Plane Master Copy

Chapter 1001: : Dr. Gallo

Divination mother-in-law, to say that the value of force is not high, after all, she has not seen her hands in the original book, but from the original book, as a witch, she still has the ability.

For example, being able to travel between the realms of yin and yang and temporarily bringing dead people from the land to the world, this ability is already very powerful.

However, when it comes to the dead, Wu Yan feels that there is no difference between the soul body and real body of the Dragon Ball plane, which is strange.

Just like a living person, with a real body, they can fight, but the same, a dead person has a real body, and can fight.

The difference is nothing more than an aperture on the head.

Shaking his head, Wu Yan set aside this seemingly unreasonable setting problem, looked at the castle in front of him, and immediately walked over.

The divine mother-in-law's castle is located in an oasis in the desert. Although the environment looks good, from Wu Yan's point of view, there is only this castle around the entire desert. Know why Divination Mother-in-law chose to live here.

"People from a distant place, what is the purpose of your coming here?" As Wu Yan walked into the castle, suddenly, a sound seemed to be sounding like nothingness, it seemed that the sound was very remote, but , But it seems like it's right next to your ear.

"Well, don't make mystery false. I heard your news from the turtle fairy, so I came to you specially."

With this sound, Wu Yan said, and moved the turtle fairy directly.

"Oh, he asked you to come ...", listening to Wu Yan's words, the old voice next to him sounded, and at the same time, he could see a very short, dwarf-like old woman sitting in a figure On top of a huge crystal ball, he said to Wu Yan.

The mother-in-law of divination is indeed very old. Sitting on the divination ball and wearing a wizard hat on her head, this appearance is a bit mysterious.

"I have something that needs your help, so when I heard your news from the Turtle Fairy, I came straight over," Wu Yan nodded and corrected.

"Since you have come to me for help, then you should know what my rules are?" Still sitting on the crystal ball, the divination mother-in-law said to Wu Yan.

"That's natural", nodded, Wu Yan replied.

Speaking of which, when I flipped my palm, a large box appeared. Wu Yan opened the box and saw that it was full of gold: "Although I didn't bring any money, but this gold is enough?"

"Oh, huh, since it is rich, it is naturally easy to handle." The divination mother-in-law who was sitting on the divination ball, looked at a box of gold that Wu Yan took out, and her eyes flickered a lot. Said the happy giggle.

During the conversation, the divination mother-in-law controlled the divination ball and landed down. After carefully picking up the gold beside the box and checking it carefully, she nodded in satisfaction.

With a wave of her hand, she closed the whole box directly.

"Huh? Is it similar to the means of storage space?" Wu Yan's brow raised slightly as he watched the divination mother-in-law's move to pack up a box of gold.

Although the Dragon Ball Plane is dominated by martial arts, there are still professions of wizards and wizards, and their abilities are very amazing.

"Well, now that I have collected your money, I will naturally help you to do a good job, let's say, what do you want me to help you?" After the gold was collected, the divination mother-in-law levitated to Wu Yan Ask Wu Yan head up.

"My request is very simple. You just need to help me find someone, a person who is still alive on the earth." Wu Yan opened his own request.

"Originally to find someone, this is very simple, let's say, who you want to find, name, age, height, weight, etc. The more information you know, the more accurate it is. After all, people with the same name in the world are too Many more ", after nodding his head, the divination mother-in-law said to Wu Yan.

"I'm looking for Dr. Gallo, the world's top scientist in genetic engineering. It stands to reason that I should be at least sixty years old or older, and I know this information." Wu Yan thought for a while about her mother-in-law. , Replied.

"Dr. Gallo? Is it a PhD? I'm over sixty years old and the top scientist in the world. Great, this search is much narrower."

Hearing Wu Yan's words, the divination mother-in-law nodded.

While talking, the body was suspended in mid-air, and at the same time he placed the crystal ball in front of himself, and sang a curse in his mouth.

Looking at the appearance of the divination mother-in-law, it is obvious that he has already launched his ability, Wu Yan curiously looked over the divination ball.

However, in Wu Yan's eyes, there was no information on the divination ball, and she did not know how she learned that there was information feedback on the divination ball.

"Very well, here you are. Dr. Gallo you are looking for is in the mountain a hundred miles north of the western capital." After looking at the divination ball for a while, the divine mother-in-law immediately spoke and answered Wu Yan. Said.

"Thank you very much!" Although she couldn't see anything, Wu Yan had no doubt about her words. She thanked her mouth and moved.

The space behind was directly torn apart by Wu Yan and turned into a space channel. Wu Yan then took two steps back and left Xiaomu's castle with Xiao Meng.

"Aller? Is he also a wizard? What was that ability just now? It ’s possible to directly transfer space?" Seeing Wu Yan opened the space channel to leave, the divination mother-in-law stunned, the divination **** in front of him almost fell On the ground.

Regardless of the reaction of divination mother-in-law ~ ~, as long as she knows the specific position, Wu Yan can reach with the space capacity copied by Apocalypse.

Therefore, with the passage of the space, Wu Yan followed and came to a mountain, which is the mountain hidden by Dr. Gallo as described by divination mother-in-law.

The body falls into this mountain, and there is no need to look for it. Wuyan's 10,000 magnetic king can clearly feel that there is a large piece of metal in this mountain.

Obviously, these are the metal substances in the scientific research base hidden in the mountain.

Raised his hand, under the control of Wu Yan, the entire mountain shook at this moment.

Immediately, waving his hands gently, the whole mountain broke apart with Wu Yan's movement, revealing the huge scientific research base inside.

Wu Yan had no nonsense, along with Xiao Meng, landed in this scientific research base hidden in the deep mountains.

"How is that possible? What exactly happened?" Dr. Gallo in the base, watching the sudden sun burst in, and the mountains were cracking, his face grim.

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