Plane Master Copy

Chapter 876: :courage

Walked forward quietly, because all around the corridor were covered by slimy liquids, when walking, the floor fell silent.

Everyone was upset, holding their breath, and for a while, became extremely quiet.

No one knows what's going on in this nest, so no one dares to relax.

In this way, walking forward step by step, about Mo walked for about ten minutes, and finally, everything in front of him became a lot more cheerful.

Because of the mucus, this nest looks like it is in the body of a certain creature.

Can see dozens of huge eggs, beating very vigorously, what these eggs are, of course, Zheng 吒 and others can understand that all are larvae of abnormal larvae.

"The situation seems to be pretty good. Except for these special-shaped eggs, there are no special-shaped ones here." After entering the hall, after looking around, Li Shuaixi breathed a sigh of relief and said happily.

"Well, maybe those aliens are out looking for food?" Chu Xuan nodded, pointing at several figures not far away.

Everyone looked in the direction of Chu Xuan's fingers. Sure enough, they could see several figures hanging in the air. These people were the newcomers who had left before, all of them fell into a coma.

Obviously, they have all been laid eggs in the body by the alien queen, and they have become the culture of the new alien eggs.

"Fortunately, I ran away without learning them before ...".

Looking at the remaining reincarnation newcomers, they have become the culture of alien eggs. When Li Shuaixi next to him was frightened, there was a moment of fear in her heart, and she was extremely grateful for her previous choice.

"It ’s okay to beat them down, even if they are killed. All of them are shaped eggs, and they are not really teammates." Zheng Zheng, who was next to him, shook his head helplessly, opening his mouth to the zero point and Overlord said.

Although these newcomers have reached the point where they are now, they blame themselves, but looking at them all died, Zheng 吒 felt a little helpless.

The tyrants and zero-point marksmanship are very good. They quickly beat down the newcomers, and at the same time, quickly destroyed the surrounding alien eggs.

破坏 Destruction is of course the best time now, if you wait for these alien eggs to hatch, it will be troublesome.


Following the actions of the reincarnations, a huge alien fell on the ceiling, watching Zheng Ye destroying the alien eggs, and a sharp, harsh growl sounded in his mouth.

From his voice, he can clearly feel the anger.

"It's so big!" Looking at the appearance of this alien, Zheng Ye and others all looked surprised.

Yes, compared to the aliens I encountered before, this alien's body shape is not at the same level.

If you say that the alien in front of you is like a tiger, then the alien you encountered before is like a cat.

"Height, body shape, at least several times the other aliens, should be the alien queen?" Looking at this alien with a completely different shape, Zhan Lan asked.

Although it is only an interrogative sentence, her tone is the tone of affirmative sentences.

"Yes, this is the alien queen," Zheng Zheng nodded beside him, affirming.

"What shall we do now? Do it? Or exit first?", Looking at the Alien Queen, the overlord asked.

Originally, I just wanted to come to the lair of the alien queen to inquire about the situation. I did not expect that it had been discovered by the alien queen, and most of all, it seemed that only the alien queen was here.

"This is a rare opportunity, and of course it can't be wasted. Let's join forces to kill the alien queen first and then talk about it!" After a moment of deep groaning, Zheng Zheng quickly made a decision and said to his teammates beside him.

"Well, yes, this is indeed a rare opportunity!", Wen Yan, Zhang Jie and Zhan Lan both nodded in agreement.

Originally thought that there might be many aliens in this nest. Since this is the situation, it is natural to start with it.

As long as the words of the alien queen are solved, then it will be much easier to solve other aliens.

Since Zheng Zheng has already spoken, the overlord has no meaning of nonsense. When the gun barrel is raised, he points at the huge alien queen and shoots directly.

With a bang, everyone could clearly see the shell on the alien queen, and suddenly a small flare popped out, which made all the samsaras look a little ugly.

Although I knew that the armor of the alien crust was very good, I didn't expect that the alien was not only huge, but even its armor was much thicker than other aliens, and even the firearms had no effect.

"Everyone join hands!" Seeing that Bawang's firearms have no effect, Zheng Ye and others screamed in their hearts and shouted.

At this point, retreating is completely meaningless. All we can do is try our best to kill the alien queen.

Do it!

As Zheng Zheng's words came to an end, Li Xiaoyi, Zhan Lan, Zhang Jie and others also shot together.

