Plane Master Copy

Chapter 529: : Fairy Mode Reappearance

Looking at the crystal points of the black water mysterious snake, Wu Yan took a sigh of relief.

Although it is known from the original works of Xunxian that the power of the blackwater mystic snake must be very strong, after all, except for the yellow bird that appeared when the treasure of the emperor was opened to restrain it, the power of the blackwater mystic snake is almost so strong that it has no opponents. However, Wu Yan did not expect that the crystal point number of this blackwater black snake was as high as 10,000.

This is the level of a real fifth-order evolutionary beast.

"This is? Ancient strange beast, black water mysterious snake?", Looking at the strange beast with the true content exposed in the ruthless sea, Tian Yiyi's face with a terrified look, shouted in surprise.

I didn't expect to encounter the legendary ancient beast here. The power of this blackwater mysterious snake is by no means capable of confronting human beings. I knew that a monster like blackwater mysterious snake was here, and Tian would not come easily.

"Wu Yan, use your Taoism to leave, hurry up ...", watching the black water mysterious snake appeared, Tian could not rush to Wu Yan in a hurry.

Facing the black water snake, he had no intention to try it.

"There are so many terrible monsters in the world. There are such terrible monsters all over the world." Looking at the huge black water mysterious snake, Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu next to each other were dazzled.

Originally looking at Su Zuo Neng Hu's body, they already felt terrible, but judging from the size, this black water mystic snake is larger than Wu Yan's Su Zuo Neng Hu before.


Although most of the black water snake is immersed in the ruthless sea, the bare part of the body already makes people feel the heavy pressure. His eyes are waiting for Wu Yan and others, his eyes are full of With the breath of tyranny and killing.

"It's so strong, there's no need to do anything with it, let's go ..." Looking at the crystal points of the blackwater mystic snake, Wu Yan didn't have the will to fight with it. He nodded to Tian Yiyi and immediately stretched out his palm. To start the magic of architecture space teleportation to leave.

This black water mystic snake also looked at it, and it was unnecessary to do it.

However, although Wu Yan wanted to leave, the blackwater mystic snake didn't let them leave easily. The huge snake tail swayed. Under the power of the blackwater mystic snake, the waves in the relentless sea set off and turned into one. Large swaths of water waved down towards Wu Yan and others.

The overwhelming waves make it difficult to produce an unmatched mind. The level of the five-level evolutionary beast. The power of this black water mysterious snake is beyond imagination.

"This is indeed an existence that can not be countered by human power." Wu Yan sighed in his heart while watching the waves set off by the black water black snake.

10,000 crystal points, supernatural power and physical strength are not mentioned for the time being, just the crystal point number makes people feel a sense of suffocation.

Even if Wu Yan had all the cards in his hand and the blessing of the equipment, at most he could fight against monsters with four or five thousand crystal points. The power of this black water mystic snake has a crushing advantage.

Looking at the oncoming waves, Wu Yan sighed secretly, it was too late to transmit magic in the architectural space.

After stopping to prepare for half of the magic, Wu Yan's yellow sand hand appeared, a fierce slash, and a huge chopping waved out with Wu Yan's attack, instantly separating the huge waves in front of him.

However, as the giant waves separated, a dark head could be seen, and they banged directly on Wu Yan's side.

It turned out that with the huge waves as the attack, the shape of the blackwater mysterious snake rushed after the huge waves, and the blackwater mysterious snake who had approached it opened its mouth of blood, let alone prepare for space to transmit magic. Even the status of the Eight Doors is too late.

World and Promise, Qiankun borrows the law!

Wu Yan bit his finger and drew a Tai Chi pattern on his palm. Immediately, the endless power between heaven and earth was mobilized at this moment and blessed Wu Yan's body, making his breath swell. stand up.

Compared to the Eight Doors, Qiankun ’s blessing by law is a little weaker, but it is faster to perform, and after the increase, it will not cause too much load on itself.

Taking Qiankun's Taoism to temporarily improve his cultivation, Wu Yan followed his ability to perform shaving and pulled back.

In the face of this black water mystic snake with 10,000 crystal points, even if Wu Yan had the blessing of Qiankun to borrow the law, he did not dare to confront it.

At the same time, Wu Yan is going to take out the pet order, and let Shenlong help himself to gain time to transfer magic in the architecture space.

Although from the point of crystal point of view, the black water mystic snake is even higher than Shenlong, but the number of crystal points close to 9,000 and the number of 10,000 is not too big. With the power of Shenlong, he defeated Black Shui Xuan She won't say for the time being, but it should be possible to win time.

It was just that Wu Yan had n’t had time to take out the pet order when he pulled out. Suddenly, Wu Yan felt the aura between heaven and earth, as if it were a catalyst, and merged with his own strength and spiritual strength. At the same time, inexplicable power erupted from within him.

