Plane Master Copy

Chapter 850: : Captain Marvel

Wu Yan and Tony Stark simply chatted. Although both Tony Stark of the two worlds are not the same person, as Wu Yan is the person with the best relationship in the Marvel world, even if it is just parallel universe Tony Stark, Wu Yan still has some feelings for him.

Although Tony also talks with Wu Yan on the surface, but if he wants to come to him, he wants to know more about Wu Yan?

First of all, to this person, Wu Yan is a stranger after all.

Secondly, the infinite gloves at this time were in Wu Yan's hands. Although other people did not let him hand them over, Wu Yan himself didn't mean to hold them in his hand.

Therefore, I want to know more about Wu Yan and determine whether he is a threat to these people. As one of the two people who brought Wu Yan back, and as Wu Yan ’s own friend in the parallel universe, Tony Stand up without hesitation.

Wu Wuyan probably understood Tony Stark's meaning, so he had a chat with him.

I didn't mean to deliberately deceive, Wu Yan also frankly answered some of Tony's side attacks.

First of all, regarding the Avengers' attitude, if I can help, I will try my best to help.

After all, he is also a member of the Avengers in the parallel universe. Regarding this, Wu Yan's attitude is very clear.

Secondly, as for the infinite gloves, this thing is in his own hands, and he really does not mean to hand it over, no matter who it is.

What's more, one of the gems embedded in this infinite glove was originally his own.

Uh ...

After talking to Wu Yan, Tony did understand what he meant.

Although he did n’t mean to take out the infinite gloves after he took them, this is uncomfortable, but Wu Yan also clearly stated that he is a member of the Avengers in the parallel universe. Not only is it not malicious, it will even help the Avengers as much as possible, which reassures Tony Stark a lot.

Although he hasn't been in contact for a long time, Tony trusts himself in the parallel universe.

I walked in the parallel universe, and he could see that the relationship between himself and Wu Yan was really familiar.

Moreover, after getting along with these days, Tony can also see that Wu Yan is indeed upright in speaking.

After chatting for a while, Tony understood Wu Yan's attitude and thoughts, so he didn't have any more thoughts, so he left.

The following days, the Avengers will not only find ways to solve the world chaos, but also fight evil as much as possible.

Among them, the situation of the other resurrected Avengers is the most.

For example, the resurrection of the Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man, Winter Soldier, Dr. Strange, and even the tree people Groot and Star Lord ...

In the original time, these people were the backbone of the fight against tyrants, and they all dissipated after hitting the ring finger with the infinite gloves. This time, after their resurrection, their mentality turned, and they also became very sinful people. .

After all, ordinary people do evil, how can it be worse than those originally superhero people doing evil?

The world is chaotic. In short, the whole world has become chaotic these days, and the Avengers are still busy.

比如 Like the Hulk and Captain America, they flew to Wakanda today ...

Wakanda was originally the main battlefield of Avengers 3 against the annihilation force. The Panthers' suit of vigor and gold was pretty good.

After the resurrection, the Black Panther is naturally still the king to see.

However, it is self-evident that Wakanda's current situation is reversed after the heart of this king who was once a nation and a people is turned over.

Although Wu Yan also has the intention to change the chaos in the entire world, there is no good way. These days, he also accompanies the people of the Avengers to rescue the fire.

Although many criminals have been arrested, and even they have been brought back to Spider-Man like the Scarlet Witch, everyone knows that if they do not want to eliminate the consequences of the spiritual gem, then these things, It's never going to be busy.

Not to mention how busy Wu Yan and the Avengers are these days. On this day, the depths of the universe, a light, and its rapid speed, are flying in the universe.

I soon entered the Milky Way, the Solar System, and came straight to the earth ...

Didi Didi!

On the SHIELD side, the harsh alarm sounded. Chief Cyclone Frey came to the computer screen and took a closer look. He saw that the alarm was issued by the satellite system, which made Director Frey's brow slightly frowned. .

The squatter leak happens to be rainy night after night. Is there a threat in the universe when the earth is in chaos?

