Plane Master Copy

Chapter 901: : Silence for the Demon Team

I just woke up, and Zhao Sukong had a little bit of a head in his head. However, he was a top assassin and his response was fast. Zhao Sukong quickly wanted to understand what was going on.

I originally thought about the strength of the Zhongzhou team, so I chose a woman who has no right to speak.

But, who could have thought that he was instantly spiked?

"The terrible existence, why didn't she kill me?" Thinking of being killed instantly, she was horrified by Xiao Meng's strength, and Zhao Zhuankong felt very surprised again.

After all, fighting between reincarnation squads can earn points.

However, although I was surprised, it was not a bad thing that I could survive anyway.

After Zhao Sukong thought for a moment, he immediately turned back to the Devil Team. These thinking questions were left to Chu Xuan.

On the demons side, Zhao Zhuankong went to test the strength of the Zhongzhou team, but they returned all night, which made some of the demons feel strange.

With Zhao Zongkong's strength, in the main **** space, it should be the strongest of the first echelon. Its strength is almost the same as that of the captain. Did something happen?

"Chu Xuan, what will happen to Zhao Zuankong?" Zheng Zheng, a replica here, waited all night, but did not wait for Zhao Zuankong to return, and then asked Chu Xuan.

This situation naturally requires Chu Xuan to analyze it.

"The strength of the Zhongzhou team should be very strong, even on the evaluation of the main god, but if it is said that the strength of the Zhongzhou team is higher than that of our demon team, this possibility is less than 20%." For the captain's inquiry, the replica Chu Xuan said. Say the conclusions of your own analysis.

"Well, yes," Zheng Zheng nodded his nod, and he still trusted Zhao Zongkong's strength. He can be said to be the second master of the Devil Reincarnation Team.

等等 "Wait, he's back. It looks like the situation isn't very good ...", the spirit of the Devil's team who has not spoken has been strengthened in Tom, and he suddenly said.

As Tom's words came down, it didn't take long for the door on the side of the Devil's team to be opened. Zhao Zuankong's face was pale and came in.

Looking at his look, Zheng Zheng's brow raised slightly, and said, "How? Have you been under the siege of the veterans of the Zhongzhou team?".

吒 In Zheng Zheng ’s opinion, the Zhongzhou team should not be a strong man who can threaten Zhao Zoukong. Since Zhao Zoukong can be defeated, it should be the result of several senior players in the Zhongzhou team besieging him.

It is not only Zheng Zheng who thinks so, but Chu Xuan, who is next to him.

In my opinion, it was his own action that was perceived by the body of the Zhongzhou team. So, set up a trap in advance and wait for Zhao Zuankong to drill in?

"No, it's not a siege, it's a single fight, I'm defeated." Zhao Zhengkong shook his head and said to the copy Zheng Zheng.

"Oh? The Zhongzhou team has such a master !?", Wen Yan said that the other three members of the Devil team had changed their faces.

Can single fight alone defeat Zhao Chaokong? Is the strength of the Nakasu team so strong?

Is there a bug in the evaluation mechanism of this god?

"Well, the strength of the Zhongzhou team is unfathomable." He nodded, and Zhao Zhuankong did not make any excuses, and simply recounted his experience last night.

Actually, there is no need to tell it carefully, because the woman who wanted to attack the Zhongzhou team was killed by the opponent.

"Can make you have no resistance ability, make you lose consciousness in an instant? This step requires at least the fourth-order mid-term gene lock to do it?" Zheng Zheng's face became a lot dignified.

At least, I can't do it myself. So it seems that the comprehensive strength of the Zhongzhou team is above the Devil team?

"Chu Xuan, do you think the strength of the Zhongzhou team is really above us?" Tom next to him asked.

"The situation of the Zhongzhou team is a bit special." Du Xuan Chuxuan, Mei Yujian with thought on the body, said: "Suppose that the strength of the Zhongzhou team is stronger than us, then, why does the main **** let the Zhongzhou team come? And, if he is really better than us, why should they find the demon Sauron as an amulet? ".

"However, if the strength of the Zhongzhou team is weak, this cannot be justified." Although Chu Xuan's analysis is very reasonable, Tom next to him opened up and raised his own questions.

"Yes, if they say that their strength is weak, this is unreasonable. After all, Zhao Zhankong was defeated in one move. Moreover, the demon Sauron was willing to cooperate with them. From these aspects, the Zhongzhou team is very strong ".

"So, what is the fact? You don't need to analyze it, just tell us the result."

The copy Zheng Zheng also spoke at this time, but he did not listen to the analysis of the copy of Chu Xuan's long story, but directly asked the results.