"Is this? Fairy Mode? Suddenly entered Fairy Mode without warning?", Feeling the strength in his body, with the blessing of heaven and earth, got some strong catalysis, Wu Yan's heart moved and sink With the mind in mind, he secretly thought about the characteristics of the fairy mode.

For no reason, why is this fairy mode turned on again?


In the crystallizer, as the fairy mode is turned on, the breath on Wuyan is expanding. At the same time, the crystal point number of Wuyan in the crystallizer is also constantly increasing.

In Tian Yiyi's eyes, they can see that Wu Yan's face suddenly appeared some mysterious and mysterious patterns, making Wu Yan look mysterious and amazing.

3228 ... 4050 ... 4865 ...

With the opening of the fairy mode, the number of crystal points of Wuyan is constantly increasing. In the crystal measuring device, the number of crystal points about itself is slowly, which has stabilized.

Until the end, the number of crystal points was stable at about 6,600.

Unprecedented powerful forces are jumping in their own body, as if the flood of the **** has been decided, Wu Yan feels that if he is willing, he seems to be able to split the world with a sword!

"It's strong! With my cultivation and promotion, this fairy mode has become stronger!" Looking at his current 6600 crystal points, Wu Yan muttered in his heart.

The number of crystal points itself is more than 2,400. After entering the fairy mode, now, the number of crystal points has doubled or tripled. It is no wonder that in the Naruto plane, whether the Uzumaki Naruto has enabled the fairy mode, the gap in strength is very large.

The improvement of two or three times is of course extraordinary.

Of course, compared to the power in the fairy mode, Wu Yan's mind is more on the opening of the fairy mode.

Finally, I have the opportunity to enter Fairy Mode again. Wu Yan naturally has to pay close attention to what is required to enter Fairy Mode.

Entering the fairy mode this time, Wu Yan felt that the problem was mainly the question of the ratio between the amount of blessings and the strength of himself when he borrowed the law.

Qiankun's Taoism can mobilize the power between heaven and earth to bless himself, but how much is the power of this heaven and earth mobilized? But it is related to the environment.

Where there is plenty of aura, the power of this Taoism blessing is more, and where the aura is depleted, blessing is naturally less.

And the blessed power and its own power need a certain ratio to produce a catalytic effect, merge into the immortal chakra, and let yourself enter the fairy mode.

Therefore, although Wu Yan repeatedly used the power of Qian Kun borrowing methods, it was not so easy to accurately achieve the delicate ratio. Therefore, Wu Yan tried many times and all failed.

After all, the ratio is not so easy to control, and the most important thing is that with the continuous improvement of Wu Yan ’s cultivation, the strength of the heaven and earth that needs to be blessed also needs to be continuously increased, which requires Wu Yan to explore and control it by himself Already.


Not to mention the coincidence of Wu Yan's chance, after entering the fairy mode again, what kind of situation is the black water mysterious snake, but he didn't bother so much, and his huge head continued to slam toward Wu Yan.

This head is just like a building. The shape of the black water snake gives an unparalleled feeling.


However, looking at the head hit by the black water mysterious snake, Wu Yan's yellow sand hand lay in front of him, and his heart drank in a low voice.

With a bang, the huge head of the Blackwater Hydra snake hit Wuyan's sword. Compared to the shape of the Blackwater Hydra snake, the sword of the hand of Huangsha looks like an embroidery needle, and Wuyan is as small as A flea, but what is shocking is that the head of the Blackwater Xuan snake hit Wu Yan, but was blocked and difficult to enter.

"What !?", looking at the huge black water mysterious snake, was actually blocked by Wu Yan's sword, Tian Yiyi and others were dumbfounded and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Because of the huge difference in body shape, this scene looks particularly shocking.

It's like a rhino running at a high speed, but it is resisted by a mouse. All this does not meet the common sense in everyone's mind.

"Kick fly!" After blocking, Wu Yan didn't want to, the skill of kick fly was almost arbitrary, his waist twisted, and one leg followed the head of this black water mysterious snake.

Then ~ ~ The huge black water mystic snake, under Wu Yan's foot, was kicked and flew back directly. The huge body fell into the ruthless sea and splashed a huge wave.

It's not over yet!

Watching the body of the black water mysterious snake fall into the ruthless sea, Wu Yan whispered in his heart.

Immediately, Huang Sha's hand was raised high, and a huge and exaggerated slash, followed by Wu Yan's action severely split into the ruthless sea.

Wuyan's crystal points have reached the level of 6,600, plus the blessing of the snake bone poison ring and the hand of the yellow sand, the existence of seven or eight thousand crystal points.

Although it is inferior to the blackwater mystic snake with 10,000 crystal points, it still has 70% to 80% of its power.

Remember the first domain name in this book: .. m.

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