Plane Master Copy

Chapter 923: : I can resurrect you

Chen Lei was directly taken out by Zhen Fei, and she was taken out in front of all the students of the Super Theological College. This situation made her feel unacceptable.

Especially when she was defeated last night, she was able to comfort herself. Xiao Meng suddenly attacked, but now, she is clearly prepared and even started to be stronger. However, she still lost the competition on strength. Make her hard to accept.

As the **** of the strong sun, was he defeated by others on earth?

"I don't believe it! I want you to taste the taste of the sun!" With anger at her own strength in her heart, Lena stood up again, her eyes locked tightly on Xiao Meng, and angrily in her mouth.

As she spoke, more dazzling sunlight erupted from her.

"Oh? Did she inspire some strength in her body?" Looking at Lena, whose strength had skyrocketed, Wu Yan frowned slightly.

Sure enough, although still young, after all, it is a divine body, and it also contains extremely powerful blood power. At some critical time, once a little bit is activated, the strength is still very considerable.

However, these forces are still not a threat to Xiaomeng.

"Let me taste the taste of the sun?", Listening to the loud shouting in Lena's mouth over there, Xiao Meng's heart murmured secretly, and then, the magical power of the moon swallowing sun started.

Visible to the naked eye, a strong appeal appeared from Xiao Meng's body.

However, this powerful attraction has no effect on other things, only the sunlight on Lena's body.

With the opening of the magical power of Xiaomeng's lunar swallowing sun, Lena's golden sunlight instantly gathered uncontrollably, and then approached Xiaomen's side, and was completely swallowed by Xiaomeng to grow. Your own power.

"What !? How is this possible !?", feeling her power, was actually swallowed by Xiao Meng, Lena's eyes widened and she looked at her incredibly.

Obviously she did not expect this to happen at all, and this was the first time she had encountered such a situation.

"Here, can the magical power of the moon swallowing sun still be used this way?" Looking at Xiao Meng using the magical power of the moon swallowing sun magic, Wu Yan also felt a bit stunned.

However, it is reasonable to think that this supernatural power was originally a supernatural power that drew the essence of the sun and the moon to cultivate.

The next battle is completely meaningless. The magical power of Moon Eater almost restrains Lena's power, unless Lena can explode beyond Xiao Meng's power and make her unable to devour, otherwise , She is totally not qualified to fight Xiao Meng.

Lena, she looked back sadly, and tried several times, but all her strength was swallowed up by Xiao Meng, which caused Lena a great blow.

For a moment, bowed his head and remained silent.

"So, who else wants to challenge me and Xiaomeng next? I said, as long as you can defeat us, you don't need to participate in the following special training." After Meng defeated, Wu Yan next glanced at the students present and asked.

Facing Wu Yan's inquiry, no one of these students stood up anymore.

Just kidding, even the goddess Lena was completely defeated. People like myself can't get it right?

More importantly, even if there is no restraint, just looking at Xiaomeng and Lena's fist just colliding, the ground exploded into a large pit with a diameter of nearly 100 meters. Everyone knows that Xiaomeng's strength is beyond words .

"Okay, if no one comes up to challenge next, I will arrange actual combat training for you ..." After waiting for a while, Wu Yan nodded slightly.

While talking, raising the palm of the hand and waving it gently seemed to be playing something invisibly. Immediately, the students in the mirrored space felt the land under their feet tumbling up.

None of them moved, but soon after the earth tumbled, these students were automatically divided into two camps and confronted each other.

"As you can see, since I am your instructor, it is necessary to have an exact understanding of your strength. Now that you have been randomly divided into two camps by me, I ask you to go all out to fight To show my most powerful strength, only in this way can I give you special training arrangements for your ability, "Wu Yan glanced at these students present and said.

"Teacher, my fighting means is to use a gun. Then, if you shoot at your classmates ...", listening to Wu Yan's words, let these classmates fight each other and use all their strengths. Qilin next to her mouth is embarrassed. Said that shooting at his classmates could not do such a thing.

"Yes, I'll try my best to attack my classmates. What if I am seriously injured? Special training is not a battle with the enemy," Wen said, and Jia Wen beside him nodded.

