Plane Master Copy

Chapter 828: : Back to Marvel

The vortex of time and space, rolled up two people, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng. The rotating space and time vortex is like a washing machine in operation, which makes Wu Yan and Xiao Meng's brains a little dazed.

After a short while, Wu Yan shook his head slightly, his mind became clear, and he looked around with a look of surprise on his face.

Judging from the surrounding scenes, I should be in a large plain, but the surrounding light is very dim, it feels like night.

But if it was late at night, it would be in a distant place, as bright as daylight, and only the place where he stood was dim.

"Muff !!", seeing the dim surroundings, but bright as daylight in the distance, Wu Yan lifted his head as soon as he moved in his heart.

Sure enough, a huge spaceship in the sky, hundreds of meters long, was just above his head and was descending.

Obviously, there is a huge spaceship about to land here, and Wu Yan and Xiao Meng came across, just at the bottom of this spaceship.

"My luck is too bad, isn't it?" Looking at the spaceship that was about to hit his head, Wu Yan's helpless secret road at the same time, grabbed Xiao Meng beside him, and turned into a blue body. The smoke disappeared.

By the time he reappeared, he had already entered the interior of the spacecraft, which was precisely the ability of the nightwalker.


With Wu Yan and Xiao Meng's ability to move instantly into the spacecraft, almost at the same time, a long sword appeared, pointing at Wu Yan.

A black African man holding a sword, but his eyes, as bright as stars, seem to be much brighter than the most precious gem in the world.

"Oh? Are you? Wu Yan?".

This hand held a long sword and pointed at Wu Yan's black strong man. A pair of eyes fell on Wu Yan's body, and he slightly surprised, then said in amazement, and between the words, the sword in the black hand slowly dropped.

"Who are you? Really know me?"

Seeing Wu Yan pointed by the sword, Xiao Meng next raised his hand slightly, and the cold cold air on his body filled out, apparently ready to shoot, but seeing this stranger can recognize his identity, Wu Yan held the side Xiao Meng's hand asked in amazement.

"Hey, Wu Yan, I heard that you haven't disappeared for several years? Are you back?" But, this black man hasn't spoken yet, beside him, a deep and rough voice sounded.

Xun Wuyan looked for reputation. There were thousands of people in the spaceship, and a strong man came out, with short blond hair and a familiar face, which was Thor Thor.

"Thor? And the side, Rocky?" Seeing the brawny man who spoke, Wu Yan looked at the man standing next to Thor and said.

Well, Thor and Thor the evil **** Loki appeared in front of Wu Yan.

的 The presence of the two of them made Wu Yan understand that he was back to the Marvel plane?

A spaceship, with Asgard's people in it?

Is it? Is this the start of Avengers 3? Next, are these people killed by Asgard?

After seeing Thor and Rocky, Wu Yan was in a tight heart and thought of the beginning of Avengers 3.

Only, this idea has just risen, Wu Yan shook his head slightly and denied it again.

This spaceship was just landing, that is to say, haven't they been attacked by Exterminator in the universe? Was this the butterfly effect caused when he came to the Marvel Plane?

"Hey, Wu Yan, are you here to meet me on purpose? Are you okay?" After seeing Wu Yan, Thor was obviously very happy. He came over and patted Wu Yan's shoulder. The Deputy Iron Man asked.

"That, sorry, I want to ask, what is this place? I was just under your spaceship and was almost crushed to death. In addition, I have been missing for years and I haven't seen everyone ..." To Tol, Wu Iwa asked with a blank expression on his face.

"Ah? Aren't you here to meet me? Isn't this the earth here?" Wu Yan said, instead, he held Thor, and said in amazement.

During the conversation, the spacecraft slightly vibrated and successfully landed.

"Is this the Earth? That ’s the case. The time line that came across, after the dusk of the gods, when the Avengers 3 should have started, but because of the butterfly effect caused by my appearance at that time, the tyrant did not Are those who attacked these Asgards? ".

In a few short chats, Wu Yan has been able to understand his current situation.

Anyway, back to Marvel's position, and seeing Thor Thor, this is obviously a good thing.

Similarly, just after the dusk of the gods, Asgard has been destroyed. Thor's mood is a little down. At the moment, he saw Wu Yan and his mood was much better.

喂 "Hey, I said Wu Yan, am I so non-existent?" At the same time, another familiar voice sounded, but it was Dr. Bruce Banner who came out and interjected angrily.

I saw Wu Yan and Thor's good looks reunited after a long absence, but they seemed marginalized, and Dr. Banner had to speak.

