Plane Master Copy

Chapter 843: : Exploding Mind Gem

Originally, Tony Stark thought that the props they made were through time, so they thought that what happened during the crossing would affect their original reality.

However, in fact, they found that they had made a mistake because they had not crossed the past, they had only crossed the parallel universe.

For one thing, Wu Yan's existence is enough to explain everything.

The second is that when Hulk in the original book confronted the ancient one, the ancient one once said that if you borrow the time gem, your universe may be able to restore the situation you want, but your universe is Time branches will appear ...

From the discourse of Gu Yi, we can see that the relationship between the parallel universes that traverse is independent of each other.

After following Tony and Captain America back to their original universe, Wu Yan looked at the two spiritual gems that appeared at the same time, and felt a bit confused.

Our soul gems were obtained from Rocky's scepter, and now they also have soul gems? Well, this soul gem will never be the same.

At least, after getting Rocky's scepter, he didn't lose it.

Moreover, in the original book of Avengers, in the fourth part, the future nebula killed the former self. According to the paradox, the former self is dead, so the future nebula should also disappear. Yes, but it doesn't.

Therefore, this can also prove on the side that the world that passes through is just parallel to the universe, and it is by no means the original world.


Just, when these people of the Avengers looked at the two spiritual gems, their hearts were secretly frightened, and suddenly, in the void, there was a terrible shock.

At the same time, the surrounding time, space, and even everything seems to have changed completely.

Annihilation, everything around, in the rapid annihilation, the land underfoot, the surrounding matter ...

At this moment, two soul gems are blooming with brilliant light, unlimited energy is released from the two mind gems, and under this endless energy, everything between heaven and earth seems to be collapsing.

糟糕 "Oops! Couldn't two identical infinite gems appear at the same time?", Feeling the changes around him, Tony Stark next to him seemed to realize something and screamed.

Looking at the bright light of the two soul gems, you can know that all of the surroundings are caused by these two soul gems.

"Is there such a thing?", Wu Yan's heart was slightly frozen when he heard Tony Stark's yelling.

The Marvel Universe, the existence of infinite gems, is something that appears with the Big Bang, and is almost the realization of the six rules of the universe.

From the original work, there is nothing unusual about the infinite gems leaving the original universe, such as the infinite gems brought back from other parallel universes, or the spiritual gems taken away by Wu Yan.

Similarly, even if these infinite gems are destroyed, it seems that the original universe has not changed much.

For example, after destroying the tyrant in the original work, he destroyed all six gems.

However, the same gems have appeared at the same time. This situation has never happened before, and Wu Yan did not expect that the appearance of two soul gems at the same time will cause such a big impact.

The infinite energy contained in the two spiritual gems exploded quickly and has become stronger and stronger, and everything around them, under this terrible energy, is rapidly annihilating and disappearing.

"Hurry up, hurry up and pack your soul gem ...", and feel that everything around you is changing terribly. Captain America next to him yelled at Wu Yan in a hurry.

Since it is a situation caused by the same infinite gem, then, quickly put one away?

Yan Wuyan's response was also very quick. Listening to Captain America's shout, he opened his storage space in an instant, and was ready to put his own soul pendant.

I just hadn't waited for Wu Yan to put it down. Suddenly, the scepter of the soul gem in the Ant-Man's hand suddenly collapsed.

Soon after, the spiritual gems embedded in the scepter also turned into endless yellow energy, which burst instantly and swept around.


的 The burst of infinite gems is inexplicable.

Wu Yan's response was very fast. The mirror space was opened instantly, then his eyes were slightly coagulated, and the ability of fast silver was exerted. Then, one by one, Wu Yan was thrown into the mirror space to take refuge. .

"It's terrible. I didn't expect such a situation, what should I do? What's going on outside?" In the mirror space, all members of the Avengers all looked with horror on their faces.

