Plane Master Copy

Chapter 912: : The Death of Chu Xuan

The fighting situation completely turned into a downright slaughter, Wu Yan quietly suspended in the air, watching the battle in front of him.

Twenty-nine fifth-order evolutionary beasts cooperated with two round tombs to siege the sea **** and the elven goddess. Wu Yan can see that although they are powerful, they are already left and right, and they seem to be very embarrassed.

If these two gods are equivalent to strong lions, then these monsters are equivalent to hyenas. In terms of individual strength, they are naturally very different, but under the cooperation of these two gods, they have gradually become somewhat unsustainable. Looks like it.

After all, the status of the two buffs of the blessing of God of War and the divine blessing of Wu Yan is quite strong.

Looking at the other side, hundreds of monsters rushed towards the Devil and Nakasu teams. Some of these monsters reached the level of the fourth-order evolutionary beast. This is completely difficult for the two reincarnation teams to resist. the power of.

缀 Zhao Zhukong, replicas of Chu Xuan, Tom, Zhan Lan, one by one drowned in the monster's bite.

"Why do I have the feeling of becoming an evil big boss?", Watching those reincarnation squads fall one after another, Wu Yan's heart murmured secretly.

Yes, being attacked by the gods and the reincarnation team, Wu Yan has a sense of vision that he has become a big boss in online games.

However, Wu Yan did not regret his actions.

Originally, they didn't want to shoot at them, but they took the initiative to fight against themselves. In that case, how could they be soft?

After the fire dragon Smaug was killed by himself, the people in the Zhongzhou team did not have a reason to continue fighting with themselves.

Alas, Wu Yan would not agree if they wanted to stop.

There are three other gods. The Lord God wants to kill the whole Hobbit horror movie world completely.

The three gods, in order to protect their world, joined forces to deal with themselves. What they hoped was to let the Lord God stop after they killed themselves.

Their choice is right, but Wu Yan thinks his choice is right, it's just that everyone's position is different.

Puppet fighting is still going on, more precisely, unilateral slaughter is going on.

Wu Yan showed himself an ability to heal the magic, and he recovered a lot of his injuries. Then he took the healing potion out of the storage space, and after drinking two bottles, his injuries had recovered. Eight or eight.

I looked at it, and the killing next to me seemed to have come to an end. Several of the reincarnation teams of the Devil's Reincarnation Team had been killed. Similarly, the reincarnations of the Nakasu team almost all died in the monster's mouth.

Only Chu Xuan reluctantly dodged, relying on the nightwalker's ability to teleport, but his body was already scarred and short of breath, and it seemed that it could not support it for long.

Looking at Chu Xuan's appearance, Wu Yan's brow raised slightly, and he immediately said, "You give me a hand, and this person gave it to me!".

Hundreds of monsters, including many fourth-order evolutionary beasts, are terribly powerful, but as Wu Yan's order falls, these fierce monsters stop their actions instantly, and then lower their heads, such as the tide Just retreated.

"Well, these monsters nurtured by Dr. Kenos are pretty good!" Looking at these forbidden, very disciplined monsters, Wu Yan nodded with satisfaction in his heart. For those researched by Dr. Kenos Monster, agree.

Huh ... Huh ...

Chu Xuan was full of scars, gasping in his mouth, one arm had no idea of ​​being eaten by a monster, and the glasses on his face were badly damaged. Staring at Wu Yan, Chu Xuan's eyes seemed calm to himself. The death was not very attentive.

"You saved my life, yes, did you want to ask me something?" Looking at Wu Yan step by step, Chu Xuan did not use the ability to move instantly to escape his mind, but just stared at Wu Yan seriously. , Asked speculatively.

"I do have something I want to understand from you, but I don't want to ask you," Wu Yan shook her head and said.

Wu Xuan framed himself, Chu Xuan must have a share, Wu Yan also wanted to know why he was so, but Wu Yan did not want to listen to him.

He was full of fears about Chu Xuan. Wu Yanbao was not sure whether he would be deceived by him during the conversation. Therefore, Wu Yan did not give him a chance to speak.

"Stabilize!", Facing Chu Xuan, at the beginning of the Great Holy Return, the fixation skills copied from Sun Wukong were launched, instantly fixing Chu Xuan's body, making him unable to move, as if like It is a sculpture.

Immediately, Wu Yan came to Chu Xuan's face, and at the same time, stretched out his finger and put it on Chu Xuan's head.

Ding Ding, discover removable storage!

