Plane Master Copy

Chapter 900: : Tragedy Zhao Sukong

The situation on the Devil's side, for the time being, regardless of the side of the Zhongzhou team, Li Shuaixi and Chu Xuan also stayed together. In addition to the two of them, Wu Yan sat quietly.

Although I had long expected to meet one of the Devil or Tenjin team here at Mordor, today's contact with the Devil team surprised Li Shuaixi, and Chu Xuan's expression became dignified. a lot of.

For Chu Xuan, who does not have much affection for almost anything, he can feel dignity. This kind of thing is naturally very difficult, and this also illustrates Chu Xuan's mind now.

The Devil Team is a copy of the most potential reincarnation team in the entire main **** space. Zhang Jie has already said this, but Chu Xuan did not expect to be able to see his existence among the Devil Team.

So, is your qualification confirmed by the Lord God?

For this, Chu Xuan's heart did not feel happy. On the contrary, he also felt that things were more troublesome than he thought.

"Chu Xuan, what shall we do next? Or do we follow the original plan?".

帅 Li Shuaixi can see that Chu Xuan's expression seems something wrong. This is what he has never seen before, but after a long silence, Li Shuaixi still speaks to Chu Xuan.

"No, we are in trouble now," said Li Shuaixi, causing Chu Xuan to shake his head slightly.

After a moment of careful thought in Xun's heart, Chu Xuan also had a more thorough analysis of the current situation.

This feeling is very strange, it is like playing chess between two top chess players. It was supposed to be you who came and went, but now it has become a game of playing chess with yourself. It's amazing.

It seems that each step of your own game will be perceived by your opponent. Similarly, you can understand each step of your opponent's chess. Such a game is unprecedented.

"Trouble? What's wrong?" Chu Xuan's words made Li Shuaixi's heart bewildered and asked immediately.

"If I didn't expect it to be bad, the reason we stayed at Mordor was already known by the Devil team, and it wasn't a big secret that we traded with the Lord of the Rings and Sauron. Yes, "Chu Xuan began to analyze.

"That said, it is very likely that Sauron's effect on our amulet will be lost?".

帅 Li Shuaixi is not stupid. After listening to Chu Xuan, he can roughly understand what is going on.

I know the news of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and I am willing to send the Supreme Lord of the Rings, so the demon Sauron agreed to cooperate with the Zhongzhou team, but if the devil team also proposed the news of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, I believe that the Zhongzhou team in Sauron The effect in the heart is minimal.

By then, if the demons are fierce, maybe Sauron will not block it. This is naturally a very serious matter for the Zhongzhou team.

Hagi's original strategy, at this time, has become pale and weak.

I am not saying that Chu Xuan's layout is not good enough, it is a perfect plan, and it is likely to encounter unexpected situations. Now, for the Zhongzhou team, it is an accident.

所以 "So, are we in a dangerous situation now? If so, let's run away ...", realizing that the Devil has a reason to make a shot, Li Shuaixi said quickly.

"No, our current situation can be said to be cocoon self-binding, because we have agreed with Sauron long ago, taking teammates as hostages in exchange for the right to deploy the top ten ring spirits. If we escape at this time, we do n’t need the Devil team After shooting, Demon Sauron will not let us go. "Chu Xuan shook his head about Li Shuaixi's remarks.

These words made Li Shuaixi's face even more ugly.

So, isn't it the end of death now? Not only can these people not get away, but Zheng Ye will also come to your door?

"No, the situation is actually not that bad", but, looking at Li Shuaixi's ugly face, Chu Xuan turned aside and said, "The people of the Devil Team are uncertain about our strength, so they are not Dare to shoot at will, after all, the devil's main opponent is not us, but the gods team. "

"So, what do you think the people of the Devil's Team will do?" After listening to Chu Xuan's analysis, Li Shuaixi's face was slightly hesitant.

"If my expectations are not bad, they should come to test our hypocrisy, or to test our strength. If we are strong enough, maybe we have the right to talk to them, and if we If it's too weak, I don't think the Devil team would mind killing us first and then dealing with the Gods team, "Chu Xuan analyzed.

Want to be in the position, what would you do if you were in the Devil team? As long as this is considered, Chu Xuan can understand the next action of the Devil.

"Okay, I see. If the demons come to test the truth, I will show my strength and deter each other." Hearing that, Li Shuaixi also realized what the next situation represents. Nodded.

Uh ...

Not to mention what kind of preparations the Zhongzhou team has made. On the other hand, although Zhao Zhuankong decided to come to try the depth of the Zhongzhou team, he did not mean to rush.

