Plane Master Copy

Chapter 857: : Dorma

After Wu Yan's reminder, everyone returned to their minds, and each of them calmed down.

Indeed, now is not the time to care about Wuyan's rules and abilities. Wuyan has spent his life and reversed the rules of life and death to resurrect Heimdall, in order to find the Tenjin group, and to find if anyone in the Tenjin group can Eliminate the chaos in the universe now.

As Wu Yan's words came down, everyone also focused on Heimdall, waiting for his reply.

既然 Since he is one of the members of the Tenjin group, I want to be familiar with the members of the Tenjin group ...

"Are the abilities of the Tenjin team to eliminate the chaos of the entire universe?", Heimdal's heart groaned secretly.

The others beside him looked at Heimdal with anticipation.

After a long time, Heimdall shook his head: "As far as I know, the people in the Tenjin group have no ability to solve the situation at hand, even if they are combined, of course, I have stayed in Afghanistan for all these years. Scarlett, maybe with some new members, I don't know. "

"Didn't you?", Heimdal's words made everyone's look darkened.

No one in the legendary Tenjin group who has the ability to break the rules of the universe can solve the chaos in the entire universe.

If so, isn't it? Will this universe be like this in the future?

"In fact, even if the people in the Tenjin group do not have this ability, there is still a way to solve the situation of the universe ...".

But, just when everyone felt hopeless, suddenly, Heimdall turned.

哦 "Oh? Is there a way? Is there any way? Let's talk about it ...", Heimdal's words made Thor's eyes light up and asked quickly.

At the same time, the Iron Man and the Hulk beside them also widened their eyes and looked at Heimdall curiously, looking forward to his answer.

"Is there any other way?" Even Wu Yan groaned secretly in his heart.

With my own understanding of the Marvel universe, I have also been thinking about it for a long time, but I can't think of a suitable solution, and I don't know what the method Heimdall means?

"Unlocking the bell must also be a bell person. Since the will of the entire universe is reversed by the power of the spiritual gem, then we will continue to repair it with the power of the spiritual gem."

Hemdal's eyes fell on Wu Yan's body. Obviously, he "saw" the infinite gloves in Wu Yan's hands.

"This method should not be possible to succeed? Even if we take a soul gem from another parallel universe and let one of them explode again, but no one can control the effect of the explosion of this soul gem. what".

Tony Stark next to the puppet shook his head. This conjecture had been proposed by Hulk before.

"No, I don't mean this random approach."

Heimdall shook his head and said, "Instead, it directly affects the intelligent life of the universe with the power of the jewels of the mind, and corrects their mind and consciousness."

"Although the power of the spiritual gem is strong, even people who want to use it to affect a city at the same time, let alone use it to affect the entire earth and even the entire universe".

Wu Wuyan shook his head, indicating that Heimdal's method could not be achieved by himself.

Regardless, for Wu Yan, it has been so long since he got the soul gem, and he thinks he knows it better.

Can you use spiritual gems to influence life across the universe? Wu Yan is very clear that he absolutely does not have this ability.

Even if he exerts all the power of the soul gem, he has no ability to radiate the entire universe.

In short, if the soul gem is a bottle of pesticide, then the entire universe is like a large piece of farmland.

Theoretically, this pesticide can deworm the entire farmland.

However, if I do not have the ability to spread pesticides across the farmland, naturally I can only stare.

"Yes, the power of spiritual gems can affect the entire universe. Otherwise, it will not distort and reverse the spirituality of the entire universe. The only thing we lack now is one that can radiate the entire universe. The carrier, radiates the power of the soul gem to the entire universe, right? "Heimdall nodded and directly hit the biggest obstacle now.

"Yes, indeed ...", Wu Yan and others nodded their heads, agreeing with Heimdal's words.

那么 "It's very simple, we just need to find a prop that can radiate the power of the jewels of the whole universe, or people," Heimdal said calmly.

"So, what good suggestions do you have?".

I heard here, everyone thought that in theory, Heimdall's words did make sense, and when it comes to this, obviously he knows the corresponding props, or people.

