Plane Master Copy

Chapter 826: : The Truth of Liu Ying's Invincibility

Invincible, Liu Ying feels like invincible.

Unlike Saitama's pure strength, Liu Ying's strength lies entirely in her mystery and all attacks are invalid to her.

"My sword technique, a physical attack method, is completely invalid, but Xiao Meng's ice and snow attack, a magic method attack method, is still ineffective. Is it similar to a duel, any attack will attack her Is it difficult to cause harm? ".

Yan Wuyan's eyes fell on Liu Ying's body, and he secretly thought about the countermeasures.

A totally ineffective attack means, if this secret is not unlocked, the battle with her will be completely invincible.

"It must be a special ability similar to block and duel, and the so-called special ability must have some kind of limitation. So, you still have to think of establishing a connection first and look at the ability in her disk to understand? ".

After thinking for a moment, Wu Yan's mind changed a countermeasure.

However, no matter what kind of thought was in Wu Yan's heart, Liu Ying's attack didn't hesitate and rushed directly to Wu Yan's front.

I was again and again fighting ability, greeted Wuyan side.

Xu took a deep breath, Wu Yan tied his hands with his hands, and then lightly pressed down to the ground. Many black rune styles, as if alive, spread towards Liu Ying's body.

If the attacking method is useless, then Wu Yan will have a look at his ability to perform sealing.

I don't want the seal to be able to successfully control the opponent, but it is also good to delay for a moment.

The rune style was as if coming alive and spreading towards Liu Ying.

Similarly, I am very confident in my own abilities. In the face of Wu Yan's rune spells, Liu Ying still has no meaning to dodge. Let these rune spells quickly cover his whole body.

It's just that what surprised Wu Yan has appeared. Even with these rune spells, there is still no way to play a role in Liu Ying, and the seal cannot be used.

"What happened? Is she really invincible?"

I ran across the heavens and earth, and Wu Yan did not know how many battles, large and small, and had been fighting for more than ten years. However, this was the first time that it seemed that any attack was invalid to her.

If that's the case, is it still necessary for such a fight to continue? No matter who she faces, is her power invincible?

"Oh? Is it a brand new ability? You have already exerted a lot of magical powers. I wonder if you have any other means?" Looked at these rune styles that seem to be alive, Liu Ying ’s In his eyes, Wu Yan was still staring with anticipation.

Yan Liuying's eyes made Wu Yan feel very uncomfortable. It seems that Liu Ying's discussion with herself has become a joke between adults and children, and herself is the teased child.

In such a situation, I believe that no matter who it is, you will not feel happy?

"Well, since you are very curious about my abilities, then I will let you see and see ..." Take a deep breath, Wu Yan's heart is a little angry, and at the same time, wonder if the situation of the other party is Invincible power.

At this moment, the power of the soul was mobilized. Wu Yan's body flickered and disappeared into a cloud of smoke. At the same time, she appeared in front of Liu Ying, and patted it against Liu Ying's shoulder.

Wu Wuyan knew very well that Liu Ying was very confident in her physical condition, so she didn't mean to dodge in the face of any attack.

Of course, she also has confident capital. After all, physical attacks, spell attacks, and even seals are not effective for her.

However, this time the shooting of Wu Yan's palm is not a means of attack.

Sure enough, Liu Ying seems to particularly like to see others' ineffective and unbelievable expressions, or that she really likes to use this trick to fight the confidence of others.

Therefore, looking at the photographed palm of Wu Yan, Liu Ying still did not mean to dodge, and he was ready to bear the palm of Wu Yan with his body.

"It's useless, for so many years, all kinds of attacks, even strange abilities like curses, have no way to cause harm to the president. Four years in the last days, the president has never been hurt ...".

I saw that Wu Yanming knew that the attack should be ineffective, but he actually shot it, and Li Zhiwang next to him shook his head, and secretly murmured in his heart.

Wu Yan naturally ignored the thoughts of others. His palm fell on Liu Ying's body, and his brows couldn't help but be surprised.

Although this palm shot was taken, with a real touch, Wu Yan felt an invisible force, completely unloading his strength, and left no strength on the opponent's body.

I feel like I've lost my palm.

"It turns out that this is her ability? Can all attacks be removed? No trace of it on her?"

I felt that the strength of the palm was completely removed, as if hitting the air, it seemed to Wu Yan's heart secretly.

