Plane Master Copy

Chapter 849: : 10 million crystal points

Wu Yan sat alone in his room. In front of him, a large red mechanical glove was placed with six infinite gems on it.

Glittering gloves are not ordinary at first glance.

Each of the six infinite gems is extremely bright and precious. When all six gems are inlaid together, this glove feels like an artifact.

"If you use the words of online games, although each infinite gem has great power, but they are only their own parts. Only when all six infinite gems are collected, can you activate the effect of the set attribute. ? ".

I looked at the infinite gloves made by Tony Stark in front of myself, Wu Yan's heart murmured secretly.

To some extent, Tony's technique is better than that of Dwarven King.

This infinite glove is used to carry the power of six infinite gems. The infinite glove created by the dwarven king was almost completely scrapped after hitting a finger. However, the infinite glove created by Tony Stark, even if it was The Hulk slammed his finger once, but it was not damaged, and it still worked.

Of course, although the six infinite gems will be collected, the so-called set attributes will be activated. However, as a carrier of the six infinite gems, this infinite glove can still independently use the power of one of them.

Just like in the original Avengers, using Infinity Gloves, Exterminator can use power gems, pull down a planet, use space gems, open space channels arbitrarily, use time gems, and make time backward, or even A gem of reality, turning something into an illusion ...

Although his injury has not been fully recovered, these days, Wuyan's crystal point number has reached more than 5,000, and the injury is considered to have recovered 80% to 90%.

It's like a fever patient, who has already had a fever. Next, it is just a matter of good consolidation and rest.

After thinking for a moment, Wu Yan slowly leaned out his palm and put the infinite gloves on his own hand.

As the gloves were fully put on, all six infinite gems bloomed with dazzling light at this moment, and the energy visible to the naked eye overflowed, spreading Wu Yan's whole body.

"Ah ...", Wu Yan could not help but whispered.

With the moment when he put on the infinite gloves, Wu Yan could feel the infinite power spreading in his body.

Vaguely, Wu Yan seemed to see a huge dyke, and the energy contained in the dam was like a flowing river.

He and himself, like a cricket ant, stood in the crevice of this dam.

"Infinite gems, each gem contains infinite energy. When the energy of all six infinite gems is gathered, this power is simply terrible ...", took a deep breath, passed After a while, Wu Yan slowly got used to these terrible powers, and secretly groaned.

Wu Yin secretly groaned, Wu Yan looked down at himself.

As the eyes fell on his body, the number on the crystal measuring device, a burst of beating.

Immediately, in front of Wu Yan, the number of crystal points continued to rise, and the rate of rise was ridiculously fast.

00 …… 3657000 ……

The increase in the number of crystal points is terrifying. At the beginning, it was still a five-digit number. In the blink of an eye, it became a six-digit number. Even before long, it reached a seven-digit level.

Moreover, the number of crystal points is still increasing, such an amount of crystal points makes Wu Yan's eyes widen.

当然 Of course, he knows that the self who wears the infinite glove, the crystal point number is not the energy of the self, but the energy contained in the infinite glove, right?

3.65 million ... 6.22 million ... 9.5 million ...

The point of , is still improving, and watching this number has reached such a terrible level, even Wu Yan has a feeling of horror in his heart.

For so many years, you have traveled to all realms of the heavens and earth. Wu Yan has seen the highest number of crystal points, which is the jade of the one-person Superman plane.

And now? The energy contained in the Infinite Gloves is truly the name of Infinite ...

The first-level awakeners with a single-digit number of crystal points do not show much combat effectiveness, but they are more powerful than ordinary people, so that's all.

The second-level Awakener who has reached ten digits in crystal points, compared with ordinary people, the combat effectiveness has been significantly improved.

武 When Wu Yan had not yet awakened his ability, the survivor squad had just encountered a second-order speed-type Phantom Zombie, which had been completely wiped out by the army.

At the same time, the third-level awakening person whose crystal point number reaches a hundred digits is already considered as a superman in comparison with ordinary people in the real world.

You can do it with a punch, flying a car, or even lifting a big truck as a toy to hit people. The real power is endless, and walking is like the wind.

As for the fourth-level awakening who has reached a thousand digits, it can almost be described as a human-shaped nuclear bomb.

