Plane Master Copy

Chapter 888: : Gene Lock On

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蓝色 This blue tyrannosaurus is indeed very strong. Not only is it huge, but it also has the power to control lightning.

The violent and raging thunder and lightning made it difficult for these members of the Zhongzhou team to fight, and they could only retreat.

How could Tyrannosaurus Rex, who had been blinded with one eye, let them go so easily? The attack was even more violent with the vicious outbreak.

Similarly, with its attack, the raging thunder and lightning quickly turned all the surrounding areas into Jiao Ming.

"Fearful, very powerful, if we do it directly, we are not opponents ...".

Although experiencing the world of two horror movies, Zheng's strength has also improved a lot, but he has only hundreds of crystal points, if he is not flexible enough, he would have been trampled by this Tyrannosaurus Rex.


In the distance, Zero caught a suitable opportunity, and the sniper rifle sounded again.

But, would a Tyrannosaurus Rex, who had suffered a loss, eat the same loss? Although it is impossible to dodge in the form of T. rex, the thunder and lightning bathing around it turned into a power grid. Although it could not successfully stop the sniper bomb, it still blocked the bullet. Resistance.

的 Tyrannosaurus tilted his head away, and the bullet landed on its head.

In the shape of Tyrannosaurus Rex, if he doesn't hit the key, he will be hit by this bullet, but it seems to be stuck with a needle.

This bullet is not enough to hurt the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but it makes it more angry and the thunderbolt is more fiery. The Tyrannosaurus opened his mouth and a bright thunderous light came out of his mouth.

Hidden at the zero point in the distance, the overlord color can't grasp the whereabouts. Zheng 吒, who is the busiest jumping up and down, is obviously its main attack target.

"It's too exaggerated !?", looking at the oncoming Lei Guang, Zheng Zheng was dismayed.

In his eyes, as if everything in front of him was flooded with thunder and lightning, the violent thunder and lightning were approaching quickly.

"Huh?" Wu Yan next to him raised his brow slightly. In Wu Yan's view, according to Zheng Yan's speed, he should not be able to escape.

However, at this time, Zheng Ye seemed to break a certain limit, and his speed suddenly increased a lot. Even the trajectory of the action was very reasonable.

"Is this? Is there a speed-type skill increase?", Feeling that Zheng Ye's speed has suddenly and unreasonably increased, Wu Yan's eyes glanced at the marks of Zhan Lan next to him.

However, Zhan Lan did not move at all, apparently not her.

What's more, if she already had the ability to increase speed, she should have used it already?

"Zheng Ye!", The other players next to him, watching Zheng Ye's figure was about to be engulfed by this thunderbolt, and his face changed greatly.

Zheng Zheng just scratched some thunder, and was already injured. If he was hit in the front this time, he would definitely die.

I have been fighting for such a while, everyone has been very clear about the strength of this tyrannosaurus.


Leiguang fell on the ground, making the whole earth seem to tremble. As the light dissipated, a huge deep pit was left on the ground, and electric light was continuously jumping in the pit.

Zheng Zheng's body flew high, landed in the distance, and rolled a few times on the ground.

Although he looks very embarrassed, it is clear that he was not hit.

"It's terrible." Looking back, he glanced at the destructive power of this thunderbolt like a missile, Zheng Xuan's heart was afraid.

At the same time, Zheng Min felt strange. Just now he seemed to have entered a very mysterious situation, as if everything between heaven and earth had slowed down. At the same time, it seemed that a lot of information had poured into his mind. And his mind has also become a supercomputer, and this information has been properly processed.

"No, if it wasn't for Zhan Lan's speed-up skills, it was Zheng Zheng's own reason, is it the power of gene lock?" Wu Yan's eyes fell on Zheng Zheng's body, secretly in his heart. Then murmured, his eyes lightened slightly.

If it is really the power of gene locks, that would be interesting.

However, the slightly brightened eyes quickly dimmed again. Although the power of the gene lock made Wu Yan a little hot and wanted to copy it, but only the first order of the gene lock, for Wu Yan, and Nothing works.

At least the third-order gene lock can make Wu Yan treat each other's eyes, of course, if it is the fourth-order, it can't be better ...

"Hello, did you find that? This T. rex's body seems to have shrunk a bit? Is it my illusion?" Just when everyone was attracted by the situation of Zheng Ye's escape, suddenly, the communication There was a zero sound in the device.

Compared with others, as a sniper, he naturally locked his eyes on his target all the time.

"咦? It really seems like this." With the reminder of zero, the other reincarnations carefully looked at the blue electric tyrannosaurus, and they all felt that way.

