Plane Master Copy

Chapter 827: : Emperor Capital Shock

The ability of slippery bacteria is not weak in itself. After being developed by Liu Ying to the point that even the method of attack can completely slide away, it is even more powerful.

As long as this skill is copied, it is reasonable to say that most of the attacks can be ignored, just like the legendary state of invasion, Wu Yan is naturally eager and wants to copy it.

However, when Wu Yan carefully looked at this slippery bacteria's skill file, his face was a little black.

This skill is indeed very strong and has been developed very deeply by Liu Ying. Therefore, the capacity of this skill file is also very large, which is 18G in size.

武 For Wu Yan, the D disk space in the skill area has always been a disk with a very scarce capacity in Wu Yan. Otherwise, these skills will not be cut off.

After Wu Yan copied the ability to heal immortals on the undocumented knight, Wu Yan's current D disk space capacity is only 12G.

So, if you want to copy this slippery bacteria skill file, Wu Yan has to arrange his disk space a little.

"Wu Yan, what's wrong with you President?"

Obviously, there is not so much time for Wu Yan to arrange the disk space properly. The staff of the awakening union next to him watched Liu Ying slump and fell into a coma, saying a lot, Wu Yan ignored it These people were obviously in a hurry, and all of them were surrounded.

I have no time to organize and copy, and then drag on, these people say they must not do it themselves.

The soul body next to Liu Ying also kept talking to herself.

Wu Wuyan shook her head helplessly and lifted her palm slightly. Immediately, Liu Ying's soul returned to her body under the control of Wu Yan.

Successfully controlled Liu Ying ’s soul, which made Wu Yan ’s heart secretly fortunate. Fortunately, Liu Ying ’s soul is not strong enough, and her ability to awaken has nothing to do with her soul. There really is nothing to do.

As the soul returned to the body, naturally, Liu Ying also awakened. However, she woke up and stared at Wu Yan with anger, surprise, and wonder ...

Obviously, Wu Yan's power surprised her, especially the ability he showed was even more amazing.

Not only has the healing ability, the space ability to move instantly, but also the ability to deal with the soul.

Any of these abilities is enough to make people very powerful, not to mention that Wu Yan has all these abilities alone.

"Mr. President, are you okay?" As Liu Ying woke up, several staff members hurried over, all with surprise and eagerness on his face.

For so many years, I first saw Liu Ying defeated by others.

Yes, under the palm of Wu Yan, everyone is in a coma. Is this not defeated?

"Good boy, your abilities are really strong. Although the number of crystal points is only 4100, but these abilities have made you enough to get the certification of Level 5 Awakener ..." Liu Ying said with a look of surprise on her face .

The number of crystal points of 4100 has been certified by Level 5 Awakener?

To be honest, Liu Ying was surprised by her conclusion when she said this sentence.

As Liu Ying's words fell, the other people next to the Awakeners' Union also had a shocking look on their faces.

越高 The higher the certification level, the lower the number of crystal points, which proves that the other party's ability to awaken is very strong, and the degree of development of its own ability is very high.

了 Reached the fifth-level awakener, but only 4100 crystal points, whoever would hear it, would be dumbfounded?

Although Wu Yan is certified as a Level 5 Awakener, this fact is shocking, but even the Chairman of the Board has been defeated by him, and it is true that he is a Level 5 Awakener?

"If this news is to be spread, the whole emperor will be shaken, right? The level 5 awakener certification of 4100 crystal points ...", next to it, some staff members murmured in a low voice with a shocked look.

"Well, the President has never been hurt for so many years. If someone stuns the adult, and gets the Level 5 Awakener's certification, it will make the entire Emperor crazy, right?" Gave a different statement.

Relatively speaking, it is even more shocking news that the president of the undefeated goddess, who is known as the undefeated goddess, has been broken.

Uh ...

Not to mention what kind of thoughts the people next to him were, Liu Ying's eyes fell on Wu Yan at this time.

I seriously looked at Wu Yan. After a moment, I said, "Boy Wu Yan, if I didn't guess wrong, when you started to discuss with me, you were still injured?"

"Yes, I do have injuries", Wu Yan nodded slightly and admitted frankly.

In Wu Yan's view, the other party can see at a glance that she has the fighting power, deliberately provoked herself, and let herself fight. Then it is not surprising that she can see that she has an injury on her body.

