Plane Master Copy

Chapter 910: : God

The powerful and powerful breath appeared from the sky and naturally attracted Wu Yan's attention.

Xu looked up slightly, looking at the horizon, Wu Yan's look became a little dignified.

He knew very well that this should be the method used by the Lord God to deal with himself.

With Wu Yan's eyes, three silhouettes soon appeared in the sky, two silhouettes of two men and one woman, exuding a powerful breath.

A man with red hair, eyes staring like a copper bell, staring at Wu Yan earnestly, his skin also showed red, and the amazing heat diffused from his body, as if it were a walking active volcano. .

Yan Wuyan's eyes swept across the man, and a high amount of crystal points appeared in front of Wu Yan: 42700!

Another man, slender and wearing a sky blue robe, gave a gentle and elegant look, and looked completely opposite to the first man.

As Wu Yan's eyes fell on him, the crystal point of this man also appeared in front of Wu Yan: 43500!

In the end, Wu Yan appeared in front of Wu Yan, a beautiful woman with an unbelievable object, wearing a clean white dress, exuding holy breath all over her body.

What's most noticeable is that the woman's ears are a bit pointed and look like an elven clan, and her crystal point number is the highest, reaching 45,000.

"This Hobbit's world is so deep, there are three strong men in the blink of an eye?" Looking at the crystal points of these three people all exceeded the 40,000 mark, Wu Yan's heart secretly marveled.

Compared with them, the demon Sauron seems nothing, even the fire dragon Shimaoge, it is much worse than these people.

"Sure enough, the Lord God has shot. The Hobbit's plane originally had a god. Whether it is the wizard Gandalf or the demon Sauron, their original identity is Maya, just like the servant of God. Under the interference, the gods of this world must also be shot. "Looking at the appearance of these three gods, Chu Xuan's heart was relieved.

He is very clear that these three talents are the main force against Wu Yan. As for these reincarnations? It's just help.

"The power of the Lord God wants to destroy the entire Hobbit world in order to deal with me, and these three gods are obviously to protect their world, so take the initiative to deal with me?"

I looked at the three gods in front of me, Wu Yan secretly murmured in my heart, and had my own guess as to why they took the initiative.

"Poseidon, Yiwen, at this time, there is no need to fight alone. For our world, let's join hands!" The man with red hair looked at the two companions next to him and spoke. Said.

For the man's words, neither the men nor the men answered, but his eyes fell on Wu Yan.

Immediately, the elf woman said, "Hello, I am the elf goddess Yi Yiwen. It's about the survival of our world. Don't blame us for joining hands."

海 "Poseidon, Poseidon", after the elf goddess spoke, the man in the sky blue robe beside him also spoke.

"I am the artisan **** Aoli. Sauron, who was killed by you, once learned and memorized under my hand." After the sea cucumber and the elf goddess spoke, the man who had to go all out also followed.

He lifted his palm while talking, and a huge hammer appeared in his hand. It looked like a black hammer that was not lost, but it was full of runes.

Almost at the same time, the elf goddess also took out a bright silver thin sword, while the sea **** Poseidon took out a trident.

The three gods unceremoniously surrounded Wu Yan and Poros.

"We also help!", As the three gods acted, the samurai next to the demon team and the Nakasu team also roused their spirits, one by one staring at Wu Yan earnestly and reintroducing the war intention.

The three gods, the number of crystal points are not low, and the weapons in their hands are not ordinary.

Facing the siege of the three gods at first glance, Wu Yan's heart has become dignified, not to mention, there are the reincarnation of the Zhongzhou team and the demon team next to them.

"I'm on first!", The artisan **** Aoli, seems to have a hot character. After he decided to make a shot, there was no nonsense, and his body moved towards Poros.

At the same time, the black hammer in his hands rose up and smashed towards Poros.

In the face of the hammer of the artisan god, Poros raised his fist and greeted him with no sign of withdrawal.

Judging from the number of crystal points, Poros is better than the artisan **** Aoli.


The fist and the hammer collided, and the terrible hurricane erupted into a shock wave of wild hunting. At the same time, Aoli's body shook, and the hand holding the hammer trembled slightly.

Obliviously, Oli also felt uncomfortable with this head-on attack.

However, with the attack, Poros' body was shocked a lot, and in terms of strength, Poros was slightly weaker.

He didn't know if it was because of Aoli's body, the hammer in his hand, or both.

The elf goddess and the sea **** next to him looked at Aoli's power. They seemed to be slightly higher than Poros. They were at ease, and immediately, both eyes fell on Wu Yan.

