Plane Master Copy

Chapter 889: : Objectives of the main mission

Although this blue electric tyrannosaurus rex is not the strongest dinosaur on the island, but it looks like Godzilla's general shape, plus the power to control thunder and lightning, it really makes Zheng Ye and them into a hard battle.

Fortunately, the final result is still very pleasing, with high risks and high returns. After killing this dinosaur, all the samsaras who participated in the war have received considerable returns.

After taking a good rest, Zheng Xie and others immediately went to Chu Xuan where they were.

They went to complete the side missions. They haven't come back till now, and don't know if they are in danger.

After all, the mainline and sideline tasks are in an unfinished state.

After Xun walked for a while, soon Zheng and others met a group of people who were coming here, and it was Chu Xuan.

However, apart from Li Shuaixi's better condition, the other people were more or less wounded and looked very embarrassed.

Alas, beside them, there were a few characters from the original plot, who wanted to come to complete the side missions, so these reincarnations suffered some injuries.

"How is your situation?" Zheng Zheng asked after the two sides met.

"The situation is not good, although we rescued them all, but the side missions are still not completed, that is, from the perspective of the Lord God, are they still not out of danger?".

Wu Chuxuan's voice is relatively small. After all, the characters of the original plot are standing beside them, and they cannot be told that there is a question about the space of the main god.

During the conversation, Xu appeared and looked at Zheng Xu's appearance, and said, "Looks like, did you kill that Godzilla-like dinosaur?".

"Yes, we have killed it, but the main task is still not completed", nodded, Zheng Ye's face was a bit ugly.

The current situation can be said to confirm Chu Xuan's conjecture before, the Lord God has increased the difficulty of the task, and this difficulty has increased to a very high level.

"How about you? How did you get hurt and did you encounter any powerful dinosaurs?" Immediately, Zheng Zheng asked Chu Xuan again.

"Well, we encountered a group of mutant raptors," Li Shuaixi interjected.

The raptor raptor is also an excellent dinosaur in Jurassic Park.

First, although it is relatively small, it is also a carnivorous dinosaur. Second, the raptor is very clever and possesses the wisdom of almost no human beings. In the original book, he even knows fishing law. Third, the raptor is a social creature Hunting is a group activity, and it feels like an enhanced version of the wolf pack.

帅 Li Shuaixi's words, Zheng Zheng they all understand.

It's true that if you encounter a raptor, the situation is indeed not optimistic. Compared to other dinosaurs, it seems that the raptor is the most terrible, let alone the strengthening class raptors that have changed.

"If you say that the pure power is the strongest, the blue electric tyrannosaurus you killed should be the strongest on this island, but you can kill it. Our mission was not completed." Chu Xuan, although the injuries were not minor, But the light of thought flashed in his eyes.

既然 "Since the so-called strength is not just a matter of looking at strength, then considering all aspects of power and wisdom, the most terrible thing on the island now is the Raptor."

"So, is it possible that the most powerful dinosaur is the leader of the Raptor?" After listening to Chu Xuan's analysis, the Zheng Zheng next to them said that they nodded each other and thought the words made sense.

Not to mention, purely in terms of threats, with the power of the reincarnation team, even if it encounters a powerful Tyrannosaurus Rex, it can be attacked in groups. The strength of the individual is as long as it does not exceed a certain limit. Nothing terrible.

Is exactly the Raptor, generally small in size, but in groups, it has produced different mutations and enhancements. It would be even more terrible if they encountered the Raptor group.

So, from a threat perspective, it seems that the leader of the raptors is the most powerful dinosaur on the island, no problem.

"Then our goal now is to kill the leader of the Raptors?" Li Shuaixi interjected again at this time, his face was a bit ugly.

The raptors are very scary, and the raptors have great wisdom. It is definitely not so easy to kill the leader of the raptors. It can even be said to be the hardest dinosaur on the entire island.

"Hey, sir, our main task now is to escape, not hunt and kill dinosaurs. Now the entire island has become a paradise for monsters."

Dr. Grant next to the puppet was stunned when he heard them discussing the hunt for the leader of the Raptor.

"Yes, I don't care who you are, you secretly went to the island, want to come for money, as long as you send me to the airport and let us successfully leave, I will pay you a generous revenge", Hammond next to this It was time to speak, Xu Yizhong.

