Plane Master Copy

Chapter 856: : I have several law skills

With a look of aggression, Wu Yan really felt a look of aggression at this moment.

After the resurrection, Heimdal directly said that he was a member of the Tenjin group, which made Wu Yan feel very surprised.

It ’s just that Wu Yan has n’t waited to explain. All the people beside Tony Stark and Captain Marvel seem to be awakened. It seems that they are members of the Tenjin group. Everyone except them believe Already.

"Hey, Wu Yan, it turns out that you are also in the Tenjin group? Then why didn't you say it earlier?", The little raccoon next to him stared at Wu Yan seriously and asked.

"No, I'm not from the Gods, you seem to be wrong", shook his head, Wu Yan said denied.

At the same time, his eyes also fell on Heimdall, saying: "Although I don't know why you think I am a member of the Tenjin group, but I am very responsible to tell you that you read it wrong. I am not the Tenjin group. member".

"How is this possible?" At this time, Wu Yan actually denied it, which made Heimdal surprised, and looked at Wu Yan strangely.

Tony Stark and others next to him, looked at each other even more, and for a while did not know who to believe.

Heimdall looks like he would never make a joke about this.

But the same, if Wu Yan is really the Tenjin group, Heimdall has recognized his identity, he has no reason to stubbornly deny it?

"Heimdal, what the **** is going on? Could you please make it clear?" At this time, Thor spoke to Heimdal and said that it was the voice of everyone.

At this time, everyone was really curious, why did Heimdall decide that Wuyan was the Tenjin Formation?

In other words, what is the basis for him to judge Wuyan as the Tenjin Formation?

Xu glanced deeply at Wu Yan, Heimdal's brow frowned slightly, and he felt a little confused.

In the face of everyone's search, Heimdall did not make nonsense, and said frankly, "What do you think the so-called Tenjin group should look like? Are all powerful beings? No, you are mistaken, can you become Tenjin? The members of the group do not look at the strength. "

"What's that?", Listening to Heimdal, the little raccoon beside him couldn't help asking.

"There is only one measure of whether or not it can become a Tenjin group, and whether it has the ability to break the laws of the universe."

Heimdall put out a finger, said seriously, and emphasized only that.

"Break the rules of the universe?", Heimdall's words made everyone's faces look surprised.

Although the Tenjin team does not look at the fighting power, but breaking the rules of the universe sounds more terrifying than its strength?

"Yes, that is to break the rules of the universe ...", Heimdall's eyes, like the stars, seemed to be able to see through everything, even through the limitations of time and space.

After glancing at all the people present, he said, "As you know Igo, he is indeed a member of the Tenjin group. Although his strength is strong, his qualification to join the Tenjin group is because he can break the inorganic Between organic and organic matter. "

"So it is ...", hearing Heimdal's words, everyone present understood the meaning of his words.

Inorganic matter is inanimate. It is like a stone, a piece of steel, which does not have life itself, let alone the combination of inorganic matter and organic life.

However, Igo was able to do so, and even lived countless years. I didn't know how many intelligent life women would have, and gave birth to countless children.

He has the ability to break the rules of the universe, and it is a matter of course that he became a **** group.

所以 "So, isn't everyone in the Tenjin group very powerful?"

After knowing the joining conditions of the Tenjin group, the little raccoon next to him shook his head and said.

"It's true, but in a sense, it can break the rules of the universe. Each of the members of the **** group is extraordinary." For the little raccoon, Heimdal nodded.

However, looking at Heimdall's talk about the Tenjin group, Wu Yan suddenly moved his heart and said, "So, your vision and hearing can completely ignore the limitations of space and time. You also have The ability to break the rules of the universe? "

Wu Wuyan's words exited, making everyone startled, then turned his head again, staring at Heimdal in surprise.

Surely, after Wu Yan's prompt, everyone found that Heimdal's ability did break the rules of the universe?

After Wu Yan's words, Heimdall was silent for a moment, then nodded, and said, "Yes, I am indeed a member of the Tenjin group. My codename is tester. I stayed in Asgard to monitor Austria. Ding exists. "

"Heimdal, what are you talking about? You are monitoring my father?" Thor, beside him, felt like he had heard something incredible and looked at him in disbelief.