With the contact on the body, the prompt on the computer page arrived as expected. There is no nonsense. Wu Yan directly opened Chu Xuan's F disk and arbitrarily retrieved his memory files from his memory disk.

What Wu Chuxuan has seen and said these days, in front of Wu Yan, there is no secret at all.

Tong Chuxuan's replica design fell into the mirror space, and then, two Chu Xuan, you said to me, and determined how to design and deal with your own strategy.

In this plan, both the demon team's reincarnation team and Zhengzhou Zhongzheng team have become victims of their plans, and these plans are all displayed in front of Wu Yan.

"For their own plans, the devil's teammates, and even the Zhengzhou team of the Zhongzhou team, can be decisive victims. It can only be like this, it is indeed very Chuxuan style ...", After understanding Chu Xuan's plan, Wu Yan's heart shook his head secretly.

This is also the biggest contradiction between Chu Xuan and Zheng Xuan in the original works? After all, no one wants to be abandoned by Chu Xuan and become a victim.

Of course, although the emotional nature of almost no emotion is emotional, Chu Xuan's wisdom is even more shocking.

Wu Wuyan thought that he had the greatest possible fear of his wisdom, but he did not expect that he could still deduce the box theory, and even the truth that he might come from a world outside the box.

研究 In order to study the truth of the Lord God's space, it is reasonable for him to take action against himself. From his standpoint, he is indeed right.

"Your wisdom is dreadful. The main thing is that you have no feelings at all ..." Looking at Chu Xuan in front of himself, Wu Yan shook his head slightly, at the same time, his energy in his hand spit out, one A ray of light directly penetrated Chu Xuan's mind and killed him.

After Chu Xuan was killed, the Devil and Zhongzhou teams have almost disappeared.

Of course, Li Shuaixi was in a state of serious coma because he started working with Fire Dragon Shimaoge. He did not participate in the battle, so he was still alive.

In addition, all the newcomers of the Zhongzhou team were all left in Mordo of the Doomsday Volcano, so they are still alive. From the current point of view, it is not a team destruction.

After Chu Xuan was killed, Wu Yan's brows suddenly raised slightly. Looking to the side, several figures quickly approached this side, with the existence of the main **** watch on his hands. Obviously, Wu Yan had never Meet the reincarnation of the Tenjin team.

The reincarnation of the Tenjin team, headed by Adam, came to the battlefield and watched the human-like natural disaster.

Look at the demons and the Nakasu team, and the huge air fortress in the sky, the reincarnation of the Tenjin team ’s faces have changed greatly.

It is impossible for things like spacecraft to appear in Hobbit horror movies, so it goes without saying where this spaceship came from.

"Why? Do you want to come and kill me too?" Wu Yan's eyes swept across these Tenjins' reincarnations and said calmly.

"No! You misunderstood, we don't want to take a shot!", After hearing Wu Yan's words, the reincarnation of the Tenjin team suddenly changed their colors and hurriedly shook their heads.

What a joke? Such a terrible power, aren't these reincarnation up to death?

既然 “Since it ’s not, then let ’s go…”, and waved his hand, when Wu Yan should kill him ~ ~ Although he wo n’t be soft, Wu Yan is not a killer.

The demons and the Nakasu team were overthrown because they provoked themselves and were responsible for Xiao Meng's injuries. But these people of the Tenjin team have nothing to do with them. If they don't seek their own way, Wu Yan won't bother to attack them. .

"Okay, let's go now ...", listening to Wu Yan's words, did not mean to start with himself, Adam said in a hurry, could not take care of that much, and quickly turned to leave.

He followed Adam's side. The other reincarnations of the Tenjin team did not dare to disagree in the slightest. After all, the Devil and the Nakasu team were the lessons learned.

And the fight between the three deities made them tremble with liver and gallbladder. Such a power is completely different from them, and they are unable to produce a little fighting mind.

"Captain, shall we go now? What about the main mission?" After walking far away, Song Tian looked back at the scene behind him, especially the spaceship like a city in the sky, heavy. Asked Adam.

"If we stay and do something, we will definitely die. After leaving, although we die for a lifetime, if we can trigger a side mission and get rewards to offset the punishment of the Lord God, we still have a chance to live." For Song Tian, ​​Adam said with a heavy look During the talk, there was no pause at the foot, and he quickly left the distance.

Adam's words made the reincarnation of the Tenjin team nodded silently.

I had to admit that he did make sense.

:. :

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