Plane Master Copy

Chapter 842: : Heavenly Obstruction

The power of the Scarlet Witch, Captain America and Tony Stark are very clear. Therefore, watching the Scarlet Witch to do something, both of them are dignified, and at the same time, they are looking at Wu Yan in wonder ...

Is the Scarlet Witch a member of the Avengers? Isn't Wu Yan the same? Why don't they recognize it?

Of course, at this time, Wu Yan didn't have so much time to explain so much. Looking at the crimson energy that loomed on the crimson witch's fingertips, Wu Yan's mind was slightly frozen, and then, his hands were folded together, and his heart drank: The tree world is coming! ".


As Wuyan's Muzhu Ninjutsu started, countless branches appeared, spreading rapidly, swept away towards the crimson witch, the thick branches, surpassed the steel.

However, the hand of Crimson Witch waved gently, and the energy of Crimson exploded with her movements. Then, the dense trees that entangled her, all twisted under the power of Crimson Witch, and could not be approached at all. .

Judging from the number of crystal points, the number of crystal points of the Scarlet Witch is similar to that of Wu Yan.

"It is indeed a guy with the ability to overpower the tyrant, this strength is really not weak ...", watching the advent of his tree boundary has no substantial effect, Wu Yan sighed secretly.

I just marveled at Wu Yan's heart, but the heart of the Scarlet Witch was even more shocked.

Wu Yan, a mysterious man, has such a powerful power. Under the layered attack of the tree boundary, he can no longer do other actions. If the fake captain and Tony Stark take the shot next, he must Defeat.

"Even things are in hand, there is no need to entangle with her ..." Seeing the power of the Scarlet Witch, like a reef in a tsunami, Wu Yan's heart shook her head secretly.

He did not intend to continue the fight, and his eyes were slightly frozen, revealing the shape of the kaleidoscope writing round eyes.

Immediately, after a few revolutions of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, Wu Yan's heart drank aloud: Tongji-Tianji Zhenxing!


With the launch of Wu Yan ’s pupil technique, the sky became dark at this moment. Both Tony and the Scarlet Witch raised their heads and looked at a meteor in the sky that was 100 meters in diameter and fell from the sky. Down, horror flashed across his face.

The destructiveness caused by such a huge meteorite is self-evident.

"Let's go ...", after using the pupil technique of the obstructing star, looked at the meteor falling from the sky, Wu Yan said to Captain America and Tony next to him.

He believes that the crimson witch should be able to stop this shocking star.

It seems that the sky obstructing star with a diameter of a hundred meters away is really shocking, but Wu Yan also knows that this trick is more important than when the original work of the Naruto Plane, Naka Uchiha, performed. Much worse.

After all, Uchiha's original number of crystal points exceeded the 10,000 mark, but now her own number of crystal points is not even 5,000.

Naturally, the power of the pupil technique of the sky obstructing the star is also weakened, not to mention that this trick has not used its full strength.

"Wu Yan, is this your ability? The power you have makes people seem to have known each other ..." Looking at the power of Tian Ji Zhenxing, Tony looked at Wu Yan in surprise.

When fighting with Titan Star at the beginning, the Titan Star used the same ability to drag a planet down and smashed towards Tony.

However, the use of this tactic by Exterminator borrowed the power of power gems, and the planets pulled down also shattered, but Wuyan simply relied on his own power, and the meteorite showed a regular sphere.

Originally, although he believed in Wu Yan ’s power, he said lightly that he had killed Exterminator, Tony's mind was still somewhat questionable. After all, his power before the Exterminator was almost desperate for everyone.

But now, watching Wu Yan rely on his own strength, he can actually smash a meteor, Tony's heart has some faith in Wu Yan's power.

I seem to be, that his power can really crush the bully?

"Let's go ..." Wu Yan didn't answer to Tony's surprised words, just looked at him and said.

The crimson witch must be busy resisting the obstruction of the sky, and of course take advantage of this opportunity to leave her.

"Wait a minute, can she be stopped by Wanda alone?" Captain America was hesitant, watching the Scarlet Witch who had tried her best to stop the obstructing star, and was unwilling to leave.

"Rest assured, she should be able to stop it. I didn't use all my strength for this move, it just made her feel a bit troublesome."

