Plane Master Copy

Chapter 530: : Pretend to run

A huge slash, very exaggerated, one slash fell, and the entire ruthless sea seemed to be separated, split into two.

At the same time, the screams of the blackwater mysterious snake can be heard in the ruthless sea. Obviously, even this blackwater mysterious snake is not so good. The red blood is blooming in the relentless sea Red blood flower.

"Okay, amazing ...", looking at the scene in front of him, Tian couldn't be stunned and incredible.

And the breath emanating from Wu Yan even made Tian hardly feel shocked. This breath made people feel a sense of suffocation, terrible breath. I did not expect that even the black water mystic snake was not his opponent?

"It turned out that he hadn't exhausted all his strength when he was discussing with Brother Zhang on the Qingyun Mountain? Was this his real strength? Are the monks from overseas Xianshan stronger than the Central Plains?" Murmured.

"Great, is this the real strength of Wu Yan's predecessors?" Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu next to him looked at the strength shown by Wu Yan and watched that the black water snake was under Wu Yan's hands. Injured, the two were equally stunned.

As for the power of Wu Yan, they have reached the point of blind worship. In their hearts, the power of Wu Yan is omnipotent.


The merciless sea was separated, and the huge body of the black water mysterious snake reappeared, staring at Wu Yan with eyes full of violent colors. You can see a huge wound on the black water mysterious snake's head. more than.

The flesh and blood on his head rolled out, and he could even see the white bones inside.

"What a powerful body!" Looking at the injured blackwater mysterious snake, Wu Yan's heart felt secretly.

Although it seems that the injury is not mild, even the bones on his head can be seen, but in fact, his own beating was blocked by the skull of the blackwater mysterious snake.

Wu Yan's current beating is comparable to a strong man with seven or eight thousand crystal points. This attack, even a mountain, can be cut from beginning to end. However, it fell on the head of the black water snake, even its The skull couldn't be cut open, showing how much its physical defenses had reached.

"Look at me!" Tian Tianyi, who seemed to feel a bit uncomfortable looking around, took a deep breath and drank in his mouth.

The sword drew, and then a flying sword shot toward the black water mysterious snake like a spirit snake.

With a bang, Mars was splashing.

The flying sword landed on the head of the black water snake, collided with the scales on the head, and suddenly burst out a fine piece of Mars.

Then Fei Jian flew back to Tian Yiyi's hands, looking at the scales of the black water mysterious snake without leaving any marks, Tian Yiyi's face was a little black.

Compared to Wu Yan's power, Tian couldn't easily feel that he had just acted like a clown.

"Wu Yan can damage the black water mystic snake that the extraordinary person is capable of. Is his strength beyond the mortal realm?" Looking back, Tian Yiyi's eyes fell on Wu Yan.

After shooting in person, I can more deeply appreciate the horror of the black water mysterious snake, and this just illustrates the power of Wu Yan.

"Immortal law-wooden crickets! The technique of wooden dragons!", Ignoring Tian's uneasy look, Wu Yan closed his palms together and drank in his heart.

Immediately, a large area of ​​tree vines appeared in the ruthless sea. The combined tree vines were very large, almost the size of the black water mysterious snake, opened their mouths, and bite down toward the black water mysterious snake.

Although the immortal mode is powerful, it is just like the eight-door armor, and has a certain time limit. After all, Wuyan's immortal mode is motivated by the Taoist method of Qiankun borrowing, and the Taoist method of Qiankun borrowing the power of heaven and earth It will run out.

Therefore, Wu Yan did not waste time, and powerful forces surged.

The black water snake and the huge wooden dragon bite in the ruthless sea, and the whole ruthless sea seemed to be boiling and raging.

As a result, Zhang Xiaofan had no way to stand. They could only float in the air with the imperial flight flying, one by one staring at the killing in the ruthless sea.

In the final analysis, the blackwater mystic snake is more powerful. Under the bite, the wooden blocks are splashing and killing. Mulong is not the opponent of the blackwater mystic snake, and soon he was bitten by many parts. .

"Xianfa, Mu Yan, thousands of hands!".

Seeing that the black water snake had bitten the wooden dragon, Wu Yan whispered in his heart, and the huge Buddha statue appeared again, standing on the ruthless sea.

Then, hundreds of fists fought fiercely toward the black water snake.

Bang Bang!

The innumerable fists smashed into the black water mysterious snake one after another, smashing its huge body directly into the ruthless sea.

However, these fists did not mean to keep their hands in the slightest, and followed the breaking water.

The stern roar sounded, and this continuous fist fell on the body of the black water mysterious snake, which was obviously uncomfortable.

"Okay ... awesome ...", watching this scene, watching Wu Yan completely hang the black water mysterious snake, Tian beside him was not easy for them, completely dumbfounded.