The previous Tyrannosaurus rex was visually inspected in the past, and his body was about 100 meters away, but now it seems that it is one size smaller and has become about 80 meters.

Although the size is still very large, but compared to just now, it is a bit smaller.

"It seems that although this Tyrannosaurus rex can use the power of thunder and lightning, but if it consumes thunder and lightning, will it make it smaller?" Zhan Lan thought about it and put forward his own guess.

It seems that there is only such an explanation. Otherwise, why did the T-Rex before being provoked not use lightning to carry out long-range attacks?

"It seems that I have to work harder ...", standing up against her body, Zheng said.

If this is true, the strength of this Tyrannosaurus Rex will only get weaker as the battle progresses.

It ’s not just Zheng Zheng, Zhang Jie and others beside him, at this time, also cheered up and rushed towards the Tyrannosaurus Rex together, not seeking to cause much damage to the Tyrannosaurus Rex, at least, it should be dispersed attention.

"Well, it seems that there is no suspense ...", looking at the sense of teammates playing BOSS here, Wu Yan's eyes also fell on the blue electric tyrannosaurus.

According to the data on the crystal measuring device, the number of crystal points of this Tyrannosaurus Rex has dropped from more than 2,800 to about 2,200.

Yan Wuyan knows very well that if nothing unexpected happens, the end of this battle is already doomed.

Sure enough, like Wu Yan's conjecture, he fought for another moment. When the tyrannosaurus's shape dropped to about 60 meters, he seized an opportunity, and the zero-point sniper shot again. This time he successfully hit the tyrannosaurus. one eye.

霸 Tyrannosaurus Rex, blindfolded, is no more threatening, sitting and watching it fell into a state of madness.

In the end, it did n’t take too much hands and feet. Under the continuous shrinking of the T. rex's body, he was finally beheaded by Zheng Ye.

Maybe it was because of the killing of this Tyrannosaurus Rex, everyone contributed, Zheng Zheng got the most points, 1500 points, and two C-level sideline plots.

However, the other people at the zero point also got some rewards because of their efforts.

"This monster is not easy. If it didn't shoot the two eyes blindly, it's not worth fighting." He looked at the blue electric tyrannosaurus lying on the ground, his body shrunk to thirty. The degree of about meters, Zhang Jie said in amazement.

"Zheng Ye, how are you doing? Don't scare me", Zhan Lan next to him, at this time was surprised and eager to say, attracting everyone's attention.

It turned out that after the battle ended, Zheng Ye was lying on the ground, his body twitched slightly, and looked very scary.

"It's okay. His condition is okay. It's okay after a break." Looking at Zheng's response, Zhang Jie can roughly guess his current situation.

Should be the sequelae of the first unlock of the gene lock, and said to the companions beside him.

I heard Zhang Jie's words. The people next to me were very relaxed. Although Zheng Ye looked scary and thought that he had been injured by Tyrannosaurus Rex in the first war, but since Zhang Jie said there was no major problem, there was nothing to think of.

At this time, Wu Yan also came over, and as a medical doctor, he stretched out his hand and put it on Zheng Xuan's wrist. Then he closed his eyes slightly, and seemed to be diagnosing Zheng Xuan's pulse.

Zhan Lan, who was next to the uncle, and others, watching Wu Yan's movements, did not bother, but just looked at him curiously.

Ding ~ ~ Discover removable storage devices.

Of course, Wu Yan is not diagnosing the pulse, he just borrowed this pair and then established a link to the disk, and came along as prompted.

Yan Wuyan also did not make nonsense, directly opened Zheng C's C drive.

His C drive is no different from ordinary people, except that there is a bloodline file in it. In addition, there is another file for gene lock.

Looked at this gene locked file, the capacity is not large, it just unlocked the first stage, the 2G file is not worth Wu Yan to copy.

Xu shook his head secretly, Wu Yan let go of his hand.

Holding the orchid finger in one hand, at the same time, a few mysterious mantras were chanted in the mouth, and a light finger pointed at Zheng Ye, a golden light, shot from Wuyan's fingertips and landed on Zheng Ye Within him, the body that made him twitch quickly subsided, and his frowning brows relaxed.

Seeing Zheng's reaction, Zhan Lan and others next to him felt completely relaxed.

"It seems that the situation is a little less optimistic."

At this time, Tyrannosaurus' face was a bit ugly. He looked at the main god's watch on his wrist and said: "This Tyrannosaurus Rex has been killed, but our mainline mission has not been completed yet. Is it true? It is not the most on this island. A powerful dinosaur? So, where is the really powerful dinosaur? ".

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