Plane Master Copy

Chapter 881: : A lot of points

Chu Xuan's counter-offer made Wu Yan's speech lingering, which was difficult to refute for a while.

Indeed, compared to other planes, the plane of infinite horror is a bit special. Therefore, there are naturally very different values ​​in all aspects.

这些 For these reincarnations, strong strength or strong self-protection ability is the highest value.

For example, the Peach peach with purple-stained Xiang core obtained from the Journey to the West plane can increase the lifespan of 120,000 years. In ordinary planes, it is naturally extremely precious.

But, if this purple peach peony peach is placed in the main **** space? For these reincarnations, perhaps the value is not as realistic as a pair of three-hooks jade writing eyes.

After all, the space of the Lord God is endlessly dangerous, and no one dares to guarantee that the world of the next horror movie will still be alive. So, the life thing? It's just a furnishing.

Don't say that it has a lifespan of 120,000 years. Even if it can live for ten or eight years, it is already very remarkable.

For the same reason, because of dancing on the blade of death at any time, the genes of Wanci King and the blood of Thor Thor need some time to grow their blood abilities. Although the prospect is good, the value is very low.

Naturally, Chu Xuan they are not willing to waste a lot of points to redeem.

"Well, although the ability of these genetic bloodlines needs to be developed by oneself, the ability of the nightwalker is instantaneous, and the ability to protect himself is still very high."

Bargaining? Of course, you can't let it go so easily, otherwise, don't everyone else in the back have to bargain?

"You take a closer look at the original X-Men's original work. Although the ability of the nightwalker is good, the restrictions are not small. First, the more people he brings, the more difficult it is to teleport. Second, the farther away it is, The more difficult it is to teleport, the more important is that it cannot be teleported in a closed environment, and the early stage is very weak, and it needs to be developed by itself. "Chu Xuan shook his head and still felt that the price was too expensive.

"I ca n’t agree with you. Although the blood power of the Lord God can be forcibly improved by points, the blood power I give you will not need points to grow up. It ’s like writing round eyes and redeeming them. If you have a hook, you have to redeem two hooks and three hooks by yourself, and I only need to redeem it, and I can grow up by myself. "

Wu Wuyan felt almost fainted by Chu Xuan's words, and said firmly after reacting.

This Wu Yan's remarks made Zheng Yan and others' eyes lit up. It seems that this is indeed very good?

"The bloodlines of the vampire I redeemed really need to rely on points to continue to improve. If I had redeemed the blood veins of Wu Yan already, wouldn't I have used them more in the future? Can it be improved by myself? From a previous perspective, these The ability is weak, it is indeed a bit of a chicken rib, but from a long-term perspective, it is indeed more worthwhile than the exchange of the Lord God ... ".

With Zheng Yan's muttering to himself, the eyes of the reincarnation brightened a lot, his eyes fell on the ability of Wu Yan's genetic bloodlines, his eyes flickered.

He only had Chu Xuan next to him, glancing at Zheng Ye obliquely.

Originally, I wanted to use these weaknesses in bloodline ability to talk down the price. It seems that Wu Yan's response is also very fast, but what makes Chu Xuan helpless is Zheng Zheng, who is really a pig teammate. ?

I just do n’t help, but help?

He realized that his ability to replicate the genetic bloodlines did have advantages that the Lord God did not have, and such advantages were enough to offset those so-called disadvantages.

Therefore, Wu Yan looks firm and unselfish. If you say that it ’s broken, you wo n’t accept the counter offer.

Well, if you can counter-offer, it is naturally better, but since Wu Yan has made up his mind and can't make a counter-offer, Chu Xuan will not say anything more. After all, the price of the things he has here is originally higher than that of the Lord God. Isn't it cheaper to exchange?

Of course, the more important thing is that Chu Xuan is also very curious. The main **** arranges tasks for the reincarnation team based on the strength of the team and the previous performance. Then, these reincarnations, if they do n’t exchange for reinforcement at the main god, How does the Lord God score?

Can't afford the price, Chu Xuan will no longer say anything, and use the points to redeem the nightwalker's ability.

For Chu Xuan, the points are almost exhausted, and there is a little left. Chu Xuan thought about it and went under the main **** light ball, and used these points to exchange for the enhancement of physical attributes.

The reincarnations next to him saw Chu Xuan handing over the points to Xiao Meng next to him, and Wu Yan reached out and pointed at Chu Xuan's eyebrow. After a while, the exchange was completed, and he was a little secretly surprised.

一切 All of this seems nothing strange at all.

On the other hand, Zhan Lan's exchange is also very clear. As the mental force controller of the Zhongzhou team, Zhan Lan decisively exchanged the skills of the God of War blessing, which can increase the attacker's enhanced BUFF. Obviously, Zhan Lan is ready Go all the way on the auxiliary road.

