Plane Master Copy

Chapter 883: : The hint of Chu Xuan

With the ability of space gems, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng followed the people of the Zhongzhou team and entered the world of horror movies together.

I have seen this novel of infinite horror long ago. Wu Yan naturally remembers the plot of the original work.

According to the plot of the original book, after the biochemical crisis, the alien is after the alien, and after the alien is the curse?

A spooky horror movie.

Only, when Wu Yan passed through the world of horror movies and looked around, he felt a little stunned.

It turned out that I was not in a city, but in a forest that looked very primitive.

"This opening seems to be a little wrong ...", looking at the surrounding scenes, Wu Yan's heart was secretly surprised.

I curse that the main environment of this horror movie is urban? However, it appears in this virgin forest, and it doesn't look right.

After all, the transmission of the Lord God is very precise, unlike his own ability, crossing other planes, the timeline and place are completely irregular.

When Wu Yan was secretly surprised, the reincarnation team of the Zhongzhou team woke up one after another.

In addition to Zhang Jie and their eight veterans, there are two young women lying on the ground, apparently new to this horror movie.

"That is to say, is it difficult for ten people's horror movies? Only two new people have been added?" Even though Wu Yan's wisdom is not particularly high, but seeing this scene, Wu Yan also realized that Does the difficulty of the horror movie seem to be very high?

Seniors, one after another wake up one after another, and then whispered to discuss.

From their mouths, Wu Yan also knows which one of the world of this horror movie is actually the world of Jurassic Park.

他们 Their main task is also very simple, that is to kill the most powerful dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.

As the most popular dinosaur-themed film, the Jurassic Park film, the reincarnation of the Zhongzhou team, more or less remember some corresponding plot.

After a general discussion, Xu focused on Chu Xuan's body, and obviously wanted to hear his opinions.

I just said that Chu Xuan hadn't spoken yet. The two young women on the ground woke up almost at the same time.

One of them looked at everyone blankly, apparently did not understand their environment for a while.

The other one, the response was very fast, a dagger appeared in the hands, backed up a lot, and after opening a relatively safe distance, stared vigilantly at the Zhongzhou team.

Seeing this scene, the reincarnation of the Zhongzhou team looked slightly brighter.

Obviously, the qualifications of these two newcomers are not low, and they wake up very quickly, especially the woman holding a dagger. At a glance, she knows that they are not ordinary people.

Now that the newcomer has woke up, Zhan Lan has come forward and told the two newcomers about the matter in the space of the Lord God.

Of course, whether this incredible thing is believed or not depends on their own.

Regarding the so-called main **** space and horror movies, whether to believe or not, at least it seems that Zheng Ye and others seem to have no malicious appearance for the time being, and the vigilance of the newcomers beside them has also dropped a lot. Introduced.

"My name is Ming Yanwei, and I am a manager of the public relations department. If I am good at what I am good at, I am good at bows and arrows." One of the women said, introducing herself.

"My name is Zhao Yingkong and I'm an assassin". Compared to Ming Yanwei, the woman holding a dagger beside her speaks concisely and skillfully, without revealing more information about herself.

"Okay, next, let's discuss the mission of the Lord God."

It doesn't matter whether the two newcomers believe in the main **** space. When they see the dinosaurs, they will naturally believe it. Zheng Zheng clapped his hands and set his eyes on Chu Xuan again.

"Well, this mission has confirmed a lot of my suspicions ...", facing the reincarnation of the Zhongzhou team, they looked at their eyes, Chu Xuan nodded slightly.

"First of all, the difficulty of this horror movie in Jurassic Park is not particularly great. Just seeing the main **** only gave us two new people, we can see it. Of course, it is not ruled out that the late main **** may give us Likelihood of difficulty. "

"Secondly, the main **** assigns missions and horror films to the reincarnation team. It is not completely random, but the world and difficulty of the horror movie is selected based on the performance and strength of the reincarnation team before. In the case of horror movies, we can see that our team is not very high in the mind of the Lord God. "

"Our strength is obviously not weak. Why is the evaluation not so high for the Lord God? Is it because our strength is originally weak? I don't think this is very likely. The biggest possibility is our points, and We did n’t exchange too much with the Lord God, so that the Lord God does n’t value us very much. "

"Wait, Chu Xuan, although what you said makes sense, but you also said that in addition to our exchange and strength, the Lord God will also make a comprehensive evaluation based on our performance, right? We are in the last horror In the film world, it's not difficult to complete the task. "Zheng Zheng next to him heard this and couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, the world of the last horror movie was indeed easily completed, but don't forget the difficulty of how many people were in the last one, and how much was lost ..." Zheng Zheng said, Let Chu Xuan shook his head and reminded.