"Sorry, Dr. Banner, don't come here without a doubt ...", looking at Bruce Banner who came out, Wu Yan also smiled and said hello.

Don't reunite for a long time, everyone naturally has a lot to say. Rocky is beside him, silent.

After all, compared to Thor and Banner, Rocky and Wu Yan were hostile to each other. Therefore, not only did the two have no friendship, they also had festivals.

Tor and Banner, naturally asked Wu Yan's situation.

武 When Wu Yan crossed to the Marvel Plane, it happened to be the start of the first Avengers. After fighting together, Wu Yan went to Kama Taj to learn magic, and then returned.

For these members of the Avengers, Wu Yan has been missing for many years.

Regarding their inquiries about Thor and Banner, Wu Yan only said that he was studying space magic a few years ago, and accidentally made a mistake. He went to another place and spent several years before relocating the coordinates of the earth , Teleport back ...

"Well, although space magic is magical, it is also very dangerous." When shouting Wu Yan, Thor shrugged and said with emotion.

He naturally has no doubts about Wu Yan's words.

Of course, after Thor asked them about Wuyan, naturally, Wuyan also asked about the development of the Marvel Plane.

Because of Wu Yan's butterfly effect, the plot of the Marvel Plane has indeed changed.

The biggest change is naturally that the spiritual gemstone was taken away by Wu Yan, so the vision did not appear.

The plot of Avengers 2, without the help of Phantom Vision, experienced a very difficult battle.

However, this line of Thor has not changed. The dark elves invaded. Despite Wu Yan's spoiler reminder that year, Thor's mother was killed.

The death goddess Hella also appeared. After the gods dusk, Asgard's people moved to the earth as in the original.

I just do n’t know the whereabouts of the jewels in the soul, and Destroyer has no way to collect six gems. Therefore, he did not attack Asgard as in the original work.

"Mother her, she ...", talking about the death of his mother and father, even Thor's look became down.

Rocky next to me also said nothing. Although she likes pranks, after all, she has raised her parents for thousands of years. Rocky's mood is naturally not much better.

"Well, it seems that some things are destined to be fate?" After learning that this plot line of Thor has hardly changed, Wu Yan sighed secretly.

复制 In order to copy the blood of Thor, Thor, Wu Yan found an excuse for divination, but spoiled a lot of things.

For example, his mother would be killed in the time of the dark elves, such as the existence of the death goddess Hella, and even the hammer of the thunder would be crushed ...

However, my own warning did not change anything.

"Mother, she already knew her ending, so she didn't run away ..." But just next to Rocky, at this time she couldn't help but interject.

"Hey, you'll talk about it in a while. Someone is here, um, it's your acquaintance ..." At this time, Heimdal, who hadn't said a word, spoke, telling Thor.

After the gods dusk, Thor's name became the new king of Asgard.

To paraphrase the old words, it is indeed necessary to wait for a while, the spacecraft has successfully landed, and then, Asgard's people opened the door of the spacecraft, and one after another came out of the spacecraft.

At the same time, several helicopters in the sky also flew here and landed, and several agents in suits came over.

It is indeed the old acquaintance who is headed by the aunt, the SHIELD Firth worker.

I learned that a spacecraft had landed here ~ ~ The SHIELD naturally couldn't sit still, but after seeing Wu Yan and others, Phil passed a sigh of relief, and he was friendly. It seems that the aliens did not invade.

Mr. Phil said hello: "Hi, Thor, Dr. Banner, and Wu Yan, welcome you back ...".

After saying hello, they did n’t wait for Wu Yan to answer them. Phil looked at the spaceship behind him, and these thousands of Asgard pros. Phil said: "It seems that you are rare to come back together It's time to call other people to get you together. "

"Yes, it should be." Thor also knows that Asgard's people need to negotiate with humans on the earth to survive on the earth, so he nodded.

"Let's go now, go directly to the Avengers Base ...", nodded, and returned to the Marvel plane, Wu Yan really wanted to meet with other people.

While talking, Wu Yan raised his hand and drew a few circles gently in the void, and soon constructed the space portal to the reciprocating Avengers base.

Then, Xiao Meng walked ahead.

"Er, I haven't seen him for a few years, did he actually have such a method again?" Looking at Wu Yan's ability to transmit magic in this space, Firth was confused.

I can't say him. Even the nearby Thor, Dr. Banner, and even Rocky, looked at Wu Yan's back in surprise.

I did not expect that after a few years of separation, Wu Yan's power seemed to be much stronger than before ...

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