Unfortunately, her points are not enough. After redeeming the God of War blessings, there is no way to redeem the sacred blessings, let alone to cure fairy magic. Therefore, she also redeems the remaining points in the main **** space for spiritual strengthening.

Then, Zhang Jie next to him was also a little bit tempted. His choice was the exchange of overbearing colors. In his words, it will inevitably encounter the situation of being outnumbered by the enemy. He has the ability of overbearing colors. The effect is still great.

Of course, the overbearing arrogance also has the effect of making the host more brave and determined.

The seniors of Wu Zhongzhou team also know about Zhang Jie's situation and have nothing to say about his exchange.

Although the effect is not great in the early stage, it is really in the late stage. Domineering color is not only used to clean up the soldiers, but it can also increase its own attack power.

呢 As for Li Xiaoyi? After thinking about it for a moment, he exchanged the three-body technique of the Naruto plane and the Chakra refinement method from Wuyan.

First, the price of these things is very cheap, and second, if these skills are used well, the effect is also very huge.

Then, as the zero point of the sniper positioning, he exchanged the blood of the writing round eye.

Improving the visual acuity of the chakra is naturally very important for the zero point, even if it is only a shape of a jade, not to mention, after the level is improved, the combat ability of the chakra is also very powerful.

The remaining points, from the main god, wanted to exchange for a high-quality sniper rifle, but was stopped by Chu Xuan.

In his words, redeeming some corresponding parts, he can assemble a good quality sniper rifle, and the price is much better than redeeming it from the main god.

Points saved can be exchanged for several psionic bullets to deal with phantom creatures.

Followed by Overlord, his role positioning is as a warrior-type positioning, so he exchanged the skills of Dugu Jiujian. As a melee combat skill, Wuyan set the price for Dugu Jiujian not high.

The remaining points, he actually exchanged all the tyrant slaughter tyrants, and left more than 100 points to strengthen the physical attributes at the main god.

The members of the Wuzhongzhou team have been exchanged from Wuyan to what they want. Finally, everyone's eyes are also on Li Shuaixi.

Long-range sniper has zero point, melee has Zheng Zheng, Zhang Jie and Overlord, and Zhan Lan is assisted. Chu Xuan, as a wise man, also has his own self-protection ability. After some discussion, everyone suggested that for team balance consideration, Li The role of Shuaixi should be the explosive role of the assassin.

Regarding his role positioning, Li Shuaixi thought for a while, and also felt that this really fits the balance of the entire team.

帅 Li Shuaixi did not reject the role positioning of the explosive class at this moment.

Moreover, the most important thing is that among the members of the Zhongzhou team, Li Shuaixi has the most points and received Wu Yan's help. In the lair of the alien queen, he killed the most aliens, and the most important is the alien queen. Died in his hands, this allowed him to earn a full 6000 points, coupled with the rich sideline plot, it can be said to be a wave of fat.

For Zheng Zhongzhou's biochemical crisis horror movie, Zheng Zheng made the most profit, while the alien-shaped horror film made Li Shuaixi the most profitable.

After a good discussion, we finally exchanged 2,000 points for the ability of Quicksilver.

Then, it was a wealth of money that used 2500 points and two C-level sideline plots to redeem the ability of the eight doors.

The full exchange of 4,500 points made Wu Yan's eyebrows laugh. In addition to copying the ability of Quicksilver and the Eight Doors, he even provided him with additional knowledge of Chakra refinement so that he could refine his own. Chakra ~ ~ After getting the knowledge of Chakra refinement, Li Shuaixi looked at his points, there are more than 1,400, and exchanged the gloves of Zhenjin alloy from Wuyan.

For him, the increase in the attack power of this glove is very significant in the early stage.

He has more than 800 points left. He exchanged five Holy Spirit Pills to improve his cultivation.

I finally had more than 300 points left. At the suggestion of Chu Xuan, I redeemed a spell that could be used to deal with the monsters.

Since then, Li Shuaixi ’s huge points have all been used up, and they have been exchanged for eight scutes, fast silver magic genes, gold gloves, five Holy Spirit Dan, and a spell at the main god. .

Talking about his exchanges, the other members of the Zhongzhou team stared at him with envious eyes.

Tong Mingming is a newcomer, but has gained such a great enhancement. He has been a horror movie several times, just like Zheng Zheng from the previous horror movie.

"Okay, everyone's exchange has been completed. In the next few days, everyone will train well and become familiar with their own strength. There are still nine days left. I don't want everyone to waste it. The position of the next horror movie Face, in order to survive. "

After the exchange was completed, Zheng Zheng said.

PS (PS: It's very busy today, so this chapter is updated a lot later, and another chapter will be updated at night, rest assured, the update amount of two chapters per day has never been less, and the update is still very stable ...)

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