Plane Master Copy

Chapter 880: : Chu Xuan

The magical power of lunar swallowing of the sun is the level of the original return from the Great Holy Spirit. Sun Wukong taught the magical power to Xiaomeng. This magical power is not like the fighting method of the law, the heaven and the earth, but the method of cultivation. Able to forcibly plunder the essence of the sun and the moon, thereby improving one's cultivation.

With this supernatural power, coupled with the improvement of her qualifications in the Westward Journey, Xiao Meng's growth rate, even Wu Yan, who has a spiritual gem to help, feels beyond reach.

However, what Wu Yan didn't expect is that this supernatural power can not only absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, but even the light of the main god's light sphere can be absorbed, which can be transformed into its own energy.

After Xiao Meng had the power of the Lord God in her body, although she was not a reincarnation, she had the same root power as the Lord God. Naturally, the limitations of the Lord God had no effect on her.

After all, the power of the Lord God cannot limit himself?

After a day's rest, Zheng Ye and others gathered on the main **** square, the main purpose of which was to discuss strengthening things.

I have experienced so much in the world of horror movies, and I fought desperately to fight. Why? Not only to live, but also to earn points and become more powerful.

现在 Now it is time to harvest.

Zheng Zheng and Zhang Jie, the veterans, already have their own strengthening direction. Therefore, this strengthening is only based on their original foundation.

But Li Shuaixi, a newcomer, is a little excited, and very much looking forward to his own direction of strengthening, I do not know what means is suitable for himself.

等等 "Wait a minute, everyone, if you strengthen, not only can you exchange it from the Lord God, you can even exchange it from me ...".

It was just when Zheng Ye and theirs were discussing their own strengthening direction. Suddenly, Wu Yan spoke at this time, and spoke to Zheng Ye and others.

幅 This looks exactly like a salesman.

"Ah? Redeem from you?" Wu Yan said, Zheng Zheng and they were both frightened for a while, looked at Wu Yan in wonder, feeling incredible.

He only had Chu Xuan and took a serious look at Wu Yan. He was not surprised at what he said.

"Yes, I told you? I'm a businessman. As for what I sell, it's all kinds of blood, skills, knowledge and props. Although I don't have as many types as the Lord God, but my price is "It's cheaper with the Lord God," Wu Yan said in surprise at Zheng Ye and others.

"Are you sure you are not joking? Are you trying to grab the Lord God's business?" After listening to Wu Yan's words, Zhang Jie's face twitched and said weirdly.

要 In the presence of the Lord God, are you going to grab business? Is this really good?

And more importantly, Wu Yan can actually give blood, skills and knowledge to others? Is this true or false?

"If there is something better for the Lord God, I do n’t have it here. Of course, there is nothing wrong with you going to exchange it. But if I already have it here, and the price is much cheaper than the Lord God, why do n’t you save some points? What? Right? "Wu Yan smiled, and then turned his palm.

大大 A large propaganda poster appeared in the palm of Wu Yan's palm. Wu Yan unfolded this poster and showed it in front of all the returnees of the Zhongzhou team.

On the poster, there are four categories, which are blood gene, skill, knowledge, and final props.

Roughly, there is not much on this poster.

If the exchange of the Lord God is like a large-scale shopping mall, then Wuyan here can only be regarded as a small convenience store.

However, I have to say that although Wuyan is a small convenience store, it has all the organs and the various exchanges in it are very powerful.

Some things are exchanged by the Lord God. Comparing the price, the price of Wuyan is about 70% of the exchange by the Lord God.

Lu Chuxuan's eyes mainly fell on the blood veins, and she took a closer look.

Overlord color and domineering: bloodlines, from the thief plane, exchange price of 1500 points, 1 D-level storyline, after the exchange, you need to cultivate and develop by yourself, can have a deterrent effect on life with low strength and qualification, and even faint in the past, In addition, the mindset of the redeemer can be made more determined and brave.

Magnetic Gene: Bloodline, funded X-Men plane, exchange price of 1500 points, 1 D-line storyline, after exchange, you need to cultivate and develop by yourself, you can control various metal magnetism, and even change the shape of metal material.

Asgard Protoss: Bloodline, invested in Marvel Movie Universe, exchanged 1,000 points for the price, after the exchange, the life can be increased with the increase of strength, in addition, the power of thunder and lightning can be awakened, and the physical defense has been improved to a certain extent.

Transliteration round eye: bloodline, funded Naruto plane, you need to develop the awakening yourself, redeem the price 1000 points, 1 D-line storyline.

Nightwalker Ability: Bloodline, from the X-Men plane, can be developed after redemption, has the ability to move in a short distance, and exchanges for 1300 points.

Uh ...