As the gatekeeper of the imperial palace, even the most loyal to Asgard's existence, his original purpose was to monitor his father?

What happened?

"Thor, let me hear a story first ..." To Tol's surprise, Heimdall was not in a hurry to justify anything, but just waved his hands and started telling the story in his mouth.

Once upon a time, the Earth was just the most common planet in the universe, and only some beasts survived. There was no birth of intelligent life. It was just a very primitive planet without any civilization.

Until one day, the Tenjin group visited the earth.

The first team of gods descended on the earth, collected a lot of genetic information, and performed experiments on the higher organisms of the earth to observe the development of these lives. Since then, humans have been born ...

When the second team of Tenjin arrived on the earth, they found that the development of humans was not quite in line with their original settings and plans, so they made a certain degree of correction and removal of humans.

This is the main reason for the sinking of the so-called Atlantis continent in the history of the earth.

Only, when the third team of the Tenjin group descended on the earth, the civilization on the earth has developed beyond the expectations of the Tenjin group.

At that time, the protoss of the ontology, the Nordic mythology headed by Odin, the Brahma and Shiva of India, and many messy protoss were born on the earth.

These protoss united against the Tenjin group and refused the Tenjin group to interfere with the humans on earth.

I can say that the two battles were both defeated, and there were numerous deaths and injuries on the earth ’s native protoss, and even Odin, who was known as the father of the gods, was hit hard.

同样 But the same, the Tenjin group is also very uncomfortable. In the end, the Tenjin group promised to give up their interference in the human development of the earth.

Heimdal, a tester of the Tenjin group, was left in Asgard, the main purpose was to monitor the movement of Asgard.

And the same, Odin of Asgard also brought the earth into his vision, and refused the members of the **** group to interfere in the development of human beings on the earth until today ...

"Is this the original setting of the Marvel world or the setting unique to the movie universe?" Wu Yan next to him heard Heimdal's analysis of the situation of the Tenjin Formation, and secretly murmured in his heart.

Wu Wuyan's understanding of Marvel is mostly understood through Marvel movies, so the matter of the Tenjin group is only a half-knowledge.

Thor, next to him, didn't say a word, but he felt suddenly realized.

Is there any hidden things in Asgard that I don't know?

"No wonder ..." At the same time, Wu Yan felt astonished.

No wonder Odin, the father of the gods, did not perform well in the original film. It turned out that the battle with the Tenjin group had left him injured all the time.

At the same time, Wu Yan is also amazed. No wonder in the original work, the extermination of tyrants hit their fingers, but did not see the members of the Tenjin group to stop tyrants.

It turned out that the Tenjin group and Odin had an agreement with their native protoss. Can't they get involved in the development of humans on Earth?

Heimdall's words let all people have a thorough understanding of the Tenjin group, and also understand the meaning of the Tenjin group.

"So Wu Yan, do you also have the power to break the rules of the universe? That's why he thinks you are also in the Tenjin group?"

Hulk, the next to Hu, fell on Wu Yan's body and said.

Wu Haoke's words also made everyone look at Wu Yan with curiosity.

Then, what kind of power does Wu Yan possess?

"Does it have the power to break the rules of the universe? I do have ~ ~, and there are several more?" Wu Yan naturally did not have the meaning to deny everyone's search, and nodded.

Blocking, kicking, and dueling, these three skills are all skills of the law type, to a certain extent, it really breaks the law of the universe.

At the same time, there is a rebirth innate technique just performed by myself. Although it is only a pupil technique of the Naruto plane, to a certain extent, it can be said that the rules of life and death in the universe are broken?

According to the concept of Heimdall, he became a member of the Tenjin group, which is fair to say.

"I have such ability, and how many more?"

Although Wu Yan's answer was light, his words were stunned by those around him.

Break the rules of the universe? No matter who this ability is, having one is amazing, right?

Hey, how many can he have at the same time?

The eyes of the people next to him were surprised, and everyone was staring at himself, making Wu Yan feel uncomfortable.

Wu Yan didn't mean to entangle any topics on his body, and said, "Okay, don't forget, what is the purpose of my resurrection of Heimdall, Tenjin group, but who has the ability to eliminate the entire universe now? Chaos? ".

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