Although Accompanied by the spirit of the soul, Director Fury's mentality has also reversed, giving birth to the ambition to rule the world, but of course, with the wisdom of Fury, he certainly knows that in the current chaotic situation of the earth, he wants to be good It is impossible to rule the earth.

These days, Director Fury also tentatively issued instructions to those people in the Avengers to arrange some tasks for them.

However, Director Fury found that these days, the Avengers have turned a blind eye to their instructions, and they are acting in their own way.

"Is there a threat from the universe? Let's inform them about this ..." After watching the satellite system's alarm, Fry secretly groaned for a moment, but decided to notify the Avengers to respond. .

It's just that whether they will go or not, Fry is not sure.

However, just as Fury picked up the communication equipment and was about to contact the members of the Avengers, suddenly his motion stopped.

From the images taken by the satellite, Fury can see that the light from the universe has stopped.

Then, after the lens automatically zoomed in, Fry was shocked to find that this was actually a figure.

In other words, is this figure flying completely in the flesh in the universe?

Of course, what surprised Frei the most was that the figure who flew from the universe, Frei fully recognized her.

"Carroll, is she really back? Captain Marvel ...", looking at the figure appearing from the universe, Fury secretly said in surprise and joy.

Ferry still remembers that when all the people on the earth disappeared halfway, at the last moment, he pressed the communicator contacting Captain Marvel.

Thinking of Captain Carroll's strength, Fury felt a strong spirit in his heart.

Although the members of the Avengers League are very good, especially Thor and Hulk, but Frey had seen Captain Marvel's strength with his own eyes and knew more about her power.

弗 In Fury's view, even the annihilation is not necessarily comparable to Captain Marvel's strength.

Now, has she finally appeared?

So, can she use her strength to achieve her purpose?

He calmed down the chaos on the earth before he ruled the whole earth ...

My heart was full of thoughts, but Fury's movement was not slow, and soon he began to contact Captain Marvel, who flew into the atmosphere.

At the Aegis Bureau, Director Fury waited quietly for an old friend.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Captain Marvel to shine with dazzling light, so she landed directly on SHIELD, and then came straight to Fury.

嗨 "Hi, have you been resurrected? It seems that they succeeded ...", when they saw Fury, Captain Marvel said with a smile on his face.

"Looks like you've come back long ago?" Listening to Captain Marvel's words, of course Director Fury can understand the meaning of her words.

"Well, but there was a little trouble elsewhere, so I went to deal with it, and I rushed back after it was done."

He nodded slightly, but he was also an old friend, so Captain Marvel did not have any kind meaning in front of Director Fury, and poured himself a glass of water.

After taking a sip, Captain Marvel dropped half a glass of water in his hand, and fell on Frey's body, saying: "However, there seems to be a big trouble recently. When I just landed, I could see many on the earth There is chaos everywhere ~ ~ It seems that the earth has not been spared? ".

所以 "So, is this question in the universe?" As the King of Agents, in simple words, Fury can hear other meanings.

"Yes, yes, it seems that in the universe, countless intelligent lives have turned their minds ...", nodding slightly, Captain Marvel came from the universe, and naturally saw what happened in the universe.

那么 "What about you? Haven't you been affected?" During the conversation, Director Fury asked Captain Marvel again curiously.

"My mother? I haven't been affected much? These abilities are not enough to affect my mind", shook his head, said Captain Marvel in a careful manner.

Indeed, as a character who can even fight against the tyrant in the original book and even suppress the tyrant, Captain Marvel's strength belongs to the ranks of the strong in the universe.

"That's really good. Is there any good way for the situation of the earth right now?" After hearing Captain Marvel saying that her mentality was not affected, Director Fury nodded and asked immediately.

"It's very simple. The best way to stop these riots is to kill all the disobedient people to the point of deterring others, even if the mind changes, but fear of death should be the vast majority The commonality of intelligent life ... ".

For Frey's inquiry, Captain Marvel waved his hand and said very simply.

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