Plane Master Copy

Chapter 911: : Highlight the spaceship

The endless sea, high sky, milky holy light, descending from the sky, the sky and the heavens behind Wu Yan, feel the indescribable pressure drop, as if the whole mountain is pressed down, the hundred-meter-high law is pressed You have to bend over.

"Unfortunately, although my number of crystal points is not low, and even the blessing of heaven and earth, but it is far worse than these two gods!".

I looked at the two gods with more than 40,000 polycrystalline points, Wu Yan's heart sighed secretly, it is worthy of the existence of the so-called god, this powerful, unexpected.

"Let's help too!", The Devil Reincarnation Team, watching Wu Yan be suppressed by the power of two gods, Zhao Zuankong's eyes flickered and he said.

Although his own strength is not much for the strong of their level, the rewards of the main task are very rich, and they need to participate in the battle to be rewarded. Who knows what the main god's so-called standard of participation is?

"Be careful! The situation is not optimistic!" However, after hearing Zhao Zuankong's words, Chu Xuan, a replica, shook her head.

"This situation? Isn't that optimistic?" Zhao Zhaokong and Tom next to them looked at the copy Chu Xuan in amazement.

Judging from the situation, Wu Yan has been suppressed by the sea **** and the elven goddess. Shouldn't this situation be optimistic? Why is it not so optimistic?

"Don't you find it strange? Since the power of these deities is enough to defeat Wu Yan, why does the main **** compulsorily issue us a main task? Is it simply a gift of 10,000 points and an S to each of us? The story of the secondary branch line? ", Du Xuan looked dignified and asked.

"You mean? Isn't this Wuyan's real strength yet?" Tom next to him, probably understood the meaning of the replica Chu Xuan, asked in surprise.

This kind of human-like natural disaster power is not Wuyan's real strength?

So how far has his real strength reached?

"Chu Xuan, do you think it is because the main **** has calculated Wu Meng's power into it? So ...", on the side of the Zhongzhou team, Zheng Xuan also asked Chu Xuan's analysis.

The things that Chu Xuan can realize, of course, Chu Xuan's ontology can also realize.

"This possibility is not so much ...", Chu Xuan's face could no longer see the calmness in ordinary times, and he looked at the heavens and the earth, which was bent over there.

The terrible mainline mission, Chu Xuan clearly understands that although Wu Yan is suppressed, as long as he has not really lost, everything is possible.

On the other side, the battle between Poros and the artisan **** Aoli has entered a fevered stage. Both sides are types of melee combat. It looks like you are coming and going.

Although Poros has a higher number of crystal points and more sophisticated fighting skills, the weapon in the hand of the **** of craftsman is extraordinary.

Therefore, looking at the battle between them, no one can easily defeat the other you come and go.


Under the watchfulness of the Devil and the Nakasu team, Wuyan ’s heaven and earth phase is finally difficult to resist the joint attack of the two gods. When this heaven and earth phase is oppressed to the extreme, it seems like a balloon collapsed directly.

The ten-foot-high French phase instantly dissipated into stars and dissipated. At the same time, Wu Yan's body was also directly flew out by the shock. All the internal organs were shaken, and a stream of blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

"It's truly the power of the gods. If I didn't own the body of the Asgard, I would have to be disabled if I didn't die?" Wu Yan, who had been flying by Zhen, stared at the sea **** approaching him. And the elf goddess, secretly wondering.

However, even so, he was injured, even the heavens and the earth were destroyed.

"Kekekeke ..." With two blood coughing in his mouth, Wu Yan stood up slowly and looked at the two gods who came over: "Your strength is really strong, beyond my expectations, I did not expect that in this world, there are still strong men like you! ".

Wu Yan ’s words came from his heart. When he originally saw that the number of crystal points of the demon Sauron was just over 10,000, Wu Yan felt that the plane of the Lord of the Rings had the same force value, and his strength was enough to sweep the entire world. Already.

I did not expect that the water in this world is so deep, the magnificent devil Sauron, the most powerful boss in the Lord of the Rings series, is actually just a **** servant of the gods.

"Sorry, we must kill you for our world!", The spirit of the elf goddess is still elegant.

Although the word of apology was said in the pout, there was no apology in his expression, and the thin, long sword slowly raised in his speech.

"Although your strength is very strong, I am stronger than I think about it, so I should let you see my true strength ...", Wu Yan slowly raised his hands, and the powerful magic is at this moment. It surged like a tide.

At the same time, overhead overhead tumbled and twisted in space.

