Plane Master Copy

Chapter 277: : Xiao Meng speaks

The files on the F disk are all stored in memory. In simple terms, they are like video files stored in the computer. Moreover, although these files are fragments, they are marked with time.

I found the memory file of the time when my father was killed. Wu Yan did not need to copy it, and opened it directly in Zhao Han's disk.

一些 Some of Zhao Han's memories are all open to Wu Yan, no secret at all.

Quickly, from the memory document of Zhao Han, Wu Yan did see the truth about the death of his father.

三 Next to the Dalongshan base, there is a third-order evolutionary beast named Huangquan Python. If it is expressed by the number of crystal points, it has reached a level of more than 500.

For the third-order zombies, the strategy of the Dalongshan base could be avoided if it could be avoided. The Huangquan Python with more than 500 crystal points did not pay attention to it at the time.

However, the Huangquan Python suddenly moved its position at that time, almost blocking the position of the throat that came in and out of the Dalongshan base. Therefore, helplessly, his father could only summon Zhao Han and other masters in the Dalongshan base. Discuss the task of slaughtering Huang Quanmon together.

In this regard, there is no difference with Wu Yan's own memory. Wu Yan also remembers that his father did lead several high-level bases in the Dalongshan base to kill Huang Quanmang together, but unfortunately, that When Huang Quanmang went mad finally, his father, including the masters he brought with him, were almost dead and wounded. Only Zhao Han and Lightning, the two couples, returned with injuries.

However, according to Zhao Han's memory, Wu Yan found that the facts were as nasty as he thought.

It turned out that when the war was over, the yellow spring python was indeed very powerful. That's right, but a single yellow spring python was not enough to threaten his father. However, in addition to the zombie huangquan python, there was another A three-step evolutionary beast.

According to Zhao Han's memory, this three-level evolutionary beast was actually an evolutionary beast that Zhao Han had accidentally conquered on his way from the hero city to the base of Dalongshan.

Although is a third-level evolutionary beast, the size of the nine-step snake is not huge, and it can even be said to be very small. It can be wrapped around Zhao Han's wrist like a bracelet.

关键 At a critical moment, this violent nine-step snake struck all people, including his father and those subordinates who were loyal to his father. Zhao Han's surprise attack was unexpected and unexpected.

No one expected that their own people would suddenly kill, and naturally, they were all poisoned by the nine step snake.

Although his father killed the nine step snake in the end, he was not Zhao Han's opponent under poisoning.

When withdrawing from this memory of Zhao Han, Wu Yan's face was gloomy and watery, although it was long known that his father's death could not be separated from Zhao Han, but seeing this scene from the perspective of Zhao Han was another matter Already.

Zhao Han has rolled his eyes and foamed his mouth. With the anger in Wu Yan's heart, he squeezed the palm of his neck and tightened a lot without knowing that he was about to choke him.

Seeing this scene, resisting the killing intention in his heart, Wu Yan's palm was relaxed a little bit, and his mind was put a little before he left Dalongshan Base that day.

Soon, Wu Yan finally understood the truth of the matter.

At first, Zhao Han actually shot a third-level awakener but sneaked into Xiaomeng, wanting to break each one, and that night, it happened that he had crossed over to other planes, not the night in the real world.

Then, early the next morning, a sneak attack on Xiaomeng's person secretly died, but died under the hands of the zombies.

So Zhao Han felt that the zombies hidden in the base had an inseparable relationship with himself.

"Did you sneak attack on Xiao Meng's people, but died under the hands of the zombie? Sure enough, is Xiao Meng really a zombie?" After seeing this memory of Zhao Han, Wu Yan muttered in his heart.

Although so far, all signs indicate that Xiao Meng is really a zombie, but Wu Yan still has some unwillingness to believe.

I have followed myself for so long. If Xiao Meng is really a zombie, why didn't she eat herself?


I was in Wu Yan's heart, thinking about Xiao Meng's identity secretly. At this time, Zhao Han's breath suddenly shocked. At the same time, he punched Wu Yan's chest fiercely.

He strengthened his attack power and concentrated all the resistance forces on this punch.

But, facing Zhao Han's punch, Wu Yan didn't mean to dodge at all, and his domineering power covered his chest.

Then, this fist was fiercely put on Wu Yan's body, but issued a dull, like the sound of hitting the iron plate.

"I'm sorry, I originally wanted to kill you upright in a big crowd, but now, I don't have time to accompany you to play." Wu Yan accepted Zhao Han's full of strength Boxing, however, did not change his face, said Zhao Han calmly.

During the conversation, powerful power perfused on his fingers. Several fingers contained a mighty force, and he squeezed it fiercely.

