Plane Master Copy

Chapter 886: : The Word Trap of the Lord God

As the saying goes, a glimpse of the leopard in the tube shows it.

Seeing Weizhi, although the resurrected raptor is just a little guy, even if it has wings and can emit fireworks, it can be said that it is just a little kid just born Nothing threatening at all.

But, through this little guy in front of you, Dr. Hammond and others can realize that the situation in the park is very optimistic.

Sure enough, it seems that it is to confirm the general conjecture in everyone's mind. Soon, a message came from the laboratory. It was the team that had just got Hammond's order to investigate the mystery of the death of dinosaurs.

话 The words in this staff's mouth were full of horror and eagerness: "Dr. Hammond, it's bad, something happened, something big happened, help, we met monsters, monsters ...".

别 "Don't worry, what exactly did you encounter? Come on, where are you now?" Hearing the eager and frightening words in the newsletter, Dr. Hammond sank in his heart and asked.

"We were about five kilometers from the east side of the base, and we encountered a monster that was as fast as lightning, and the bullets had no effect in the past. It seemed to be a mutant dinosaur. We need, ah ...".

In the newsletter, the staff member's horrified call for help was not finished, and finally turned into an urgent and short scream, and the news stopped abruptly.

In the lab, Dr. Hammond and other scientists looked very ugly, and at the same time, the entire lab became quiet.

Invisible, all people can feel a heavy pressure, somehow appeared.

哈 "Hammond, what kind of monster did you study?" Dr. Grant asked, aloud with an angry look on his face.

"Dinosaurs, my purpose is to create a dinosaur paradise and let these extinct creatures appear in front of the world again. Why does it become like this? I do n’t know, I do n’t know ...”, Dr. Hammond shook his head , It is also a look of disappointment.

"The extinction of dinosaurs is their own choice. Since God made them extinct, it naturally has its reason, but you have tried to change all of this. Your arrogance will hurt yourself and even the entire world." .

Tranter said aloud in his mouth, apparently, pushing all these faults onto Dr. Hammond.


But, now there is no chance for them to quarrel. At this time, suddenly, there was a vigorous and terrible roar outside.

This roar changed the faces of all the staff members. This voice seems to be the voice of the T-Rex being detained?


When it is unusual, the ordinary Tyrannosaurus rex will naturally be held by those high-voltage electric gateways and cannot escape, but now, countless dinosaurs have undergone unspeakable changes, and this Tyrannosaurus rex has become more powerful.

His body shape touched those high-voltage power grids. The terrible electric shock not only did not let the Tyrannosaurus retreat. Even the Tyrannosaurus seemed to enjoy the electric shock very much.

The naked eye can see that under the power of these high-voltage electricity, the shape of Tyrannosaurus Rex is like a balloon, constantly expanding.

Originally, the T-Rex that was only about ten meters tall, under the scourge of high-voltage electricity, the skin slowly showed a pale blue color, and the body also rose to the height of the ship, rising to nearly a hundred meters.

The current T. rex's body is completely different from his father's and son's.

"Okay, big, is this Godzilla?" Looking at the blue Tyrannosaurus Rex, which is about 100 meters long, Hammond murmured in his mouth. Man has a terrible sense of suffocation.

With the huge high-voltage electricity transforming the body of this blue tyrannosaurus, all the terrible electricity flowed into the body of this tyrannosaurus, and even the entire base's power was overwhelmed. Even the lights, all Become uncertain.

Immediately, with a snap, the power was completely paralyzed, and the lights went out. Even the equipment such as computers were all powered off and stopped working.

Although emergency power soon appeared, but it just let the lights on.

逃 "Escape, everybody ..." At this time, Dr. Grant shouted aloud.

It turned out that the fence surrounding the Tyrannosaurus Rex before was now like a threshold to it. The Tyrannosaurus gently lifted its feet and stepped out directly from the inside.

Even, the raised feet moved forward, and many buildings collapsed under its feet. This terrible figure and violent power made Hammond despair of them.

This level of Tyrannosaurus Rex is exactly like Godzilla in science fiction movies.

Not to mention how terrible the strength of this Tyrannosaurus Rex is now. On the other hand, the reindeers of the Zhongzhou team are gradually feeling the changes of these dinosaurs.