Then a huge, space-like spaceship appeared, floating above everyone's head.

"This? What is this !?", looking at the spaceship above the head as if it were a city, Mo said that there were several gods, even the demon and the reincarnation of the Nakasu team, with their faces on their faces. A shocked look.

The alien world of horror movies was just above a spaceship, and that spaceship was also very huge, but compared to the spaceship in front of it, it was like a small bamboo platoon and the spacecraft carrier. The difference.

With a punch in the Superhuman Plane, Poros has a spaceship that spans the universe for decades, and its size is comparable to a large city.

In order to take this spaceship away, Wu Yan initially made a large part of his preparations, only to succeed.

Carrying a huge spaceship across the realms of heaven and earth, for Wu Yan, one can give Dr. Kenus of Evolution House more time to study monsters, and two, also at a critical time, I can have many powerful helpers.

But now it is time for Wu Yan to borrow the power of the spaceship.

A spaceship like an air fortress appeared, and then, countless monsters fell down like raindrops, most of them were at the level of a fourth-order evolutionary beast, but some also reached the stage of a fifth-order evolutionary beast. Like the phoenix bird that day.

There are many odd-shaped monsters. Not only are the monsters recently developed by Dr. Kenus borrowing the gene of the dragon blood veins, but also many monsters that Dr. Kenos has already developed.

这些 When these monsters are densely popped up, the demon team and the Nakasu team's samsaras are stunned.

原来 "It turns out that Wu Yan is not just a single person. Even, is there still such a huge spaceship, and there are countless powerful monsters?" Beside, even two Chu Xuan, they looked a little dumbfounded.

Although he had long guessed that Wu Yan's strength should be more than just this, but he did not expect that he still had such a powerful monster army.

"I've seen Mr. Wu Yan!", After these monsters and dense crowds appeared, Qi Qi bowed their heads to Wu Yan's side, shouting in unison, the shouting voice was shaking.

"Kill them all!", Looking at the hundreds of monsters, Wu Yan slowly raised his hand and immediately waved to the next.


With Wu Yan's order falling, these hundreds of monsters flew towards the Demon Team, the Nakasu Team, and the two gods.

Including Wuyan's mount, the **** bird Phoenix, because of the beast plan, there are already nine fifth-level monsters in the Evolution House. The focus of these monsters' attack power is all on the goddess of the gods and the sea god.

In addition, under the state of Wuyan's reincarnation, the power of the four round tombs, although the power of the two gods is terrible, but after all, two fists are difficult to fight with four hands, facing these monsters and round tombs For a while, he was entangled, showing a little embarrassed.

"Blessing of God of War, sacred blessing!" Looking at the individual strength of these monsters, after all, they are much worse than the two gods. Wu Yan followed his hand, and the two big gain BUFF skills were all directed towards these monsters. One dumped it.

With Wuyan's spiritual power, these two major gains, BUFF, instantly increased their strength by a large margin.

Killing. By this time, the fighting had turned into a downright killing.

At the beginning, Wu Yan was almost alone in the face of this large group of strong men, but now, when Wu Yan lights up the spaceship, these monsters of the Evolution House are released. After that, the situation of time reversed into a situation of dominance ~ ~ Evolution House, I can be regarded as a group of very good forces, and over time, my forces will become more and more Is huge. "

Looking at the power that is difficult to fight alone, after releasing the monsters of the Evolution House, he can completely crush them. Wu Yan nodded secretly, and was very satisfied in his heart.

No wonder so many strong people have not devoted themselves to improving their own strength, but have parted their minds to develop their own power.

The palm of his hand was raised slightly, and the infinite gloves in Wu Yan's hands were put back into the storage space again.

The power of infinite gloves is self-evident. If you click a finger, you can even destroy half of the universe's creatures. However, the backwash of infinite gloves is also very scary. Even if there is a healing fairy healing, it will take a while to heal itself. .

So, if not necessary, Wu Yan will not rely on his ability to hit his fingers to deal with the enemy.

After all, this is really a trick that hurts a thousand opponents and damages 800.

(PS: If Zhao Lei's ability to awaken in this book is placed on Tang Seng, the traverser, isn't it great?

Crossing the Westward Journey to become a Tang Monk, you can upgrade monsters and upgrade equipment. From then on, the monsters on the Westward Journey are in danger.

Monk Sha: Master, it's not good, the monster has been taken away by Master again.

Title of the book: "Tang Monk through the Westward Journey", brothers and sisters can go and see ...)

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