"After analyzing the currently known information, I think that the probability that the strength of the Zhongzhou team is above us is about 30%, and the reason why the Zhongzhou team did this may be to borrow special skills or The condition of the props is about 70%. For example, a certain prop can make Zhao Zuankong lose consciousness instantly, but he can't hurt him. "

"Is it relying on some kind of props or skills? In this case, there is indeed a great possibility!", I can hear the conclusion made by the copy of Chu Xuan, and the next copy Zheng Zheng agrees with them. head.

It is true that compared to the possibility that the strength of the Zhongzhou team is above the Devil's team, it seems that this possibility is even greater.

"Then deal with the situation of the Zhongzhou team. Let's discuss it from the long run. When Zhao Zuankong went to test, I also briefly investigated. The people in the Zhongzhou team wanted to borrow the right to deploy the spirit, and they and the demon Sauron The trading conditions are to let some of the Zhongzhou team's people stay at Mordor as hostages, "said the replica Chu Xuan, and some of the Zhongzhou team's reincarnations will stay, and they can slowly figure it out in the future.

既然 "Since this is the case, your body should not continue this transaction, will they try to leave?" Zhao Chaokong interjected and asked.

"No, I will naturally anticipate this decision in advance, so I will also make the corresponding arrangements. If he really wants to violate this agreement, we and the Sauron of the Demon will be upright to them. Started, the simple comparison of the strength of the reincarnation team, they are not necessarily our opponents, if you add the devil Sauron, they will certainly die. "

Duplicator Chu Xuan shook his head, thinking about where he was. Regarding the reaction of the Zhongzhou team, Duplicator Chu Xuan also felt that he could guess ten.

"Well, let ’s put down the situation on the Zhongzhou team. The main goal we have to deal with, after all, is the Tianshen team." Nodded his head. For the analysis of Chu Xuan, the copy Zheng Zheng also agreed, and immediately opened up and discussed It's about how to deal with the Gods team and how to complete the main task.

Not to mention that the Devil team is already discussing how to deal with the situation of the Tenjin team. On the other hand, a dozen people are the other members of the Zhongzhou team. They have come to Mordor one after another.

Relative to the Middle-earth continent, this situation of Mordor seems to be like another world. As far as you can see, a barren scene.

The half-orcs patrolling on Modudu asked about the identity of the Nakasu team, and then they were led by a half-orc team to Sauron.

Of course, Sauron recruited Chu Xuan and others over again.

The Tatars have arrived. According to the agreement, Zheng Xuan and they all have to stay in Mordor, while Li Shuaixi and Chu Xuan must leave and take the Ten Rings to find the whereabouts of the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

Regarding the agreed transaction, Chu Xuan did not raise any objections, and Zheng Zheng made them all stay according to the agreement.

Of course, before leaving, Chu Xuan and Zheng Ye gathered together and explained to them the situation encountered here as well as the situation of the Devil Team.

I learned that there were four people in the Devil Team, two of which were the duplicate Zheng Zheng and the duplicate Chu Xuan. The people in the Zhongzhou team were surprised.

Especially when I heard that Zheng Zheng was the captain of the Devil team, Zhan Lan looked at Zheng 惊讶 in surprise. It seems that his potential is top in the entire main **** space.

Of course, when I learned that the Devil team also has a copy of Chu Xuan ~ ~ The people of the Zhongzhou team have a very ugly face.

I got along these days, and the people in the Zhongzhou team were relatively clear about Chu Xuan's wisdom. When I thought of standing on the opposite side with another Chu Xuan, I felt a shudder.

既然 "Since the demons are here, aren't we staying in the tiger's mouth when we stay here?" After Chu Xuan explained the situation of the demons, Zheng Zheng asked.

"We can't go. In any case, the power of Demon Sauron is very strong, even above the Devil team. If we really want to leave, my replica will definitely have some action. At that time, we What is to be faced is not the pursuit of the Devil Team, but the pursuit of the Devil Team and the Demon Sauron. In this area of ​​Mordor, there will be no doubt. "Chu Xuan shook her head and disapproved of escaping.

"However, you do n’t need to worry. The people of the Devil Team seemed to want to test our strength last night, but they started to take action with Wu Meng. So, the next day, I believe that the people of the Devil Team will stop for a while." Looking at the solemn look of his teammates, Chu Xuan said.

Wu Zhongzhou team everyone: "...".

The demons are very strong, but the existence of Wu Yan and Xiao Meng is even more unfathomable and even suspected to be the will of the main god.

I thought that the Devil's team actually shot at Xiaomeng. The faces of the Zhongzhou team were weird, and even, they secretly mourned for the Devil's team.

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