"I do know a person. His power can affect not only the entire universe, but also the existence of the multiverse. His name is called Domam." He didn't mean to sell a child. Heimdal directly said a The name comes out.

"Dom? The power can affect the whole universe?" Heimdal's words made everyone look at each other and then shake their heads.

Obviously, the existence of Domam makes everyone feel strange.

"Domam? I seem to have heard of this name somewhere, it seems to be the master of the dark world ...", Captain Marvel beside him raised his brow slightly and replied, as if he had heard of it.

"Domam?" As for Wu Yan next to him, there was a stunned look on his face.

He obviously didn't expect that Heimdall would say Domam's name. However, if you think about it carefully, it seems that Domam's power radiates the entire universe, and does it really make sense?

He is known as the evil **** of the multiverse, and can drag the entire universe into darkness. He can use his own power to radiate the entire universe, which is completely justified.

If it is based on his power, plus the power of spiritual gems, in theory, it seems that it really makes sense?

If the universe is a farmland, and the soul gem is a pesticide, then the power of Wuyan is equivalent to a rocket launcher.

There is no way for a rocket launcher to add pesticide to the entire farmland.

However, Domam is like a jet plane.

Just add a pesticide to a jet plane and you can do it.

Of course, rocket launchers can blow up jet planes ...

By comparing the number of crystal points and strength of the ancient one mage, annihilate and thor Thor, Wu Yan believes that even if the strength of Domam is strong, it should not be much better than annihilate.

So, can you beat Dom? Wu Yan didn't worry too much.

"If that's the case, then we should look for Domam. If he is aware of current affairs, it would be better, otherwise, he can only use force." After thinking for a moment, Wu Yan considered himself Strength should be able to suppress Domam, and immediately opened his own opinions.

"Okay, no problem!", As Wu Yan's words came down, Thor, who was next to him, nodded and agreed.

Thor was naturally trusting Heimdall. Since he said that the guy named "Domum" could do it, then he just looked for it to help.

"We all have no problem ..." At this time, it seems that there is only one way to do this. Dead horses should also be tried as living horse doctors. Naturally, the Hulk next to them, and Tony Stark. no disagreement.

At this point, all members, including Captain Marvel, nodded and agreed.

Although, in Captain Marvel's view, it seems more convenient and faster to conquer the earth directly with violence with the power of these people. It is not necessary to have so many twists and turns.

Now that everyone has decided, and there is no meaning to waste time, Heimdal gives everyone a day to rest.

After a rest for a day, after gaining some energy, Heimdall took out his sword, directly opened the Rainbow Bridge, and teleported everyone to the dark world of Dom.

Although Asgard has been destroyed, Heimdall still has the ability to open the Rainbow Bridge.

After all, in the original book, even in the spaceship, he can open the Rainbow Bridge and teleport the Hulk to the earth ~ ~ With the ability to see through the nine universes, Heimdall found the target location, and then, The goal is teleported to the corresponding location, which is naturally a matter of familiarity.

After the Rainbow Bridge teleported, Wu Yan and his party naturally came to the dark space.

一切 Everything in this dark space seems to be in darkness and chaos, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Dark space is the site of Domam. With the force of the Rainbow Bridge torn apart, the arrival of uninvited guests in Wuyan has certainly attracted Domam's attention.

Wu Yan didn't need Wu Yan and others to find Domam's whereabouts. In the dark space, after the innumerable black matter was twisted, a huge head appeared and floated in front of everyone.

"What is the purpose of you invaders to enter my dark space?", Domam's eyes fell on Wu Yan and others, and the dull voice seemed to explode in everyone's heart.

"Is this Doma? It doesn't look like anything, and it's really huge ..." Wu Yan raised his head slightly and looked at the huge head like a small hill in front of himself, secretly murmuring.

As Wu Yan's gaze fell on Domam's body, naturally, the value on the crystallizer jumped, and finally, a high number of crystal points that surprised Wu Yan appeared in front of him.


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