"Oh? Mr. Hammond, are there any planes you can leave? If so, we can help you!".

The reincarnations next to the puppet, hearing Hammond's words, moved their hearts and knew what the conditions for the completion of this branch task were.

Mainline missions are naturally to be completed, but the rewards of the side missions are also very generous. If you really hunt the raptors, these original characters will not have time to take care of them.

So, all the reincarnations have acquiesced in completing the side missions before talking.

After asking a few questions, it turned out that using an airplane to leave at this time was the best way. I learned from Dr. Hammond's mouth that there was an airplane that could be carried by everyone at the scene.

So, the returnees of the Zhongzhou team turned to Hammond to **** them to find the plane.

Of course, on the surface, they have promised this task for money, and mine is not to let these original plot characters doubt their identities.

I walked all the way, indeed, the entire island has become a paradise for dinosaurs. The herbivorous dinosaurs are okay. Even if they have a powerful force after being alienated, they may not be actively aggressive.

The most aggressive dinosaurs are carnivorous dinosaurs. With the mutation, almost all of these dinosaurs who had been locked up fled.

Along the way, after killing a few carnivorous dinosaurs, the crowd came to the airport successfully.

After a good discussion about the so-called compensation, naturally, these original plot characters all boarded the departing plane.

"Hey, Mr Zheng Zheng, aren't you leaving? If you don't leave now, you won't have the chance to leave ..." After boarding the plane, seeing that these samsaras did not leave, Dr. Grant was strange Asked.

"No, we have some reasons, we can't leave, you go first", shook his head, Zheng Zheng answered.

When Zheng Xun was hit by a dinosaur on the road, Zheng Xun shot and saved Dr. Grant's life. Therefore, he really liked Zheng Xun.

"Well, let's go now", and nodded, Dr. Grant said nothing more.

Just, after thinking about it, Dr. Grant suddenly took out a whistle-like prop from his pocket.

"This is something I made by imitating the raptor's throat vocal cord. It can simulate the sound of the raptor and give it to you. Maybe you can make a difference." He sent this prop to Zheng Zheng, Dr. Grant said .

"Thank you!", Without any kind, Zheng Zheng nodded and took over this whistle-like prop.

I remember that in the original book of Jurassic Park, there was indeed such a scene, surrounded by several raptors. Dr. Grant whistled and made the raptors aggressive, and did not strike him.

The plane took off and took off, carrying Dr. Hammond as they left the island in Jurassic Park.

It was just that the plane had just taken off. Suddenly, a giant dinosaur with a wingspan of more than ten meters appeared and flew towards the plane.

The huge plane apparently became the target of this pterosaur's attack.


Zero's response was quick, the sniper rifle sounded, and a bullet shot out, hitting the pterosaur, hindering its shape.

"Chu Xuan!" Zheng Zheng shouted, with a tiger sword in his hand.

Lu Chuxuan's response was quick. She put it on Zheng Ye's shoulder, and immediately turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared. At the same time, she appeared on the pterosaur's back.

Tiger spirit cut down heavily, blood splattered in the scream.

The plane was sailing in the air and headed towards the distance. Dr. Grant lay on the window and looked back. He could see Zheng Wei who was very powerful, and the pterosaur that fell to the ground in the scream.

"The terrible man, his power has already exceeded the limits of ordinary people, who are they? Is the mutation of the dinosaurs related to them?" Hammond also saw what Zheng Ye showed over there. Strength ~ ~ murmured secretly in my heart.

Not to mention Hammond's thoughts, after killing the pterosaur that flew out, the reincarnations of the Zhongzhou team all looked at the distant plane.

But for a moment, the Lord God watch shook slightly, and everyone in the Zhongzhou team lowered their heads, and smiled on their faces.

The spur line mission has been completed, and it is perfectly completed. Everyone has obtained a full 2000 points and a B-level plot. It can be said that the harvest is full.

However, now is not the time to be happy, the sideline tasks have been completed, but the mainline tasks have not been completed yet.

The next most difficult thing is **** the leader of the Raptor?

When it comes to the main task, the returnees of the Zhongzhou team have become more dignified. At the same time, everyone's eyes are more or less on Chu Xuan.

Specifically how to formulate a battle plan obviously depends on Chu Xuan's wisdom.

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