I finally knew a little bit about Liu Ying's ability.

Of course, although the strength of this palm does not remain on the other person's body, there is still contact on the limb.

The power of the puppet soul was launched, and then Liu Ying's soul was pushed out of the body directly under the palm of Wu Yan.

There is no way to stop the power of the flesh, but the power of the soul is completely different from the power of matter ...

"This? What is the situation !?", Liu Ying, whose soul was pushed out, changed his face.

From the perspective of her soul body, she was naturally able to see her back of the head, which surprised her.

At the same time, Liu Ying was able to clearly see that as her soul left the flesh, her body was directly paralyzed.

"Sure enough, her ability is only effective on matter, and it is ineffective on such illusory things as soul ..." Seeing her success, Wu Yan muttered in her heart.

He narrowed his eyes quickly and watched Liu Ying's body collapsed and fell down. Wu Yan quickly reached out her hand and made her look afraid of the other's fall.

Naturally, with contact on the limbs, computer page prompts come as scheduled.

Ding Ding, discover removable storage!

"Success!", Seeing the computer pop-up prompt, Wu Yan was overjoyed.

In secret, quickly opened Liu Ying's disk space, and then quickly looked at the other party's disk.

Wu first looked at the C drive. Wu Yan found that Liu Ying's C drive was no different from ordinary people. Wu Yan then opened the D drive of the other party.

"How is this possible !? The President is actually fainted !?", not to mention what kind of operation Wu Yan is performing, all the members of the union such as Li Zhiwang are dumbfounded.

They don't know Wu Yan's ability, and they can't see the soul body. In their opinion, Wu Yan slaps on Liu Ying's body with a palm, and she passes out.

This is the first time that someone has succeeded in harming the president.

"Hey, Wu Yan, what's going on? What the **** is wrong with me? You answer me ...", watching Wu Yan's weak body hold up, Liu Ying shouted loudly at Wu Yan.

Suddenly his soul left the body, is he already dead? This made Liu Ying feel a little anxious.

But at this time, Wu Yan was busy looking at what happened to Liu Ying's ability, so she pretended not to hear it, and then opened up the other party ’s D disk space to check the other party ’s skill area.

Soon, several skill documents caught Wu Yan's attention.

"Smooth bacteria", "Absorb bacteria", "Spirit bacteria" ...

"Is this her ability? It turns out that her ability is the ability of bacteria?" Looking at the skills file in the D disk of the other person, Wu Yan's face looked surprised, and she realized suddenly.

会 The chairman of the Awakened Workers Union actually awakened the ability of bacteria.

"Smooth bacteria? Is this a kind of bacteria that can completely reduce friction? It turns out that this is why other people's attacks are completely ineffective against her?"

Wu Yan first entered Wuyan's eyes with this slippery bacterium. Seeing here, a flash of light flashed through Wu Yan's mind, and then he suddenly realized.

The friction force is 0, that is, any substance falling on the bacteria will be slipped away, and the natural physical attack will be completely invalid.

The energy supply like ice is actually material, so it has been slipped away ~ ~ and even the seal method is completely invalid.

The ability of this slippery bacterium has been developed to the point where she can slide all attacks away.

"Unbelievable. It stands to reason that this slippery bacterium should only be able to slide away physical attacks, but now it is able to slide away spells, and even mysterious seals and curses, etc.? The extent of this ability , Has reached a very high point, right? "After confirming the role of slippery bacteria, Wu Yan's heart was shocked secretly.

This reminds Wu Yan of the tyrant bear, one of the seven princes of the Seven Thousand Seas, on the throne of One Piece.

It stands to reason that his meatball fruit should only bounce away all attacks, but it was developed by the bear that even the illusory things like fatigue can bounce away ...

的 The effect of this slippery bacteria is similar to that of bears.

Whether it is Liu Ying or Xiong, the development of capabilities has also reached a very high level.

Furthermore, Wu Yan still remembers the One Piece plane, and there is also a female pirate holding a mace, originally ugly, but ate a slippery fruit and turned into a big beauty.

Also, her skin became very smooth, and she seemed to be able to bounce off physical attacks.

Suddenly in her heart, after understanding why Liu Ying invalidated all attacks, Wu Yan was shocked by the strength of Liu Ying's skill. Naturally, she wanted to copy it.

With this ability, wouldn't he be able to slip away all attacks and be invincible?

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