With Qilin and Jiawen speaking, other classmates naturally began to speak one after another, and they could discuss each other, but it would be too exaggerated to try hard to fight?

Even Teacher Liu, who was next to her mouth, opened her mouth and wanted to persuade them that the students of the Super Theological Seminary should not be damaged in their own hands before they even entered the battlefield.

"Rest assured that I am here, no matter how badly you have been injured, I can heal you," Wu Yan said after reaching out and pressing down to signal that everyone was quiet.

As soon as that was said, Wu Yan said a little bit, "In addition, forgive me for saying something unlucky, even if you are killed, I can bring the killed back to life."

Jing, with Wu Yan's words falling, the whole court became quiet for a short time.

real or fake? Can the dead be resurrected? Does he actually have such a means?

"Hey, Teacher Wu Yan, are you kidding me? Resurrecting the dead? Even God can't do this", beside the silence, Lena next to her could not help but interject to Wu Yan.

Compared to these people on the earth, Lena is naturally a well-informed goddess, but because she is well-informed, she understands that it can bring the dead back to life. What does it mean? .

"God ca n’t do it, it does n’t mean I ca n’t do it. Okay, no need to talk nonsense, you listen to me, just do it, I said, you all have powerful power in your body, and this powerful power is only in Only in a full-fighting battle can it be played out as much as possible. "

"If you still have your hand now, you will only be able to watch the comrades next to you killed when you are on the battlefield in the future." Wu Yan waved his hand and opened his mouth directly, announcing the start of the combat training.

"Hey, Xiaolun, don't blame me ...", following Wu Yan's order, Zhao Xin next to him was silent for a moment, and said to Ge Xiaolun.

He happened to be not in the same group as Ge Xiaolun. During the talk, Zhao Xin flew directly towards Ge Xiaolun.

With a thump, Zhao Xin's punch directly hit Ge Xiaolun's body, shocking him a lot.

Rubbing the place where his chest was hit, Ge Xiaolun grinned with pain and grinned: "Xinye, you still come."

"No way, the instructor said that let us do it really well, you don't have to keep your hands on me, come on!" Zhao Xin replied, staring at Ge Xiaolun.

"Okay, then I'll be polite!", Nodding heavily, Ge Xiaolun raised his fist and spoke towards Zhao Xin.

You punched me and kicked them together. The two ripped together and looked so lively.

As the two men started to work, their respective teams looked at each other. Immediately, Carter shot, and his hands were shot by several flying knives towards Qi Lin.


However, when a wooden sword appeared, it was easy to block all of these flying knives. The person who shot it was extremely difficult to protect his teammates in a long-range battle, and he naturally had common sense.

The battle was opened, and the two colleges were fighting together. It looked very lively, but Wu Yan looked at the battle between them calmly.

Although they let them do their best to fight, they started to consciously keep their hands. They were obviously afraid of hurting each other. Wu Yan also saw this really.

Regarding these, Wu Yan didn't rush to say anything. As soon as he started, let these students fight hard to fight?

If they can do it, they really have to wonder if they were born to be hot.

However, even if both sides retain their own hands, after all, it is a big dogfight, and both sides want to defeat the other side to win, so ~ ~ It is reasonable to miss the other side during the battle.

Qilin next to her, holding a sniper rifle in her hand, searching for a target. After her eyes locked on Ge Xiaolun, she raised her hand and hit a shot towards Ge Xiaolun's shoulder.

After all, she is a classmate. Naturally, she will not aim at deadly places such as her head and throat.

However, although there was no problem in the attack position selected by Qilin, when fighting, Carter's flying knife just shot out, hit the bullet, deflected the bullet slightly, and exploded directly in Ge Xiaolun's chest. A blood flower.

"Xiaolun, what's the matter with you !?", seeing Ge Xiaolun's shot in the chest, he fell to the ground in pain, Zhao Xin shouted in surprise and helped him fall down.

The scuffle students next stopped.

Qi Lin was even more startled. The sniper rifles in her hands fell to the ground, her hands covering her lips, and she looked at Ge Xiaolun who was falling down there in disbelief.

"Don't worry, I'm here, it's okay ..." But just when these students were at a loss, Wu Yan came over and said calmly.

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