Plane Master Copy

Chapter 276: : Spike Zhao Han

The distance of nearly 100 kilometers is actually not too far. If the road conditions are good, it will only take half an hour on the highway.

However, in the last days, this distance is not short. Not only is there not so good road conditions for you, the most important thing is that the entire earth has been almost completely occupied by zombies and zombies.

To travel a long distance of hundreds of kilometers, at least the strength of Level 3 Awakeners is needed, and more or less they have the ability to protect themselves.

However, judging from the current lineups of Wuyan, Longsan, Fengwu, Xiaomeng, and Mo Yunbao, reaching the Hero City across a distance of nearly 100 kilometers is actually not that far. Although I encountered a lot along the way Attacks of zombies and zombies, but the strongest is only a zombie tiger with more than 800 crystal points, so it is not a huge threat.

It took several hours for Wu Yan and others to finally see the outline of the hero city as the sun rose to the top.

"It is really a city, it is magnificent!" Wu Yan looked at the entire hero city from afar, and said with a look of wonder on his face.

It is very rare to see such a city in the last days.

It ’s been about three and a half years since the end of the last century. Although the Hero City and Dalongshan Base are only about 100 kilometers apart, they have never hit the road. Until now, they have gradually increased their contact.

It is conceivable that, as time goes on, the contact between Dalongshan Base and Hero City will become more and more frequent.

"Let's go, let's go into the city", successfully returned to the Dalongshan base, and successfully completed the mission back. Both Long San and Feng Wu seemed to be in a good mood. .

Since coming to Hero City, Wu Yan certainly wants to go in and see.

However, looking at Xiaomeng next to him, Wu Yan hesitated a moment, then shook his head, and said, "No, I still have something to do. I don't want to enter the city yet. When I enter the city, look for You guys. "

Wu Wuyan's words, let both Long San and Feng Wu look at him in surprise. ,

I have walked for so long, have already reached the edge of the base of the hero city, but he does not go in? What the **** is going on here?

However, since Wu Yan has chosen this way, I believe he has the reason for such a choice.

Therefore, after Longsan was silent for a moment, he nodded and said, "Well, in this case, then I won't bother you. If you want to find us in Wuyan, just report my name to the base gatekeeper"

"Okay, I see, you go", Wu Yan nodded when he heard what Long San said.

As long as the name of the gatekeeper Ryoji is enough? And yes, judging by their words and deeds, they are indeed the official forces of the Hero City base.

Ji Longsan and Feng Wu both left and waved at Wu Yan far away.

Wu Yan quietly watched them leave. After they had all gone, Wu Yan constructed a space-transporting magic directly from the side of the hero city base and back to the grove near the Dalongshan base. .

If you do n’t know, Wu Yan brought Xiao Meng in and out, and even stayed at the Dalongshan base. Now that you know Xiao Meng is likely to be a zombie, of course Wu Yan wo n’t Take her in and out of the survivor base casually.

"Let's eat first", and found a quiet place in the woods. After Wu Yan took out some food, he said to Xiao Meng.

Xun Xiaomeng nodded, very well-behaved, sitting quietly on the ground, Mo Yunbao had already carried a large piece of meat to the side and quickly went to the side.

Under Wu Yan's gaze, she can see that Xiao Meng does eat some vegetarian food, but her appetite seems to be mostly meat.

"It looks like an ordinary human girl. What's more, Long San and Feng Wu didn't see her identity as a zombie, did I get it wrong?", Secretly looked at Xiao Meng for a long time, Wu Yan felt that she did not look like a zombie, which made Wu Yan feel very strange.

Of course, it is impossible to observe just the surface observation.

Wu Wuyan thought about it. After eating a breakfast, she beckoned, held Xiao Meng in her arms, and then checked her disk ...

But, what made Wu Yan feel strange is that the viewing of the disk actually failed. The four large disks couldn't be opened at all, giving people the impression that they were like damaged disks.

"The disk is in a damaged state? How is this possible? Is she really a zombie?".

I looked at Xiao Meng's four disks and couldn't even open them. Wu Yan's heart was quietly condensed. This is the first time Wu Yan encountered such a situation.

Is Xiao Meng's disk unique? Or? Zombies have long since died, leaving only walking dead, so the disk is also in a damaged state?

I thought for a moment, Wu Yan and Yan Yuese said to Xiaomeng, "You and Mo Yunbao stay here and wait for me, OK, I will be back before it gets dark today."

Although he can't speak, Wu Yan's words Xiao Meng still understand.