The dinosaurs that have changed a lot have increased their strength one by one, and even some dinosaurs have become like the legendary World of Warcraft, and can display various strange abilities.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Jie, Zhao Yingkong, and Overlord were all injured. If it were not for the rapid gene of Li Shuaixi next to the rescue, maybe some of them would have to explain here.

However, Chu Xuan, who was next to him, responded quickly and noticed that the prey in front of him suddenly changed and became more powerful. The nightwalker's teleportation ability was activated, and he successfully hid it, but it was just a dinosaur's paw I made a few cuts in my arm.


The terrible sound of, one after another, was originally a quiet island. At this moment, it seemed to be some kind of battlefield, and 霎 time was turbulent.

The reincarnation team of Wuzhongzhou team looked up and could see a huge explosion in the distance. There were also many dinosaurs with wings in the sky.

Even, a huge blue T-Rex like a hill appeared.

"Suddenly, the dinosaurs in the entire park seemed to have been strengthened." There was no sign of a violent change in the dinosaurs on the island, which surprised the returnees of the Nakasu team Look.

"It seems that the Lord God forcibly increased the difficulty of the task."

的 The scene in front of me has changed. What is the situation? Of course, the people in the Zhongzhou team also realized that there is no other possibility than the main god.

"It seems that the entire island has become a paradise for dinosaur monsters. If these dinosaurs have become killer monsters, then our situation is even more terrible than when we faced those aliens. ".

I saw the whole island was completely turbulent, and the dinosaurs that had been strengthened emerged endlessly, and their strength was even more terrible, Zheng Zheng could not help but conscientiously said.

During the conversation, Zheng Zheng's gaze looked at the dinosaur that was as big as a hill in the distance, and his mind was more dignified.

The mission of the Lord God is to kill the most powerful dinosaur. The dinosaur in the distance is like a mountain. How can this be killed?

After looking at the tiger knife in his hand, and then looking at the dinosaur that was as big as a mountain in the distance, the corners of Zheng Yan's mouth twitched slightly.

If the size of this dinosaur is like an elephant, then his amber knife is like a nail clipper.

Want to kill this huge dinosaur? It seems that weapons are not enough.

"Yes, the Lord God has increased the difficulty of the task, but the so-called difficulty is not simply to strengthen the power of these dinosaurs." Chu Xuan next took out a hemostatic spray on his wound. After spraying, the look still calm.

"Oh? Is there another level of difficulty in the difficulty you said?" Chu Xuan's words surprised the players of the team next to Zhongzhou.

之后 After these dinosaurs have been strengthened, and now this chaotic look is very strong, right?

However, this is not the true meaning of the difficulty of the Lord God.

"You will not forget what the mission of the Lord God is this time, right?", And did not answer directly, Chu Xuan just glanced at the teammates next to him and asked.

"Of course I remember, our main task is to kill the most powerful dinosaur on the island, and so on, what do you mean ..." Zheng Zheng opened his mouth and seemed to realize something, his face could not help but change.

不错 "Yes, if everything is according to the original book, that powerful Tyrannosaurus Rex is naturally the most powerful, but now, countless dinosaurs have changed. Who knows which is the most powerful?"

Tong Chuxuan spoke, pointing at the tyrannosaurus rex, which was as tall as a hill, and said, "That dinosaur is the largest, do you think it is the most powerful?"

Speaking of this ~ ~ Chu Xuan paused and said, "And what does the Lord God mean by being powerful? Is it pure power? Or is it a combination of wisdom, even potential, and even power? All aspects to consider? This is also a point we need to seriously consider. "

Lu Chuxuan's analysis made the face of the Zhongzhou team a bit ugly.

Yeah, in what sense does the Lord God mean powerful? Strong? Destructive? Or is it a combination of potential and wisdom?

It seems that this task of the Lord God contains a text trap.

所以 "So, not only do we have the power to kill the strongest dinosaurs, but also we need to find a way to find the so-called strongest dinosaur of the Lord God? So it seems that the difficulty of this task is very scary now."

After Chu Xuan's analysis, Zheng Ye and others were able to realize the difficulty of the task now.

The original easy task has become a very difficult task. At this moment, the Zhongzhou team, which had been happily brushed up, became heavy.

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