Plane Master Copy

Chapter 882: : The New Horror World

Zheng Yan's words dropped and Wu Yan glanced at him.

All members of Wuzhongzhou team have already redeemed things here, but only Zheng Zheng did not redeem it, which made Wuyan feel strange.

Isn't there so much practical stuff that he doesn't see?

Feeling Wu Yan's gaze, although Zheng Ye is not particularly smart, he can still roughly understand Wu Yan's mind, and smiles slightly awkwardly, saying, "Wu Yan, I am in a strange shape this time. In the horror movie world, I do n’t have many points. I want to raise the blood level, so after upgrading, there will be no points to redeem things with you. ”

"Alright ...", Zheng Yan said, let Wu Yan be surprised, nodded slightly.

Zheng Zheng in the original is the protagonist, and each horror film has made a lot of profit, just like the alien queen died in his hands, but because of his intervention, Li Shuaixi got most of the points. Naturally Zheng Zheng got even less.

What's more, since Zheng Zheng has no points to exchange things with himself, Wu Yan naturally will not force it, and put away his open poster, secretly satisfied.

Zheng Ye himself walked under the light of the Lord God, apparently exchanged for a higher level of bloodline descent, his body suspended, and under the transformation of the power of the Lord God, Zheng Ye was bathed in the light of the Lord God.

He didn't spend much time, Zheng Ye's figure slowly landed from the air, nodded with satisfaction, and turned back to his room to practice.

Each exchanged their abilities, naturally they need to be familiar with it, especially the zero-wheel writing, Zhang Jie's domineering color, Li Shuaixi's fast silver bloodline, and Chu Xuan's night walker.

The power of these genetic bloodlines needs to be developed by themselves and seize the opportunity. Naturally, they want to try it well.

In order to live, these reincarnations are like tight clockwork, striving to improve their strength every minute and every second.

As for Wu Yan? His gaze was naturally on Xiao Meng's body. This time, what Wu Yan really took out was only a few Holy Spirit Dan, a gold-alloyed glove, and the tyrant butcher knife obtained from the exterminator. These are the chicken ribs eliminated by Wu Yan.

As for bloodline? skill? Knowledge? For Wu Yan, these are all without a purchase.

Therefore, for Wu Yan, this wave of transactions can be said to be a big profit.

Counted since childhood, and earned 11,600 points for points alone. The sideline plot also got 2 C-levels and 3 D-levels.

可以 It can be said that the people of the Zhongzhou team have been busy in the alien horror movie world. In the end, most of these points and branch plots fell into Wu Yan's pocket.

With a large amount of income, Wu Yan naturally wants to exchange things with the Lord God.

Although he is not a reincarnation, after having the same root power as the Lord God, as long as he has points, Xiao Meng can exchange things with the Lord God.

Dense and dense, endless things are dazzling.

Originally thought that he had more than 11,000 points, but after knowing some of the top exchange items from Xiao Meng's mouth, Wu Yan felt that he was still very poor.

Not to mention, simply talking about the intercontinental gravity destruction bomb of science and technology, it needs an S-class plot, and 40,000 points, well, look at the redemption conditions, and look at the things in your hand, it's far from .

There is also a continental shelf oscillator, a retreat cannon that runs through the planet, a magical "ideal town far from everything" and so on.

The so-called self-cultivation skills require 70,000 points and S-class sideline plots, which are suffocating.

Of course, in addition to these top things, there are also many things that have attracted Wu Yan's attention, such as the rebirth cross chapter, which requires 7000 points and 2 B-level branch plots, and the resurrection ability of the Sun Jingjing.

In addition to these, there are many high-tech items, Wu Yan also feels that they can be exchanged and brought back to the real world.

If these technologies can be thoroughly researched in the real world, it is also a very good situation.

In addition, when Xiao Meng browsed the exchange list of the main god, she also found that there are also devil fruits.

果实 The types of these fruits are different, and the exchange price is completely different, such as the thunderous fruit of the element system, the burned fruit, and the undead bird of the phantom animal series, etc. The prices are very expensive, requiring about 10,000 points.

After reading roughly everything, Wu Yan decided to counsel a little and exchange for a rebirth cross.

Although there is a scroll of resurrection, after all, this scroll needs to be used by others to be resurrected. Therefore, Wu Yan feels that it is necessary to regenerate the cross.

However, the story line is a little worse.