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寒 Zhao Han's body is indeed like steel, but under the power of Wu Yan, even steel is completely deformed, making a sour voice.

Then, Zhao Han's neck was completely pinched, and his neck was completely twisted into an amazing arc.

He pinched Zhao Han's neck. After a while, he felt that the touch in his hand changed from steel to flesh, and Wu Yan let go of his hand.

寒 Zhao Han's body has stopped struggling for a long time, and his apparent lack of breath is obviously dead.

The leader of the Dalongshan base is also Wu Yan's enemies, so Wu Yan was quietly settled.

I looked at Zhao Han who was dead in front of me, and Wu Yan's heart filled with emotion for a while.

Strength, sometimes it is really a good thing. At the time, Zhao Han was an insurmountable mountain to himself. However, after his strength completely crushed Zhao Han today, he sneaked into the Dalongshan base. It is easy to kill him.

自己 For myself, the high speed that once hit the head seems to be nothing.

"Ah! Wu Yan! You, what have you done !?".

With Zhao Han's death, Wu Yan's heart secretly sighed. Suddenly, a man opened the door and came in. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but scream.

This exclamation interrupted Wu Yan's thoughts.

After returning to God, Wu Yan glanced at him and said nothing, and killed Zhao Han himself. This is not a problem that people are afraid of. After all, the festival between himself and Zhao Han is unknown.

With Zhao Han's death, Wu Yan can be regarded as a revenge, and did not stay to say anything. He stretched out his palm, and a space teleportation magic was quickly completed.

Immediately after, Wu Yan stepped out and left the side of Dalongshan Base. When it appeared again, it was already back in the woods.

"Ah, everyone, come, Wu Yan, he assassinated the leader!", After Wu Yan left, the magic of space transmission was also lifted, the man shouted with a look of horror on his face.

The entire leader ’s office immediately became turbulent, and the news that leader Zhao Han was assassinated by Wu Yan quickly spread to the high-level of the Dalongshan base.

Wuyan is not very clear about the turmoil in the Dalongshan base, but Zhao Han's death is believed to spread throughout the base soon. If he wants, Wuyan can go to the Dalongshan base at any time to take the position of leader .

But Wu Yan is not in a hurry. He wants to figure out Xiao Meng's identity well, and it is impossible to abandon Xiao Meng for no reason, but if Xiao Meng is a zombies, he will take her into the survivor base ? Isn't this irresponsible to the other survivors?

Therefore, without rushing to seize the position of the leader of the Dalongshan base, Wu Yan returned directly to the grove with the space magic, and of course, he also found Xiao Meng.

I watched Wu Yan come back. Mo Yunbao was shaking his tail like a pug, trotting to Wu Yan's side.

Similarly, Xiao Meng next to him was sitting bored, and saw Wu Yan return, Xiao Meng's face also showed a naive and bright smile, trotting over.

"Xiao Meng ...", looking at Xiao Meng next to her, Wu Yan was a bit complicated, and she touched her head with a little coddling.

Then, the palm of the hand was lifted up in the void, and then, four zombie crystal nuclei appeared in Wu Yan's palm ~ ~ The first one was obtained before Wu Yan met Ding Han. In addition, Three were obtained when the leader of the zombies was slaughtered. Wu Yan took out all four zombies and placed them in front of Xiaomeng.

Zombies and zombies can devour powerful awakeners to accelerate their own evolution. Similarly, they can also devour the nucleus of zombies to accelerate their own evolution.

Although all signs indicate that Xiao Meng is a zombie, Wu Yan still has to take this out for the final test.

Looking at the four zombie crystal nuclei in Wu Yan's hands, Xiao Meng's bright smile slowly closed, and her eyes were full of complex expressions staring at Wu Yan. There were sadness, fear, and perseverance ...

Xiao Meng's look gave Wu Yan a little pain. Immediately, Wu Yan showed a petting smile and touched Xiao Meng's head, saying, "No matter what kind of identity you are, I won't abandon you. ".

Wu Yan's words seemed to give Xiao Meng great encouragement. He hesitated for a moment. Xiao Meng slowly stretched out his little hand and picked the crystal nucleus of the zombie female leader from Wu Yan's palm, and then Zhang Open your mouth and bite.

"Sure enough, she really is ...", watching Xiao Meng take the initiative to eat a zombie crystal nucleus, although Wu Yan's mind had long been guessed, but her eyes were still black.

I didn't expect to accompany herself for so long, and even experience the life and death of Xiao Meng in One Piece World, her identity was really a zombie.

"Wu ... Wuyan ... Brother ... Brother ...".

Tong Xiaomeng's mouth was stuttered, and she was articulate. This is also the first time Wu Yan has spoken since she met her.

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