Is such great power really what mortals can have? With thousands of hands, the power in Fairy Mode is much stronger than when it was on Qingyun Mountain.

"Okay, let's go ...", after dropping the blackwater mystic snake to the ruthless ocean floor, Wu Yan quickly transmitted the magic of the architectural space, and then jumped first.

At almost the same time, the patterns on Wu Yan's face faded, and his breath resembled a punctured balloon, shrinking rapidly.

"Predecessor Wu Yan, did you kill that monster?" Seeing Wu Yan ran through the space portal, Zhang Xiaofan naturally left behind Wu Yan, watching Wu Yan wave his hand and lifted The magic of the space portal, Zhang Xiaofan asked curiously. It seemed that Wu Yan had completely crushed the black water mysterious snake in the recent battle.

"Wake up, that's impossible ..." Zhang Xiaofan said, letting Wu Yan's mouth twitch slightly, and shook his head at him.

Indeed, it just seemed that he had the upper hand and was holding down the blackwater black snake, but Wu Yan also understood that his attack could only cause some minor injuries to the blackwater black snake, and wanted to kill Dead black water snake is almost impossible.

10,000 crystal points, fifth-level evolutionary beast-level strength, that is impossible.

My fairy mode is almost unsustainable. If you do n’t run again, you wo n’t be able to run.

"It seems that although the shape you just made is very powerful, it can't last long. No wonder you have to run away." Tian Tian, ​​who was not easy to watch Wu Yan's face representing the fairy pattern disappeared, said suddenly.


In the ruthless sea, the Blackwater Hydra snake was completely enraged. Thousands of hands attacked it and withstood thousands of boxing. Even the blackwater Hydra snake was strong, but he felt aching body, as if the bones and shelves of his body were all It's going to fall apart.

With endless anger, the blackwater mystic snake rushed out of the ruthless sea. However, the figures of Wuyan and others have completely disappeared, and a blackwater mystic snake that has nowhere to vent his anger, attacking everything around him frantically. .


Outside the Wanbat Grotto, talents such as Wu Yan have just come through the magic of the space portal, they can all feel the violent shaking of the earth, and can also hear the angry roar of the black water mysterious snake below the ground.

Take a closer look at the surrounding area. The earth within a hundred miles is shaken, like an earthquake.

"What a terrible power, it is indeed the legendary ancient beast. The power of one's own can actually shake the earth." Feeling the earthquake that broke out because of the anger of the black water mysterious snake, Tian Yiyi's heart was surprised and sighed, Sighed by the terrible power of the Blackwater Hydra.

“Let ’s go, let ’s go back”. After dialing the blackwater mystic snake, Wuyan ’s trip to the Wanbat Ancient Caves was relatively smooth. He stretched out his palms again during the talk and waved gently in the void. After a few laps, the space magic back to Qingyunmen was quickly constructed.

However, looking at this space to transmit magic, Lin Jingyu and Zhang Xiaofan did not intend to cross the past.

Obviously, they are still reluctant to go back.

"How? Noisy and noisy, don't you want to go back? Do you want to leave the world for such a lifetime?" Zhang Xiaofan's move wrinkled Tian Diyi's brow deeply, and said politely, apparently Very angry.

Zhang Xiaofan lowered his head, and did not mean that Hetian would not be easy to argue with each other.

"At the time of our tragedy in Caomiao Village, Qingyunmen also had half of the responsibility. The two of us couldn't stay at Qingyunmen peacefully anymore," Lin Jingyu next to him said, expressing his own thoughts.

"Well, did you come here when you wanted to, and you wanted to leave? Today I am here, I ca n’t let you leave, otherwise how can I explain to the head brother and Cang Song when I go back?" Then, Tian easily shook his head and said.

During the conversation, the breath on his body was raised. Obviously, if the two of them were unwilling to go back, Tian could not easily take them back.

Seeing that Tian was not easy to act, Zhang Xiaofan still lowered his head and said nothing. Although he decided to leave Qingyunmen, he still remembered Tian ’s easy nurture ~ ~ It is impossible to shoot at him.

However, Lin Jingyu next to him didn't have so many scruples, the sword in his hand came out, and the two writing-eyes of the two hooks stared at Tian Di easily.

"Well, there's no need to make a sword?", Watching Tian Bianyi and Lin Jingyu look like they are about to start, Wu Yan waved his hand and stood up, standing in the middle of the two of them at the same time.

"Wu Yan, do you want to step in again?" Tian couldn't easily look at Wu Yan and said seriously.

"Of course not. This is your family's housework at Qingyunmen. Where am I an outsider to get involved?" Tian Tianyi made Wu Yan shake his head.

However, as soon as this was said, Wu Yan paused slightly, then looked at Lin Jingyu and Zhang Xiaofan and said, "However, as far as I know, these demons of the Ghost King sect will soon attack Qingyunmen. Will open. "

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