Plane Master Copy

Chapter 877: : The ending

God of War Blessing and Divine Blessing. These are the two main buff skills of Fairy Warrior in the journey game. The original buff effect is very good. When the spiritual power of the caster is higher, the buff effect is increased. It becomes more obvious.

The level of reached a high level, with the defense of divine blessings, even if it is a small character of level 1, it is estimated that all can walk around in front of the guards of the main city of the game. The gain effect can be seen.

Yan Wuyan's crystal point is close to the level of the fifth-level awakening. For many years, he has been practicing with the power of spiritual gemstones. In terms of spiritual power, it is unquestionably powerful.

With these two blessed buffs going on, Li Shuaixi's next ability makes people feel curious.

The only increase is the attack power and defense ability. Therefore, the combat skills and speed are not improved in all aspects.

Although courageous, commendable, but one of the aliens opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, biting into Li Shuaixi's head.

It stands to reason that if he was bitten this time, it is estimated that his head would explode like a watermelon.

However, with a click, the alien was indeed successfully biting Li Shuaixi's head, but in the mouth of the alien, he seemed to have bitten a piece of steel, instead of being able to bite, or even his own A few teeth were broken.

"Oh? What's going on?", Li Shuaixi, who had looked at the blood basin and bit it down, felt that he would be absolutely dead, but he just felt that the eyes were dark, and at the same time, he felt a bit slippery.

However, he did not die, which made Li Shuaixi himself hold back.

However, although he was holding back, his reflexive action was very fast, he raised his fist directly, and cracked **** the alien in front of him.

Then, I saw this alien body, as if hit by a high-speed train, and flew out.

At the same time, the terrible force caused this alien body to burst instantly and turn into a piece of meat.

Fierce, although the alien is inherently fierce, but this does not mean that the alien is very stupid. On the contrary, the alien has some wisdom.

And since it is a wise life, naturally you will be afraid of death. Several fierce aliens rushed towards Li Shuaixi aggressively, but looking at one of them was like shooting a mosquito, it was easy. He was shot dead, and the rest of the aliens stopped in shock.

"Just ... what happened just now ...?", Looking at the alien shape that was smashed into flesh by himself, Li Shuaixi looked at his palm again, with a grimace.

Vaguely, Li Shuaixi could feel an indescribable power to bless himself.

"Just now, what did he do?" The Zero and the Overlord next to them all looked at Li Shuaixi in surprise, a little dumbfounded.

I just came across these aliens, and they all saw them with their own eyes. Because of this, they also saw the scene just now.

Li Shuaixi, he was holding his own. These aliens were also scared by his mighty power. For a time, there was no intention between the two sides, and the atmosphere showed a strange silence.

With a bang, a figure flew up and landed beside Li Shuaixi. It was Zhang Jie.

During the fight, he was pumped by the long tail behind the Alien Queen. Zhang Jie was pumped directly out, spitting blood in his mouth, and it looked like the wound was very serious.

Zhang Jie, who was here, was pulled out by the tail of the Alien Queen, but the next Zheng Zheng responded quickly. She seized the opportunity and chopped the long knife in the tail of the Alien Queen severely.

Although he could not cut off his tail with one stroke, blood was dripping from the sword, so that the scream of the alien queen could not help.

Next to the several aliens who were shocked by Li Shuaixi's terrible strength, saw the alienated empress injured and heard its screams, where can you stay?

A few aliens moved instantly, without any intention to provoke Li Shuaixi, and passed over him, rushing towards Zheng Ye's side.

"Don't go!", Feeling the powerful strength lingering on him, Li Shuaixi couldn't care less at this time, yelling in his mouth, and rushed towards one of the aliens.

He grabbed the alien tail and grabbed the tail and fell over his shoulder.

There was a loud bang, as if the entire spacecraft shook a bit, and it made a loud noise.

异 This alien is like a watermelon falling to the ground fiercely. The carapace, blood and broken bones are mixed together, splashing everywhere, and it turns into a pool of meat.

"So terrible power, so violent!", Zhang Jie next to seeing this scene from close range was also shocked and looked at Li Shuaixi incredibly.

了 Did you look away? This newcomer who hasn't had any sense of existence, is Mofei the strongest! ?

"Li Shuaixi, come here to help!", Killing the alien twice in a row. Zheng Zheng and others besides also noticed that Li Shuaixi's terrible strength is now strong, shouting in his mouth, let Li Shuai Xilai helped deal with the alien queen.