Wu Chuxuan's reminder, Zheng Zhengran nodded.

The last alien horror movie, even if not counting Wu Yan and Wu Meng, is still difficult for fifteen people. What is the last? Except for Li Shuaixi, they were all dead.

Almost half of the damage was caused by heavy injuries. Naturally, the evaluation received by the Lord God will not be high.

综合 So, in summary, the previous horror film lost almost half of the number of people, and after returning, there was no exchange in the main **** space. Naturally, in the evaluation of the main god, the evaluation of the Nakasu team will not be very high.

Then I chose Jurassic Park this time, and it only made sense to two newcomers.

Tong Chuxuan's analysis made Zhang Jie next to him helpless and gave his approval.

As the most senior reincarnation and semi-leader, Zhang Jie is even more clear. So far, there has been no person who turned on the gene lock in the Zhongzhou team. Is this the root cause that the Lord ’s score is relatively low?

As for the reincarnation next to him, after hearing Chu Xuan's analysis, they felt relieved for a long time.

In any case, since the main **** has arranged a world of horror movies with relatively low difficulty, this is naturally better, and everyone's safety factor is even greater.

"Everyone, in this way, our ability to exchange money, especially the ability of blood vessels, can be improved by ourselves in the future without being used by the main **** as a scoring factor. Are we all safer in the future?" At this time, the next Li Shuaixi couldn't help but say, with an excited look on his face.

If the main **** space is compared to a clearance game, then the blood gene ability copied from Wu Yan seems to be a growth plug-in?

"Although your theory is good in theory, but you don't forget, the stronger you are, the easier it will be to complete a horror movie, and the rating of the main **** will definitely be greatly improved ..." That's what he said.

In this regard, Chu Xuan's eyes glanced at the two next to Ming Yanwei and Zhao Yingkong: "For example, this time the horror movie is not difficult, but if we can easily complete it, even if the entire team has no casualties, then , The Lord ’s evaluation of us will inevitably be greatly improved, and the difficulty of the next horror world will naturally increase a lot. "

What does Chu Chuxuan mean by this? The seniors naturally understand that they can't help looking at the two newcomers.

I was stared at the eyes of these veterans. Although I didn't quite understand what was going on, Zhao Yingkong felt keenly that something was wrong, holding the palm of his dagger tightly.

As a person with a near-intuitive version of the sixth sense, Ming Yanwei next to her seems to feel something faintly.

"Well, don't say it, let's discuss what to do with this horror movie task." After Zheng Wei's brow frowned slightly, she directly interrupted Chu Xuan and said.

Although 不是 is not the captain of the Zhongzhou team, Zheng 拥有 ’s personality charm has already possessed the captain's spirit to a certain extent.

Wu Chuxuan hinted that Zheng Ye would never allow this kind of thing to kill the two newcomers in order to reduce the main god's evaluation of the Zhongzhou team.

In his opinion, this is a complete trample on the bottom line.

Zheng Zheng's remarks made the players next to him silent. Obviously, everyone had no objection to his choice.

"It is worthy of being called the existence of the Virgin ~ ~ Wu Yan, who also did not speak, just watched all these developments quietly. Regarding Zheng Yong's choice, she felt emotion and felt admiration.

Wu Wuyan thinks that he will do things that harm others, but will he do things that harm others?

I have no absolute confidence in myself.

However, Zheng Yan's performance is very firm, he will never do things that harm others!

This makes Wu Yan feel a little admired in his heart, but also feels a little admired. In a place like the space of the Lord God, it is commendable to maintain his mentality like him.

岩 When the end of the year erupted, Wu Yan was very clear about his own mentality after two years of eschatology.

Chu Xuan did not insist on this issue and said, "Well, in fact, this task is not difficult, it can even be said to be very easy. As long as the Lord God does not increase the difficulty for us temporarily, we will easily do it. I can spend it ... ".

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