If you ca n’t make it high or low, let Xiao Meng take a good look at the exchange list of the Lord God. This is Wuyan ’s most real experience now.

Although more than 10,000 points can be exchanged for many things, and any reincarnation can be given to them, they can improve their strength, but unfortunately, for Wu Yan, with his strength, more than 10,000 points In exchange, he almost looked down on everything.

And what he sees is far from being exchangeable for more than 10,000 points.

After all, Wu Yan's current strength is placed on an infinitely horrifying plane. At present, he is definitely in the top ranks. What makes him eye-catching is naturally expensive.

After letting Xiao Meng browse for a while, Wu Yan was not in a hurry to redeem it. After thinking about it, I thought that I would keep the points. If I had enough points, I would redeem things that I could see.

Fortunately, I can follow these reincarnations and experience horror movies together. If the points are not enough now, I will redeem it several times.

Especially if I encounter a team fight, can I go to other teams?

For more than half a year, I may be able to follow the major reincarnation teams and take a good walk. After all, the time for these reincarnation teams to travel through horror movies will generally not be too long.

In this way, the days passed day by day. The members of the reincarnation team were all busy improving their strength. Of course, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng were not idle. These days, they are also practicing.

Occasionally, Wu Yan will also let Xiao Meng look at the exchange list of the Lord God. There are almost endless exchange items. If you find something you love, use your notes and wait until you have enough points to redeem.

That ’s it. After eight days a day passed, Zheng Ye found Wu Yan, and they gathered in Zheng Ye ’s room. They mainly reported the results of the exercises these days.

After knowing each other, fortunately, in the world of horror movies, I have a thorough understanding of the strength of his teammates.

First of all, it is zero to report his ability. After exchanging the blood of the writing round eye from Wuyan, it was not easy for him to open his eyes. However, with the help of Chu Xuan, after experiencing some painful illusions, Zero point has successfully opened the eye of writing.

With the power of these eyes, the zero-point sniper technique has been greatly improved, which is enough to provide the team with long-range sniper support.

Of course, his ability to protect himself is very weak.

Followed by overlord, he exchanged Dugu Jiujian and tyrant slaughter knife. His skill is exquisite. In melee combat, he may be limited by his attack power. He cannot fight against a strong enemy.

However, the increase in the weapon of the tyrant butcher knife is not a problem as long as it is not a strong enemy.

Then Zhan Lan, she exchanged blessings of God of War, so that everyone's attack power can be greatly improved, especially she also exchanged metal pieces that can increase their own mental power in a short period of time, it can be considered from time to time Needed.

As for Chu Xuan? His teleport ability has also been developed.

However, his own quality is not high, teleportation is too exhausting, so he can use it a few times, and the distance is not too far.

杰 Zhang Jie ’s overbearing color is domineering, and the degree of development is not great. In just a few days, it is naturally impossible to develop it.

Therefore, his overall strength improvement is not too obvious.

萧 Li Xiaoyi's Chakra refinement is not bad. As for these skills of trisomy? It can be used after copying, but there is no problem of proficiency.

Zheng Zheng also said that the blood of the blood viscount, he was very skilled, and demonstrated the blood of the blood to match the destructive power of Chinese qigong.

Comprehensive strength is naturally much higher than the Overlord.

In the end, it was Li Shuaixi. The speed of Quick Yin's ability development was not high enough, and Wu Yan was naturally incomparable, but at the level of sound speed, it was difficult for ordinary people to capture his actions.

Coupled with the gloves made of vibrating gold alloy, and the increase in the eight-door armor at critical times, Li Shuaixi's instant explosive power ~ ~ is even higher than Zheng Zheng.

Of course, his physical attributes are limited in all aspects. Therefore, the eight doors are now only open to the fourth door, and can not be maintained for a long time.

After knowing each other's strength well, each of them has enough confidence in their own players.

Next, it's time to prepare for the next horror movie.

I do n’t know if it was intentional. This time the reincarnation team of the Zhongzhou team explored and demonstrated their strengths, but did not let Wu Yan and Xiao Meng take the shot.

I may know that their strength is unfathomable, or maybe everyone is unwilling to confess, they already know that Wu Yan and Xiao Meng are not reincarnation.

In this way, after a good rest day, a light fell on the main **** square, and all the members of the Zhongzhou team entered the beam of light.

Wu Wuyan and Xiao Meng didn't fall, they followed together.

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