Plane Master Copy

Chapter 885: : Mutated Dinosaurs

Chu Xuan, holding a pair of sharp short knives in his hand, although the quality of this pair of short knives is not high, but the sharpness is still okay. In conjunction with his telepathic ability, the dinosaur is huge and thick-skinned. There is no way to deal with it, but there are still no problems with some smaller dinosaurs.

Nightstalker's teleportation ability appears directly in front of the target, and then launches a deadly attack on the weak points of the throat and eyes, but can also harvest some points.

If you want to talk about attacking power, perhaps among these seniors, Chu Xuan's attacking power is relatively weak. The other seniors have good strength, so they also choose their own goals.

With the death of one dinosaur after another, these reincarnations of the Zhongzhou team are slowly harvesting the points they want.

Of course, the size and strength of dinosaurs are related to the level of points.

Zero zero writing round eye combined with a sniper rifle can be said to be an example of no false hair. Every bullet shot out almost means that a dinosaur is killed and some points are in hand.

Zhan Lan does not have any offensive power, but only the ability to assist. However, she teamed up with Zheng Ye and Li Shuaixi. The God of War blessed to cooperate with their original strength, but let them kill the Quartet.

Obviously, they have an agreement, and the points obtained are divided into Zhan Lan according to a certain proportion.

Zhang Jie and Bawang, of course, are not willing to be behind, this rare opportunity to score points, naturally will not be wasted, so each shot, but the points are also good.

It is worth mentioning that Zhao Yingkong next to him is also very powerful, a pair of daggers, a very flexible body, small and medium-sized dinosaurs, and there is no threat to her.

Squinting at her fighting methods, the seniors of the Zhongzhou team were secretly surprised. As a newcomer, they have such strength?

This is not like a newcomer, just like a senior.

Only Ming Yanwei didn't do anything, just watched the killing of these players quietly. He hadn't been strengthened. He was just an ordinary person. Naturally, she couldn't get involved in this battle.

Naturally, the players next to them will not sacrifice their own interests to help her. If they want to get help from their teammates, they must at least show their role. Otherwise, how can they help for no reason?


The great earthquake shook, and a huge dinosaur came over to this side, with a huge body. At the instruction of Wu Yan, Xiao Meng's palm was raised slightly.

In a short time, the icy snow and snow appeared, turning into a frost tornado and rotating around the dinosaur several times.

In a blink of an eye, this huge dinosaur turned into a huge ice sculpture.

The action of Xiao Xiaomeng made the reincarnation next to her take a look at her, and an understatement solved such a huge dinosaur. Her strength is really unfathomable.

And most importantly, in addition to the overbearing power of Domineering, she actually has the power to control the snow?

"Brother, no points", after trying to shoot, after killing a dinosaur, Xiao Meng shook her head slightly in the face of Wu Yan's inquiry.

"Okay, it really is ...", there was not much disappointment, Wu Yan nodded secretly, it is not a reincarnation, it is reasonable to kill dinosaurs without points.

"So strong, to what extent does she have such a degree of strength? It is unfathomable, and just showing this is comparable to the existence of a fourth-order gene lock, right?" Zhang Jie looked at the small After sprouting, my heart murmured secretly.

The existence of a fourth-order gene lock is just like a legendary power to the current Zhongzhou team.

These people of Wuzhongzhou team are happily brushing points, each of them has gained a lot of points.

There are relatively few crickets, like Chu Xuan and Bawang, but they only got hundreds of points.

But there are many, like Zheng Ye and Li Shuaixi, each scored around 2000 points, it can be said that they are full of gains.

However, just when the members of the Zhongzhou team worked hard to score points, on the other side of the island, within a huge base, a man sat in front of the computer screen and looked at the light spots displayed on the screen. Continued to disappear, his face could not help but change.

糟糕 "Oops? Is this something wrong?" The man's face was ugly, and then he hurried to find the head of Jurassic Park, Dr. Hammond.

"Hey, is there anything urgent to see me now?".

At this time, Dr. Hammond was receiving some scientists he invited, such as Dr. Grant, and suddenly a staff member came to find him in a hurry, which made Dr. Hammond unclear.

博士 "Doctor, something went wrong. After testing, dozens of dinosaurs that have been tracked down by us have disappeared from monitoring." The staff member eagerly reported to Dr. Hammond.