After all, the strength of this alien queen is the most terrible.

"Come here!" At this time, Li Shuaixi also realized that he now has extremely powerful power, and nodded in response to Zheng Ye's shout.

Then, rushed directly towards the alien queen.

Zheng Zhengxi deliberately looked at the extent to which Li Shuaixi's power has now reached. Therefore, he pulled back and greeted the other two aliens, and gave up the Zombie Queen to Li Shuaixi.

Zheng Zheng's strength, one to two, although it is not so easy to defeat these two aliens, but simply entangled for a while, there is no problem.

What's more, beside Zhan Lan and Li Xiaoyi, they assisted in attacking themselves.

He rushed to the alien queen. Although Li Shuaixi didn't know any fighting skills, he knew his power was strong, so he slammed the alien queen fiercely and tried his best.

With a bang, the carapace of the Alien Queen, who was so strong that she could not shoot through bullets, seemed to be fragile in front of Li Shuaixi.

With a punch, the alien queen was also smashed and flew out. The naked eye saw that the carapace had completely shattered. The alien queen lying on the ground was motionless and did not know if she was dead.

"His ..." The next Zheng Zheng them, seeing this scene, took a sigh of relief, and looked at the alien queen on the ground in disbelief.

Hit a punch? Now Li Shuaixi is so horrified?

"Well, in terms of strength, ordinary aliens are equivalent to the initial stage of the third-order evolution beast, and aliens are equivalent to the later period of the third-order evolution beast."

These aliens have no crystal points, so Wu Yan can only judge their strength level based on their fighting performance.

后期 In the late stage of the third-order evolution beast, it is equivalent to a monster with more than 700 crystal points. To Wu Yan, this level of strength may be like a cricket ant, but to Zheng Zheng, they are terrible monsters.

Naturally, with the skills of gaining two BUFFs, Li Shuaixi's strength has been improved. Wu Yan can judge that his current comprehensive strength has reached at least the level of level four awakeners.

After all, the power of gaining more than 8,000 crystal points is still very strong.

But to what extent does it belong to Level 4? At present, Wu Yan still can't see it. After all, the strength of these aliens is too weak, and even Li Shuaixi's strength limit under the state of gain BUFF is not qualified.

With the queen of the aliens killed, the remaining two aliens are naturally not difficult, and they were quickly killed by everyone.

The battle of the tiger and the snake is like a tiger and a snake. At the beginning, I thought that this alien nest was very terrible. If it came, it would be the end of a lifetime.

I did not expect, but in the end it turned out to be such a thing. The sudden outbreak of Li Shuaixi was completely crushed, and these aliens were easily killed in seconds.

"Hey, what's the matter with your strength?" After the battle ended, Zheng Ye and others came to Li Shuaixi and asked.

"I don't know, I don't know myself ...", Li Shuaixi shook his head, and he looked aggressive, and looked down at himself.

He can still feel that a powerful force is lingering on himself.

"Wu Yan, is this your strength?" Although he didn't know why, Li Shuaixi turned his head ~ ~ but looked at Wu Yan and asked.

Wu Yan just claimed that Wu Yan had the courage to take a shot. Then, the most likely source of these forces came from Wu Yan.

"Yes, this power is only temporary. It will disappear in a few minutes." Wu Yan nodded slightly, and did not mean to deny.

He is just an ordinary person, but Wu Yan can easily give him invincible strength? So, how strong should Wu Yan's original strength be?

Is really unfathomable ...

"Did you not be surprised when these things are all solved, but the Lord God did not remind us to complete the task", in the end, women are relatively careful, Zhan Lan reminded.

"Well, it looks like there are still aliens in the spaceship that haven't disappeared, let's find it ..." With Zhan Lan's reminder, Zheng Ye and others followed suit.

I searched in the spacecraft. Although the spacecraft is large, the space is limited after all. After searching for it, I killed several aliens who placed orders. Zheng Zheng they could feel that their reincarnation watch was shaking. A moment, then, it shows that the task is complete.

In Wu Yan's eyes, he can clearly see that as the last alien was killed, the space was slightly distorted, Zheng Zheng and others quickly disappeared in front of themselves.

Seeing it here, Wu Yan's palm flipped, and the blue space gem appeared in his hand. Then, the space barrier was torn open, and together with Xiao Meng, it disappeared into the alien horror world.

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