With a slamming sound, the sniper rifle sounded, it was zero to start, and he had a long-range sniper ability, and a bullet came to Wu Yan in an instant.

A crackle then shot directly on Wu Yan's head, which hit Wu Yan's head back.

"Successfully hit!", Watching his sniper rifle successfully hit Wu Yan's forehead, he was pleased with zero snacks.

Only, when Wu Yan's head lifted back, the joy in the snacks disappeared immediately.

The slug bullet did hit Wu Yan's head, but there was no scar on Wu Yan's head. Obviously, the sniper bullet just played did not play any substantial role at all.

"This guy's physical body is also too tough, isn't it ?!", watching Wu Yan hit by the sniper rifle on his forehead, it looked as if it were all intact.

He also did not give Wu Yan a chance to react, and the sea **** and the goddess next to him also shot at this time.

The small long sword, and the trident, all came towards Wu Yan, and the two gods joined forces.

Only, Wu Yan turned a blind eye to the attack of these two gods, without any reaction at all, but clenched the Qing Emperor's sword at the same time, and whispered in his heart: Heaven and Earth Phase!

The magical power of the magical world is the skill Wu Yan copied from Sun Wukong, the returning plane of the Great Holy Spirit, with a full 60G skill, which can transform the body into a body of more than 100 meters, with a very powerful increase in strength.

武 At the beginning, when Wu Yan went to the imperial capital, he summoned Zhao Lei with the wedding ring props, and killed a magical moth of a fifth-level evolutionary beast, and obtained the skill enhancement scroll.

卷 This scroll can arbitrarily strengthen a skill.

After thinking about it for a long time, Wu Yan finally chose this skill to strengthen the scroll and selected the magic ability to strengthen the law of heaven and earth.

After being strengthened, the magical powers of the heavens, the earth and the earth have also changed. The display of skills not only made the body extremely huge, but also behind Wu Yan, a full body of golden law.

Although it is a law phase constructed by pure energy, the body shape of Baizhang is much stronger than the previous law heaven and earth. Naturally, the increase in strength is stronger than that of the law heaven and earth.

But, although the magical powers of the heavens and the earth are powerful, the attack speed of the elven goddess and the sea **** is extremely fast, and they come to Wu Yan in a blink of an eye.

的 The sword and trident in their hands are also their own artifacts, with extraordinary qualities.

I just saw that when the weapons of these two men were about to fall on Wu Yan, suddenly, their attack speed slowed down, it seemed invisible that there was some force blocking them both.

"Good strength, my four round tombs are in jail, and I can't stop them both!"

Under the eyesight of the reincarnation, Wu Yan certainly saw his four completely unreal and transparent shadows, which were resisting the two gods of the sea and the goddess.

However, the power of these two gods is very strong, and his own round tomb can't resist it.

However, Wu Yan never thought that he could resist the power of these two gods. The role of the prison at the tomb of the round tomb just needs to delay the time of both of them for himself.

While the attack of the two gods became slow, Wu Yan's palm threw.

The Emperor Qing Emperor threw his sword high and saw the wind rise, and the time turned into a giant sword, and he was held by the heaven and earth law behind him.

Then ~ ~ He held the Qing Emperor's sword high and fell down.

The huge and immense Qing Emperor sword, nearly a hundred feet long, really looks like a giant sword in the sky.

If you compare this giant sword to a telephone pole, then the two gods' bodies are like two ants under this telephone pole.


The giant sword fell, the heavens and the earth shook, and the horrible fissures seemed to completely cut the entire earth, turning it into a huge canyon nearly a hundred miles long.

As for a lonely mountain dozens of miles away? Already under Wuyan's sword, he fell into the abyss of the ground, and the treasure originally protected by the fire dragon Shimaoge in Gushan also fell into the ground and disappeared.

The two elf goddesses and the sea gods are also difficult to resist the terrible power of this great sword, and their bodies are also dropped in the abyss of the ground.

Alas, just a few moments later, two figures flew out of this abyss, and their looks seemed slightly embarrassed.

"The power is really extraordinary! Then I can't keep my hands ...", the trident in the hands of Poseidon lifted it, and for a while, the entire Middle-earth waters seemed to be controlled by him, and the sky became blue, but This blue is not just the sky, but the sea.

The endless sea water traverses the sky, giving people the illusion of hanging on the sea.

There is no nonsense in the elf goddess. The thin sword is folded, and the arms are spread. The milky white light descends from the sky, penetrates the sea water in the sky, and envelopes Wuyan ...

:. :

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