消失 "Disappeared? Didn't they all fly with wings?" Hammond's brows frowned slightly when he heard this.

"These tracking points will disappear. There are only two possibilities. One is that these dinosaurs have left the surveillance area, that is, they have left the island. The other is that they are dead and have lost their symptoms of life." The staff member said .

"Hurry up, send someone to check it out." This answer made Hammond feel that something was wrong and said.

"Okay, I see," Wen Yan said, the staff nodded.

But just as he turned to leave, suddenly, it seemed like he thought of something, and said to Dr. Hammond, "Yes, there is one more thing to report to you. After investigation, the dinosaurs in our park, The temperature of many dinosaurs has changed inconsistently with the reason, and the specific reasons are not clear. "

好的 "Okay, you see, let's check the reason why the dinosaurs disappeared." Dr. Hammond's face was even more ugly, but he didn't rush to say anything, and waved his hand.

The sound of the words dropped, Dr. Hammond, and was not interested in entertaining Dr. Grant, and hurried to the laboratory to see why the temperature of the dinosaurs had changed.

The dinosaur project in the Jurassic Park is a dream of Dr. Hammond, and it is also a project that he has poured countless hard work and money into.

The temperature of some dinosaurs has changed, and the trackers of many dinosaurs have failed, and there is a high possibility that a large number of deaths will occur. These two things combined together could not help him not pay attention.

"Let ’s go and see ...", realizing that something might have happened to the dinosaurs on the island, Dr. Grant felt that some of them were serious, and Dr. Trent's wife, Dr. Setler, was restless, talking, Dr. Grant followed Hammond's footsteps.

Dr. Hammond looked at the people who followed him, but did not expel them.

These are all scientists who study dinosaurs. Maybe they can help?

When I came to the laboratory, I could see that the staff of the laboratory were busy. After questioning, Hammond found that it was not just a change in body temperature. Even many dinosaurs had some unspeakable changes. .

"Anomalies? What's going on? Haven't our work been carried out well?" The hearing of the dinosaurs has anomalous, and the cause can't be found, which makes Hammond's face very unusual. Ugly, angrily.

"Sir, we don't know why, it seems that all of these dinosaurs have all kinds of mutations all of a sudden, it seems like ...".

Explained in the mouth of the roaring scientist, he paused for a moment.

"What's it like?" Dr. Hammond asked, it's time, what else can't be said?

"It's like, these dinosaurs have a genetic mutation collectively." The scientist thought about it, but still told the truth.

"Gene mutations? Gene mutations are just rare cases, right? Now, a wide range of mutations, you tell me this is a genetic mutation?" Hammond himself is also a scientist, and it is naturally difficult to accept this statement.

"Sir, you know, there are very few genetic mutations, or even a one in 10,000 probability. However, if there are some external factors, it can cause genetic mutations, such as nuclear radiation ... "The staff member explained.

Such a wide range of gene mutations can never be naturally formed, and there must be incentives, but what is the cause is still unknown.

Click, click ...

Not to mention that Dr. Hammond was talking to these staff members. Next to him, a dinosaur egg suddenly vibrated a few times inside the dinosaur training maggot, and the egg cracked immediately.

At the same time, an alarm appeared on the machine next to it, and the temperature of the egg had reached a very exaggerated level.

Hammond and many scientists in the laboratory were attracted to this scene, his head turned solemnly.

I saw this egg, shaking it a few times, the cracks were getting more and more, obviously the little guy inside was about to come out.

But ~ ~ On this egg, a burst of water vapor can be seen, and the temperature is obviously terrible.

"What kind of egg is this?", Looking at the irrational egg, Dr. Hammond asked with a serious look.

"Sir, this is a raptor's egg," the scientist next to him looked very dignified and whispered.

Raptor? Is that a carnivorous dinosaur? Similar to wolves, small and medium-sized dinosaurs are hunted mainly in teams.

Finally, under everyone's attention, the egg slowly broke open, and then a palm-sized dinosaur slowly got out of the eggshell.

On the face of it, this dinosaur did look like a raptor, but when this palm-sized dinosaur unfolded a pair of flesh fins, and coughed a few times in his mouth, it actually spewed out fireworks. German's mouth twitched a few times.

"You, tell me? This is a raptor? Have you ever seen a raptor with long wings and a fire in his mouth?".

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