him rich, if it is not necessary, there is no need to toss in a few small companies. In his eyes, the future Batman in the DC universe who dares to brag that money is power, has the Star Wars Trade Union. In Xiao Jiang's eyes, he is even worse than a scum.

These days, Diana took part in the First World War with a lot of artifacts, but compared with the movies, she also had other equipment, such as nano detectors, emergency rescue systems, etc., and she encountered danger several times, but for It was much easier for her.

What's more, as a woman from Xiao Jiang, she still has a very high level of energy. After Xiao Jiang taught her flying skills and some skills, Diana's fighting power is far stronger than that in the movie.

Because she is the heroine, Xiao Jiang is very relieved to let her go alone. As he expected, the power of the plane still allows Diana to easily solve all problems.

After the war ended, Diana returned to the farm and had been hanging out with Xiao Jiang for a few days, and Xiao Jiang also planned to start preparing to intervene in some strange and possibly familiar worlds.


In reality, Xiao Jiang has been back for three days, and Xu Qian is busy with the newly opened shop after returning, but every night she will definitely stay at Xiao Jiang's house for a while, chatting about life, future research and game research. She also tried not to go to a dinner appointment with her friends.

This night, just as Xu Qian walked to the gate of Xiaojiang Villa, Chen Lan who just came back also arrived, and the two went to Xiaojiang's place to chat for a while. When Xiao Jiang went to the gate to get takeout, Chen Lan looked at Xu Qian with a smile and said :

"Sister Qianqian, I heard that something happened to your family some time ago, right? How did you solve it?"

Xu Qian shook his head and said:

"I don't know, I also want to know, anyway, suddenly everything changed, as if some things I knew hadn't happened.

By the way, just like the last time sisters Sun Xinling were kidnapped, they suddenly left the villa that helped them, but the villa caught fire, and the messenger had a car accident, so the matter was over. "

There was a trace of confusion in Chen Lan's eyes, she looked at Xiao Jiang who was picking up something at the gate and whispered:

"Yeah, it's very miraculous. I was about to die, but suddenly nothing happened. The person who attacked me disappeared, as if I hadn't been hit by a car."

Chen Lan's voice was very low, and Xu Qian couldn't hear clearly, but both women were extremely confused about their experiences.

Xiao Jiang did these things just because they were friends. In reality, he didn't want to cause any big incidents, although according to his current understanding, in reality, he probably wouldn't do anything except bring out people from other worlds. Being backlashed, but he has no interest in taking care of too many things, the big deal is just thinking about it and hurting some people.

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