Although he heard that Wu Yan was about to leave, Xiao Meng nodded.

As soon as his body shape changed, Wu Yan constructed the magic of space transmission, disappeared directly into the grove, and came to Changshi.

With the emergence of Wu Yan, several zombies that were originally in a wandering state immediately opened their arms and walked towards Wu Yan.

He clasped his hands together, Chakra surged, and a few trees and vines burst out of the ground. He tied the zombies firmly and couldn't move.

Then, Wu Yan stretched out his finger and pointed at these zombies.

It is true that with the touching of the limbs, a reminder that the removable disk is connected appears, but all these zombies' disks are in a damaged state and cannot be opened at all.

This situation makes Wu Yan's face look unsightly, and it seems to prove that Xiao Meng is indeed a zombie.

Just, after thinking about it, Wu Yan think there may be other possibilities? Maybe Xiao Meng happens to be her own special situation?

After all this time, no matter whether they are themselves or Pei Yufeng, everyone has not found Xiao Meng's identity as a zombie. Is it a misunderstanding?

After a moment's groan, Wu Yan still did not want to believe that Xiao Meng was a zombie.

The mediation took place immediately, and a magic of space teleportation was constructed again. When it appeared again, people were already in the Dalongshan base.

At first, Zhao Han found himself in trouble, saying that the hidden zombies in the base were related to himself. Wu Yan felt that it was an excuse for Zhao Han, an excuse for his own shot, but now, Wu Yan thinks it may be that Zhao Han really discovered What happened?

Yeah, with your current strength, the holiday between yourself and Zhao Han is indeed a chance to solve it.

Therefore, after Wu Yan arrived at the Dalongshan base, Wu Yan entered a state of invisibility, and walked towards Zhao Han's leader.

The leader's house, Wu Yan is familiar with it, after all, his father lived here.

In the state of being invisible, Wu Yan did not want to alarm too many people. Therefore, Wu Yan was hiding in the dark like a ninja.

Finally, waiting for an opportunity, Wu Yan pushed open the door of Zhao Han's office and walked in.

"Well? Who's there?"

Although Wu Yan was invisible, Zhao Han, as an awakener with more than 400 crystal points, still had a good sense. He stared at Wu Yan and asked.

"Some days I haven't seen you. You are almost at the end of the position of the leader of the Dalongshan base?"

Wu Yan was found, Wu Yan was not surprised, she simply showed her figure, and looked at Zhao Han calmly.

"Wu Yan! It's you!" Looking at Wu Yan as he appeared, Zhao Han's face could not help but change, exclaiming in astonishment.

I shaved!

I just did not wait for Zhao Han to shout, Wu Yan's figure flickered, and he appeared in front of Zhao Han as if moving.

At the same time, a pair of three-hook jade writing-wheel eyes emerged, and the palms were as dark as ink, pinching Zhao Han's neck.

man of Steel!

Wu Yan's speed, and his speed, made Zhao Han startled, seemingly faster than when he left the Dalongshan base at first, feeling his neck as if it was trapped by an iron hoop ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Zhao Han reacted very quickly, and immediately launched the ability of his steel body to resist the damage of Wu Yan.

Open the door, close the door, open the door, open!

I felt that Zhao Han's body became as strong as steel, Wu Yan quickly opened three doors, and the number of crystal points soared to 1000 in an instant. Then, the palm of his hand squeezed it down.

Click here!

I have to say that Zhao Han's iron body is indeed very powerful. Even when Wu Yan borrowed the sharpness of Wushuang Sword, it was difficult to cause too much substantial damage to his body. In other words, more than twice, with the strength of the palm of the hand, even in the state of the steel body, Zhao Han's neck can be seen and began to deform.

寒 Zhao Han's face became more and more ugly. He opened his mouth like a fish fished out of the water and tried to inhale hard, but the suffocation made him feel uncomfortable.

Because of the lack of oxygen, the eyes have turned white, and the hands and feet have begun to struggle unconsciously.

Scrutinizing that Zhao Han was about to suffocate to death, Wu Yan's palm was released a little and did not let him die immediately.

This man died, but the four disks collapsed. Wu Yan didn't know what he wanted, how could he let him die?

No need to force a confession, Wu Yan went directly into Zhao Han's F disk and started to check the files stored in his F disk, all of which were his memory ...

These documents have their own chronological order.

Suddenly, Wu Wuyan thought of the time period when his father died, thinking about it, Wu Yan found the relative time period and began to look at the memory file in Zhao Han's mind.

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