As the chairman of the Imperial City Awakeners' Union, it would not be possible without a few brushes.

"You kid, it really is a monster, I am waiting for the day when your injury is healed, and I am also curious, if your injury is healed, what is the real power ...", Wu Yan's acknowledgement gave Liu Ying a heart. Sure enough, nodded and said.

Then let people take out the badges of the two level five awakeners and hang them on the chests of Wu Yan and Xiao Meng.

The badge's shape is very exquisite and small. It is carved with translucent sapphire crystal. There is an Arabic numeral "5" on the top and a bar below it, which shows the fifth-level elementary awakening certification.

介绍 After introduction, Wu Yan knows that if it is a Level 5 medium certification, the number is two horizontal bars.

"The certification of the level one awakener is a black iron badge, the level two is a bronze badge, the level three is a silver badge, the level four is a gold badge, and the level five is a sapphire badge, the level five awakener badge, until So far, only a handful of them have been sent out. I did not expect that two pieces would be sent out in one breath today ... ".

志 Li Zhiwang's face had a thick smile, a glorious look.

Of course, it is not just the relationship between the two and Wu Yan. More importantly, these two are brought by themselves. They have completed the certification of Level 5 Awakeners, and they also have substantial benefits.

After all, the Awakened Workers' Union also has regulations that recommend others for certification. If the certification is successful, the higher the level, the higher the reward.

After the authentication was completed, Liu Ying spoke with Wu Yan and Xiao Meng for a while and left the communication method before leaving.

Although it is said that the union will not compulsorily send tasks to members, if there is a major event, the power of the fifth-level awakening is still important. At that time, the union will specifically contact Wuyan and invite them to participate in important activities.

So it is necessary to maintain a certain relationship and contact.

Wu Yan naturally dislikes this, and has to say that Wu Yan is still very satisfied with the system of the Awakened Workers' Union.

I also secretly marveled that as a woman, Liu Ying's ability to establish a union in a place like the Imperial Capital is beyond doubt and admirable.

After the chairman left, the senior members of the Awakeners' Union came to meet Wu Yan and said congratulations in his mouth.

Wu reached out and did not smile at people, Wu Yan also said hello.

"Well, Wu Yan, the strength of your two siblings is really extraordinary, congratulations ..." After the senior staff members have left one after another, Li Zhiwang and Ai Haiqing both This came happily and sincerely congratulated.

Being able to maintain a relationship with two serious fifth-level awakeners is also good for you.

"Well, with happiness and happiness ..." Wu Yan replied to Li Zhiwang's congratulations.

"Uh, huh ..." Wu Yan's words made Li Zhiwang a little embarrassed.

Obviously, he knows that he recommends two people for certification, and he will get a huge reward.

Although the other party borrowed this thing, he had some self-interest, but there was no loss to himself, and it was his meaning to authenticate, so Wu Yan's heart was not angry.

After a few chats with Li Zhiwang, Wu Yan turned and left the union.

After walking out of the union, Wu Yan sighed secretly.

On the surface, it seems that he and Xiao Meng have successfully completed the certification of Level 5 Awakener. It is indeed something to celebrate, but Wu Yan knows ~ ~ This is contrary to his original intention.

I came here to authenticate myself, but I just want to get a more suitable identity to stay in the Imperial City, and then, take a good look at the situation of the Imperial City, it is best to inquire about the things about Doctor Darwin, what will happen Follow-up actions, Wu Yan himself has nothing to attract others' attention.

However, I did not expect that things had reached this point.

As Wu Yan and Xiao Meng walked on the streets of Didu, sure enough, many people paid attention to the two.

Even a patrol of the awakening guards passed by on the road, they deliberately stopped and saluted two people, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng.

Apparently, it is the role of the blue crystal badge that is put on the chests of the two ...

The next day, sure enough, the emperor was soon shaken. Two fifth-level awakenings were born. One of them successfully defeated the chairman of the awakening union and broke her unbeaten legend. Only 4100.

The news soon shook the emperor.

In these days, Wu Yan naturally put away the badges, and did not mean to show his face in front of the public.

No matter how many people are looking for themselves secretly, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng only think that they are here for a holiday in the capital.

After eating, drinking, and having fun for more than half a month, as the heat of news about himself finally receded, the computer graphics on Wu Yan's palms lit up.

Then, turned into a space-time vortex, rolled up Wu Yan and Xiao Meng two disappeared ...

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