Tong Chuxuan's gaze looked at the exchange of blood vessels, her face changed for a while. In addition, what other magical ability, deadpool ability, sand control ability, these are bloodline ability.

Although he is much less than the Lord God, he has to say that these bloodline abilities are quite good.

Zheng Zheng, who was next to him, fell into the skill category. He could also see that dozens of skills appeared in front of himself, with different prices, high and low.

Shushu Mountain Sword Technique: From the sword sword legendary plane, inherited from Shushan Sword Technique, you need 500 points.

Yuan Shen comes out of the trick: from the Ghost Girl's ghost plane, you can make your own Yuan Shen away from the body, investigate, and even attack the target. In addition, Yuan Shen is difficult to return to the flesh, there is a danger of death, you need 200 points.

祝福 Blessing of God of War: The fairy warrior from the online game "Journey" can cast on friendly targets to increase the opponent's attack power. In addition, the stronger the mental power, the greater the increase, the need for 1000 points, a D-level storyline.

Eight-door armor: From the Naruto plane, it can greatly increase the properties such as strength and speed in a short time. Opening the final dead door can even increase the strength by dozens of times. However, after use, it is likely to die and exchange. The price is 2500 points, and there are 2 plots of C-level branch.

The law of heaven and earth: from the plane of the Journey to the West, which can make the body huge, greatly enhance the strength, no side effects, exchange price of 2,000 points, a C-level branch plot.

Healing Immortal: From the plane of the Journey to the West, it can repair the target's injury greatly, the exchange price is 1600 points, and there are 2 D-class sideline plots.

Uh ...

Zheng Zheng looked at the skill area. There were a lot of various skills. Naturally, the exchange price was also high or low. Among them, Zheng Yan's eyes fell on the eight-door armor, and he couldn't move away.

Although in the long-term perspective, the law of heaven and earth is more valuable than the eight-door armor, but for the reincarnation, who puts his head on the belt of the trousers, sometimes he has one more strength, that is, one more to survive. Hope.

The main thing is that although the dead-gate side effects of the eight-door armor are terrible, if all the power of the eight-gate armor erupts at a critical time, and all difficulties can be resolutely solved, after returning to the main **** space, the main **** will not Maybe let me die?

吒 In Zheng 吒 's view, although the death-gate side effects of the Eight Doors are terrible, as long as it is used well, it can return when it is critical. This skill is a magic skill.

On the other side, Zhang Jie's eyes are on the knowledge area. Comparatively speaking, Wu Yan's knowledge area has few things.

Kindo Knowledge: From Fengyun Plane, exchange price 1000 points.

Magic knowledge: from Marvel Movie World, exchange price 1500 points.

Therapy of Immortal Knowledge: From the Journey to the West plane, the exchange price is 2,000 points, and a D-level storyline.

Sacred heart determination, Yi Jin Jing.

Uh ...

Of course, in addition to blood, skills and knowledge, there is also the final prop area.

Holy Spirit Dan: After taking it, you can make yourself a small improvement. The lower the repair, the better the effect. The exchange price is 100 points.

Zhenjin alloy gloves: When worn on the hand, you can increase your own attack power to a certain extent. The higher the repair, the lower the increase, and the exchange price is 600 points.

Animal demon fruit: After eating, you can get a certain animal's ability to increase, and exchange it for 600 points.

Tyrant Butcher Knife: It is made of mysterious materials in the universe and has a strong destructive power ~ ~ Redeem price 500 points.

Uh ...

Although Wuyan does not have many redemption options, each of these redemptions has a very high value. For the Zhongzhou team, which is in the early stage of strength, these redemptions are enough.

"Wu Yan, your nightwalker's bloodline needs 1000 points, will it be high? Can you pay the price?" After looking for a moment, Chu Xuan spoke suddenly and asked Wu Yan.

Obviously, his eyes fall on the nightwalker gene, and he can move instantly within a short distance. With this ability, at least in terms of self-protection, there will be a great improvement.

"Hey, I'm already jumping the property price?", Chu Xuan's words made Wu Yan laugh in the heart, not afraid of other people's counter-offer, for fear that others will not even ask the price.

"Yes, your abilities are very strong, but if I read correctly, you must develop these bloodline abilities by yourself? Far less than the exchange of the Lord God, you know, we are all racing against time. If you waste more time developing your own capabilities, it will have a little impact on your own strength, "Chu Xuan's eyes fell on Wu Yan, explaining.

"It ’s like the ability of Magneto. After it is exchanged, it has no effect. The initial Magneto was not easy to move a coin. Do you think we have the ability to redeem a bloodline ability that we do n’t know how long it will take to develop ? ".

The words of Lu Chuxuan made the other reincarnations of the Zhongzhou team nodded secretly, looking at the bloodline side, and the enthusiasm in their eyes subsided a lot.

:. :

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