Zero and Overlord naturally did not mean to stand by and everyone shot together.

相对 Only relative to the strength of the seniors, Bawang and Zero are newcomers after all, and their guns' attack power can only play some harassing role to the alien queen. It has no substantial destructive power.

Of course, the zero point is holding an assault rifle. If he is holding a sniper rifle, it is another matter.

"I, what should I do?", Watching Zero and Bawang remotely harassed with guns, Zheng Zheng and others have rushed up, Li Shuaixi next to him, his face full of tangled look.

Seeing that everyone has found their place, those who can fight in close quarters, and those who can remotely harass remotely, but they don't know what to do, which makes Li Shuaixi anxious and wants help.

Hey, but rushed straight up? That's no different from finding death.

"This is a sense of vision of the online game team to attack BOSS." Looking at the huge alien queen, and then watching Zheng Zheng they joined forces to fight, are not the opponent of this alien queen, Wu Yan secretly Murmur.

实力 The strength of this alien queen is totally incomparable with ordinary aliens. The simple alien queen is so strong that it is difficult for Zheng Xie to join forces.

Tap on!

Although the hall is filled with mucus everywhere, it seems to be covered with a layer of carpet. However, as the battle intensifies, it may be because you heard the roar of the alien queen. After fighting for a while, A series of dense running noises rang.

Immediately, five or six aliens ran over from the outside.

糟糕 "Oops! The other aliens are back!" Seeing this scene, Zheng Ye and others lost their hearts.

He is simply a alien queen, who is already too strong to fight against. If these other aliens come again, these people must be overwhelmed by the army.

"Wu Meng!" At a time when life and death are at stake, so much can no longer be controlled, Zheng Zheng's mouth shouted loudly, shouting Xiao Meng's name.

What he means is self-evident.

He just said that Xiao Meng didn't pay attention to Zheng Ye's shout. He still looked calm and put his eyes on Wu Yan.

当然 Of course she would not obey Zheng Yan's orders. Perhaps only Wu Yan could call her in the whole world.

Wu Yan also had no intention of doing anything to Zheng Zheng's shouting, but put his gaze on Li Shuaixi and said, "These aliens rushed over, it's yours, and hurriedly killed them."

"Ah? Let me go !?", Wu Yan's words, let Li Shuaixi hold back, watching Wu Yan incredibly.

Even an ordinary alien is far more terrible than a lion and tiger. Let ordinary people like yourself help? Aren't you letting yourself die?

"It ’s not courage to shoot when you can. It ’s not courage. Sometimes, you know you ca n’t, but you dare to stand up when you have to shoot. This is courage." Wu Yan's eyes fell on Li Shuaixi's On the body, said calmly.

Li Shuaixi in the original work was indeed worthless. From a public point of view, his choice was not wrong. Wu Yan would also be willing to help him if he could help.

However, all of this should be based on his worthy help. If he is really a cowardly person, it would be meaningless for such a person to help. Wu Yan is too lazy to give a helping hand.

Li Shuaixi, looked at Wu Yan in shock, these monsters, if he shot, can definitely be solved, but why should he let himself die?

This caused Li Shuaixi's heart to shed a lot of anger ~ ~ However, besides the anger, Li Shuaixi followed the reaction.

Hey, ye have no injustice with him, why should he harm himself? There is absolutely no reason for this, after all, it is not good for him.

"Okay, I understand!", Realizing that this seems to be Wu Yan, or a test of the whole team of reincarnation, Li Shuaixi gritted his teeth, nodded, and immediately held the thought of seeing death as if he was dead. Rushing towards the alien.

"Well, he still has the courage". Seeing Li Shuaixi's choice, Wu Yan nodded secretly.

In Ebihara's work, he almost collapsed, and his courage now seems completely different.

But, a little thought, Wu Yan can understand.

帅 Li Shuaixi is not afraid to risk his life to fight, he is afraid of being treated unfairly.

In the original work of Sugawara, he felt that he was being treated unfairly, and risked his life as a bait, but other people were in a relatively safe situation, so he could not accept it.

现在 Now, everyone is fighting desperately. So, they do n’t have the qualification to shrink.

I looked at Li Shuaixi who rushed over. Of course, these aliens would not show mercy, opened their paws and waved them fiercely.

"Blessing of God of War".

"Holy blessing".

Xu Wuyan's palm was gently waved, and then the two gain BUFF states directly blessed Li Shuaixi ...

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