Cut off the high-rise building, but it is not in the hands of them. Even if it is a move to level a small hill, it is not difficult.

The power of the fifth-level awakening is naturally stronger.

Su Zuneng, who is like Uchiha's speck, can cut several mountains with one stroke, and penetrates the crust directly like Mate Kai, and cuts a city with a single sword, killing a city in no time.

The degree of awakening at level six, such as Wuyan's opening of the eight doors of the scorpion armor, and tilting the continental plate, such as Saitama, instantly changed the terrain of the desert.

At this point, the destruction of the country is no longer an issue. The so-called nuclear bomb is just a small firecracker. As long as it takes a little more time, it is possible to collapse the entire earth.

The sixth-level awakener already has the power to destroy the country, and can even destroy the earth. Then, what kind of power should the seventh-level awakening have at one million crystal points?

It is easy to destroy the earth, right?

Judging from the increase in the number of crystal points, it is now more than 9 million, but Wu Yan still has no secret of stopping. Wu Yan's heart is astonished.

Although the existence of Marvel Universe seems to be generally weak, it is even worse than the personal force value of One Piece and the Naruto plane. However, the power of these props is really powerful.

Didi Didi!

Finally, the numbers on the crystal point number stopped, and a series of terrible numbers appeared in front of Wu Yan, which was suffocating:


With a total of 10 million crystal points, this number is bleeding red and is constantly flashing, as if some kind of alarm.

Wu Wuyan is very clear. The pause does not mean that the energy value of the infinite gloves is only 10 million, but the upper limit of the crystallizer, which should be 10 million ...

For the measurement of the number of crystal points, it is estimated that the maker of the crystal measuring device has raised its measurement limit to 10 million. It already has a profound vision, but who knows that he can really see that it really exceeds 1000 What is the goal of ten thousand points?

"Do infinite gloves contain infinite energy? What terrible energy really is, far beyond the 10 million crystal points ..." Although the value of the crystal measuring device exceeded 10 million crystal points, let Wu Ian was shocked.

However, think about the meaning of the infinite gem itself. It seems reasonable to have a crystal point of this degree?

If the number of crystal points is not enough, how can the power of this infinite glove affect the entire universe?

So it seems that 10 million yuan is not enough, maybe even hundreds of millions?

He shook his head, and Wu Yan threw out all these messy thoughts.

Regardless, the power of this infinite gem contains almost endless energy. This is a big treasure. Even if you can only mobilize a small part of it, this is a very powerful force.

I remember Rocky's scepter. At that time, the psychic gem was embedded in the scepter, so the scepter had the function of launching an energy shock wave on its own. Obviously, the shock wave used the energy of infinite gems.

"Hey, Wu Yan, are you working on infinite gloves?".

When Wu Yan put on the infinite gloves and secretly studied the power of the gloves, a sound sounded. Immediately, a familiar figure came over, and it was Tony Stark.

"What's wrong? On your face ...", looking up at Tony Stark, Wu Yan pointed at his face ~ ~ with a smile.

There was a bloodstain on Tony's face, which seemed to be scratched by something.

"Hey ...", after hearing Wu Yan's inquiry, Tony Stark sighed helplessly, and said, "You know, boy, you will be a little rebellious when you reach a certain age, so Morgan A good education is needed. "

Tony Stark's heart was helpless. His daughter, who was originally well-behaved, also listened to her own words, but unfortunately, with the influence of the power of spiritual gems, her daughter had become extremely rebellious.

I just said a few words myself. Not only did I dare to talk back to myself, I even dared to do it myself. This face was scratched by nails.

"Rebellion? So, is it similar to when you were young?" Looking at Tony's appearance, he sighed on the surface, but he was completely angry, Wu Yan said with a smile.

Yes, remember that Tony Stark's character was originally extremely rebellious.

"Huh? Yeah, it really looks like me. It really is my daughter ...", when Wu Yan said that Morgan's personality was very similar to himself, Tony Stark nodded, and he looked happy again. .

As a father, although her daughter is obedient and obedient, this is very happy, but if her daughter is rebellious, she will not be angry.

Anyway, she is her loved one, isn't she?

For Tony who rarely felt his father's love from an early age, no matter what kind of character Morgan was, he wanted to make her feel the existence of his father's love.

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