"It's not clear that every infinite gem contains endless energy. Once these energies are gone, what kind of consequences will be caused, no one knows, it may destroy the whole earth, or it may not change ... "Thunder Thor, next to him, with a stern look on his round face, said Shen Shen.

There are so many disasters and disasters. For this Marvel universe, the earth is really disasters.

I have just experienced the practice of killing the fingers, and the life of the entire universe has randomly disappeared by half. However, how long did it take before I encountered the outbreak of infinite gems.

In the mirrored space, after waiting for a long time, Wu Yan spread his spiritual power out, and slowly penetrated the boundary between the mirrored space and the original space, and then Wu Yan's face flashed with amazement. look.

"What's wrong? What's going on outside?" Everyone's eyes were focused on Wu Yan's body. Seeing the change in his face, everyone beside him couldn't help asking.

"Well, the situation seems unexpectedly good, and it has no effect at all ..." Wu Yan said with a surprised look on his face.

Yes, the Spiritual Forces explored it out, Wu Yan found that the base of the Avengers was intact, and even the annihilated material had just been restored.

"How lucky is it? The collapse of the jewel of the soul has gone violently, does it have any effect on reality?" After exploring it, he did not find any terrible damage. Wu Yan's heart was secretly surprised.

Then constructed a space portal, so that everyone walked out of the mirrored space.

Everyone came out one after another, and looked carefully around, there really wasn't any damage, and even those materials that had just begun to annihilate had been restored.

Yan Wuyan and others walked out of the base, and looked closely at the base. There was no damage to the base, and there was no movement outside.

"It seems that our luck is still very good. Although the emergence of the two soul gems is somewhat unexpected, fortunately, the situation is very good." Huoke, next to him, looked at everything around him and there was nothing unusual. , Said with a sigh of relief.

"Well, if the operation of the entire universe is similar to a supercomputer, then the six infinite gems are like the programs inside, and the situation just now should be regarded as a program conflict ...", next to Tony Tower Ke, also nodded.

I was just relaxed relative to others, but Tony Stark's face was still a little dignified.

Procedural conflicts go wrong, but nothing happens? This possibility, infinite approaches zero?

This is like terrible nuclear radiation after a nuclear bomb explosion. After ordinary people are exposed to nuclear radiation, their bodies will have completely different mutations.

But, do you want this mutation to change in a good direction? This possibility is very low, right?

So, although it seems that the explosion of spiritual gemstones has not brought about terrible consequences, Tony Stark did not feel too optimistic.

In any case, although the explosion of the jewels in the mind was startling, everyone took a closer look. It seemed that there was really no impact. Simply, this matter was left behind.

Collect several teams to collect infinite gems. At this time, the six infinite gems have been successfully collected.

Of course, with regard to the soul gem, the death of the black widow Natasha sacrificed, which really made the atmosphere much lower.

However, at this time, there is not much time for everyone to remember.

Power gem ~ ~ Space gem, time gem, reality gem, soul gem, soul gem.

Twenty-six infinite gems were taken out separately. Like the original, Tony Stark spent some time successfully making a brand new infinite glove.

Then, the gems were set in pieces on the gloves.

"Very good, although many mistakes have been made, but fortunately, our goal has been reached ...", everyone in the Avengers is seriously staring at the gloves inlaid with six gems, Less are a little expected.

那么 "Well, then, who should play this ring finger?" In anticipation, the members of the Avengers looked at each other again.

After the annihilation of the tyrant's finger, everyone remembers the terrible injury, so this finger is not something anyone can hit.

Without strong physique, no one can withstand the shock of this terrible energy.

After looking at each other for a moment, everyone's eyes fell on the Hulk and Thor.

If you want to talk about physical strength, only the two of them are the strongest. Therefore, this ring finger seems to only let them fight.

Like the original book, Thor Thor wants to come and hit the ring finger himself, but the partners next to him feel that his current state is not suitable.

Therefore, the last task that started the finger has not changed to the Hulk.

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