As a killer, naturally it is best to make a single hit, and before that, Zhao Zuankong naturally knew his opponent as much as possible.

The existence of Lu Chuxuan and others in Mordor was not a secret, and after they inquired for a while, Zhao Zuankong understood the information about them.

First of all, Wu Yan and a few of them appeared while sitting on a giant divine bird. The divine bird was not easy to mess with at first sight.

Second, when facing the orcs, they did not see any action, so that hundreds of orcs around them were unconscious, and their strength was unfathomable.

Of course, regarding Zhao Chuxuan's transaction of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, Zhao Zhuankong also inquired clearly.

"That is to say, the strength of the Zhongzhou team itself is very mysterious, and do they still have a very strong pet?" After roughly understanding the strength of the Zhongzhou team, Zhao Zuankong groaned secretly. After a while, I decided to try it first.

As a self who is about to open the fourth stage of gene lock, Zhao Zhuankong is very confident in his strength.

I have seen the situation of the Zhongzhou team before, and three men and one woman seem to be four.

Moreover, it seems that there are some others in the Zhongzhou team who have not yet reached Mordor.

I want to test the strength of the Zhongzhou team. After secretly groaning for a while, Zhao Zhuankong feels that it is better to try it one by one.

Think carefully about the four members of the Zhongzhou team. Among them, the woman didn't seem to speak from beginning to end. In other words, did she have a low voice?

Then, it ’s good to try her first, and to test the weaker guys first, then there is a rough judgment about the strength of other people.

As soon as I thought about it, Zhao Zhuankong's figure seemed to blend into the black shadow, and began to sneak close to the Zhongzhou team.

The target of Zhao Zhuankong was also selected as Xiao Meng.

After searching for a circle, soon, Zhao Zhuankong finally found Xiao Meng's existence, and saw that she was sitting alone outside, sitting cross-legged, and the moonlight in the sky seemed to converge on her.

Obviously, she is practicing, and she is able to draw the essence of moonlight to practice.

"Well? In addition to the strength of the Zhongzhou team, in addition to the exchange of the main **** and his own breakthrough in battle, it turns out that in ordinary times, you can rely on cultivation to become stronger?" Seeing Xiao Meng's cultivation scene, Zhao Zhuankong Secretly surprised in my heart, but immediately shook his head again, secretly despising.

Regardless of the practice of martial arts, or whatever, the growth rate is not fast, ranging from years to decades.

In the space of the Lord God, the strength of each reincarnation has grown very rapidly. Therefore, this so-called cultivation does not really have much effect.

In Xu's heart, he shook his head secretly, feeling that Xiaomeng's cultivation had no substantial meaning. Zhao Zhukong converged his mind, and then approached Xiaomeng quietly and approached the past.

Xun originally came from the existence of the Assassin family. After entering the space of the Lord God, the strength of Zhao Zhukong was strengthened. At this moment, it can be regarded as the existence of the first echelon of the Lord God space.

There is no breath at all between the movement of the body shape, it really looks like a simple shadow.

Like a cheetah in the dark, Zhao Zhuankong slowly approached Xiao Meng. At the same time, a pair of sharp daggers were already held in his hand ~ ~ In his eyes, the Zhongzhou team This woman does not seem to find her existence at all.

Finally, after approaching a sufficient distance, seeing this little girl still did not find herself, Zhao Zhuankong suddenly shot.

He sneaked behind Xiao Meng, and suddenly raised a pair of daggers in his hands, stabbing toward Xiao Meng's heart like lightning, and succeeded!

I was just waiting for Zhao Sukong to feel happy. Suddenly, a terrible cold struck, making Zhao Sukong's movements slower and slower.

At the same time, Zhao Zoukong saw that Xiao Meng, who had been training with her eyes closed, opened her eyes, staring at herself.

Then, Zhao Sukong felt the bitter cold, and immediately he knew nothing.

Wu Xiaomeng slowly withdrew his hand. In front of her, Zhao Zhukong had completely turned into an ice sculpture. The lifelike ice sculpture was like a photo.

Xiao Meng withdrew her hand and ignored the ice sculpture in front of her. With her body moving, the snow and snow turned into disappearance.

After a long time, when the heavens had white fish belly, Zhao Zuankong broke out of the ice. The shivering look was really weak and pathetic.

who am I? where am I? What should I do?

缀 Zhao Chaokong was at a loss at this moment, and seemed to have no idea what was going on.

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