I shook my head, and obviously I can see that the falling speed of the meteor has slowed down, Wu Yan said.

Between words, a space teleportation magic was constructed, and he jumped across the front first.

However, instead of leaving in a hurry, Tony and Captain America stood at the edge of the space to transmit magic, watching how the crimson witch handled the fallen meteor.

The scarlet witch's forehead was overflowing with a layer of fine sweat. Obviously, she exerted her full strength. Under her powerful power, the speed that prevented the tremor from falling this day was getting slower.

Until the end, although it fell to the ground and made the whole earthquake tremble a little, but not even the house collapsed.

Seeing this, Tony and Captain America also secretly relieved, and then ran away the space transmission magic.

Although Pim particles are enough now, only the Captain America and Tony Stark have the equipment to travel through time and space.

I heard Wu Yan also wanted to go for a walk in person. After a moment of groaning for Tony and Captain America, he nodded and agreed.

After all, doesn't he believe others, doesn't Tony even believe himself?

Looking at this time and space, his relationship with Wu Yan is very good, and he knows that he will not be malicious.

I have to say that, with Tony Stark's ability, it is not difficult to make an extra device that travels through time and space. So, after spending some time, Tony quickly made a new device.

Then taught Wu Yan how to use it, the three men each activated the instrument on their hands, and instantly entered the quantum realm, traveling through time and space.

Although traveling through time and space is not a novel experience for Wu Yan, his original ability is different from Tony's equipment.

进入 Entered the quantum field in an instant, Wu Yan only felt that from the macroscopic world to the microscopic world instantly, as if the world had become completely different.

The quantum field is a completely microcosmic world. What is exposed in front of Wu Yan is also a completely different scene.

If you say what is the biggest feeling of Wu Yan entering the micro world, it is that the gap is very large.

The original substance has countless voids.

Someone once said that if the gap between the atoms is completely eliminated, the population of the entire earth may be as small as an apple, and it is obvious how huge the interstitial space of matter is.

Moreover, because there is a large gap between matter, in theory, the human body may actually pass through the wall.

Of course, this probability is a possibility of several trillions, right?

He shook his head, Wu Yan shook off all the messy thoughts in his mind, and was about to carefully look at the scenes of these micro-worlds. Suddenly, everything was changing rapidly.

When Wu Yan returned to God again, he found that he was standing on a round platform, like an altar.

At the same time, there are also many people standing on this stage, all of whom are more famous figures on Marvel.

Thor Thor (Fat House Version), Little Raccoon of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nebula, Hulk, Hawkeye, Gears of War ...

Shuttle time and space. For each of them, although they have spent a long time, but for this time and space, everyone from leaving to returning, but only a few seconds.

After everyone appeared, everyone on the stage looked at each other, and finally, their eyes fell naturally on Wu Yan.

After all, for this time and space, Wu Yan is a complete stranger, and even the war machine and Thor next to them are watching Wu Yan with vigilance, ready to act at any time.

"Wait, don't do it, he is a companion ...", watching everyone's fierce response ~ ~ Tony and Captain America said.

Well, in the Avengers, Tony and Captain America can be said to be the two giants. After all, the original civil war was also led by Tony and Captain America. Therefore, watching both Tony and Captain America are Wu Yan spoke, and the others were relieved.

Of course, everyone looked at the two with a questioning look, obviously waiting for them to explain.

到底 Who is this stranger? And more importantly, why bring him?

"Hello everyone, my name is Wu Yan, the reason why I brought me here, just in case ..." Wu Yan's eyes looked around the crowd, his eyes stayed on the fat house version of Thor. After a moment, then, reflectively touched his own big belly.

"Just in case? Why do you say that?", Thor next noticed Wu Yan's gaze and asked.

He didn't say much. Wu Yan raised his hands, and the pale yellow soul gem and the blue space gem appeared in Wu Yan's hands at the same time.

"How is this possible !?", looking at the soul gem in Wu Yan's hand, the ant-man next to him could not help but scream.

He is holding the scepter of Rocky in his hand, and the scepter embedded in it is naturally a spiritual gem ...

At this moment, all the people in the Avengers could not help but change their faces, and glanced back and forth between the soul gems of Ant Man and Wu Yan.

之下 Did two spiritual gems appear in the same time and space?

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