Plane Master Copy

Chapter 1002: : Back to Young

"You, who are the two of you?", Dr. Gallo, a research base hidden in the mountains, looked at Wu Yan and Xiao Meng, who had split the mountains directly and landed in mid-air, with a grimace. He asked.

"Hello Dr. Gallo ..." After landing directly in the base from midair, Wu Yan said, greeting him politely.

While speaking, Wu Yan glanced at everything in this base. Sure enough, from a situation point of view, this scientific research base is similar to the base of the evolutionary house of Dr. Kenus, who was a one-man superhuman plane.

After all, both are scientists working on genetic engineering.

However, after a word fell, without waiting for Dr. Gallo to answer, Wu Yan followed up and said, "Okay, now the polite words are finished, and I won't waste any time, so I will open the door and say, I hope to cover later Dr. Luo, you can help me do my research and research some viruses that I need you to be able to crack. "

"There is something wrong ...", Wu Yan said, let Dr. Gallo look at him with a fool's look and said.

Yeah, I was doing good research on artificial people in this base, and suddenly a guy who didn't know jumped out and let myself submit to him? Listen to him later? Isn't this something wrong?

Wu Yan was not angry with Dr. Gallo's words, after all, the other party's reaction was completely his own expectations.

Wu Yan didn't mean nonsense, his palm was raised slightly, and with his movement, the entire base shook.

"Hey, you, what are you doing?" Feeling the tremor of the entire base, Dr. Gallo stood unstable, fell straight to the ground, widened his eyes, and looked at Wu Yan in surprise.

Ignoring his words, the magnetic king's ability continued.

Not only is the entire base trembling, it should be said that the whole mountain is trembling. People within a radius of 100 miles can even feel the shaking of the earth. This has made countless people scream in horror. Is there an earthquake? ?

The entire base is built in a mountain. The theme of this base is naturally a lot of materials such as steel bars. Under the power of Wanci King, Wu Yan directly controlled the base and lifted it.

Then, the mountain was smashed directly, so that the entire base flew into the air.

Huh ...

As the base buried in the mountain was directly controlled and flew up, the gust of wind blowing in midair made Dr. Gallo's eyes startled.

Although Dr. Gallo has long understood that the martial arts forces in this world are terrible, but that is just pure destructive power. Isn't this a means to lift the entire base for no reason?

"Don't be too busy to refuse. I'll take you to see what your working environment is like?", Driving Dr. Gallo's entire base into the air, Wu Yan's gaze turned to look at him.

Although the talk was in the mouth, the tone was the tone of the notice. Before Dr. Gallo answered, Wu Yan's palm was raised slightly again.

A huge space channel appeared. Immediately, the entire base flew into the channel under the control of Wu Yan, and entered the heterodimensional space of the Evolution House.

After entering the space of different dimensions, Wu Yan naturally took Dr. Gallo into the house of evolution.

Although forced to enter here, Dr. Gallo's heart is upset, but it is undeniable that as a top genetic engineering scientist, Dr. Gallo naturally has vision.

Take a walk around this evolutionary house, and of course, he can see that these cultivated monsters are very good, and those who do these jobs have a good ability in genetic engineering.

"Mr. Wu Yan ...", after Wu Yan and others entered the Evolution House, Dr. Kenos quickly walked over and said hello.

During the conversation, he looked curiously at Dr. Gallo next to him. This seemed to be the first time Wu Yan brought strangers to the Evolution House?

"This is Dr. Gallo. Like you, they are scientists in genetic engineering. You may be able to cooperate well in the future." You can see Dr. Kenos's inquisitive look, Wu Yan said.

"Oh, it was Dr. Gallo, welcome." Hearing Wu Yan's words, Dr. Kenos was enthusiastic and did not feel worried because his status might be affected.

In this evolutionary home, in fact, Dr. Kenos also hopes that a few more people can discuss with themselves, otherwise, he would not copy so much out of himself.

"Huh, I didn't promise to help you," Wu Yan heard, and Dr. Gallo next to him couldn't help humming.

"You are on the ship now, do you think you can get away?" Wu Yan smiled slightly and asked, listening to Dr. Gallo.

"You!" These words made Dr. Gallo look angry.

Of course, he knew that he was locked up in a different space. Without Wu Yan's promise, he could not walk away. However, being locked up here for no reason, Dr. Gallo was naturally angry.

"Rest assured, my requirements are not high. You just need to help me study a virus. If the antidote is successfully developed, I will let you go. In addition, before that, I can let your body Back to youth. "

Wu Yan turned a blind eye to Dr. Gallo's angry look, but said calmly.

Just because of the vibration of the base, Dr. Gallo fell to the ground, and when he was in the Cyborg chapter, he could see that Dr. Gallo made himself into a robot-reformed body, so Wu Yan understood that the current Dr. Gallo should be in poor health.

Otherwise, for no reason, no one will make himself a transformant, right?

"Let me get back young?"

Wu Yan's words made Dr. Gallo look at him in surprise and said: "As far as I know, only Dragon Ball can do this, and you don't wish after you collected the Dragon Ball, but you make a wish by making a wish. Are you young? ".

Speaking of these words ~ ~ Dr. Gallo looked at Wu Yan questioningly.

He did not believe this possibility.

"It just makes you return to youth. Why do you need the power of Dragon Ball?" Wu Yan smiled slightly at Dr. Gallo's words.

Immediately took out a glass of water, dripped a drop of peach juice, and said, "Drink, drink this glass of water, you can increase your life span by one hundred years."

"This?" Looking at the water delivered to Wu Yan in front of him, Dr. Gallo hesitated for a moment, then took the cup and drank it.

Naturally, he didn't believe Wu Yan so easily, but this is the end of the matter, is he likely to refuse?

Fortunately, the other party seems to have to rely on his own strength to do things, and it is impossible to kill himself if he wants to come.

As the water diluted with the peach juice was drunk, soon, Dr. Gallo could feel his body changes, his skin became much tighter, and his appearance became younger.

Judging by his appearance, Dr. Gallo, who was very old, quickly turned into a forty or fifty year old.

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