Plane Master Copy

Chapter 924: : Is resurrection a lie?

The bullet from the sniper hit his chest. At this time, Ge Xiaolun's injury was needless to say. The people next to him looked at him with anxiety, and Qi Lin blamed herself even more.

Seeing that Wu Yan came over, all the students around him spread out automatically and let a way out.

Just now Wu Yan said that any kind of injury can be cured, even if he is dead, he can be resurrected. At this time, it seems that he can only pin his hope on him.

Teacher Liu also approached, looking at the lying on the ground, and burst into the chest a small red blood flower of Ge Xiaolun, a flash of worry flashed in his eyes.

However, he didn't rush to speak, just focused on Wu Yan. He also wanted to see how Wu Yan would rescue him in the face of an injury like Ge Xiaolun.

"Xiao Meng, help her stop the bleeding," Wu Yan said after glancing at the injury on Ge Xiaolun's chest.

As Wu Yan's words fell, Xiaomeng took a breath, and the cold chill instantly frozen Ge Xiaolun's chest injury. Naturally, this bleeding state was stopped.

Raised his hand, put his palm on Ge Xiaolun's chest, and the ability of the king of magnets was activated. Under the control of Wu Yan, he shot into the bullet of Ge Xiaolun's chest, instantly turned into countless metal powder, and retreated from his wound come out.

In the eyes of others, these metal powders can be seen converging in the air and reshaped into the shape of a bullet.

"What a magical power!" Seeing this scene, Teacher Liu next to him secretly marveled.

It's okay to take out the bullet, but Wu Yan's method of taking it out is shocking, because these metals can all be crushed and taken out, and after being taken out, they can be restored back. This is a detailed Control is not simple.

The bullets have been taken out, and everything that follows is naturally simple.

Wu Yan pinched an orchid finger in her hand, and chanted a curse of healing magic in her mouth. A finger pointed at Ge Xiaolun's chest. A ray of bright light appeared and fell on Ge Xiaolun's body, then slowly penetrated it.

With the development of the healing magic, the granulation of Ge Xiaolun's wounds continued to swiftly, and soon recovered.

Ge Xiaolun, who was frowning and showing pain, quickly stood up alive.

He touched his chest and choked. The injury was really healed, and even the wound disappeared. This amazing treatment was amazing.

"Me, am I okay? You can't even see a scar?" Ge Xiaolun said in surprise and joy as he watched his original wound recover.

As for Zhao Xin next to them, they are naturally more happy, not only that Ge Xiaolun's injury is okay, but the main thing is Wu Yan's treatment, which is shocking. This can really make the injury heal in a blink of an eye.

"It really is a magical healing method ...", Teacher Liu next to him looked at Wu Yan in wonder, murmured secretly in his heart.

In addition, for the time being, the ability to treat with this hand alone has a very important role for the Super Theological College.

"Okay, this is just a small matter. Go ahead. You just shrank when you fought. Next, I don't want to see you do this again. Without releasing all the power, how can I make targeted decisions for you? Actual combat training? ".

After taking a shot to heal Ge Xiaolun's injury, Wu Yan was able to illuminate his own healing method and patted his palm immediately.

As Wu Yan's words came to an end, the fighting between the two teams continued, and this time, the fierceness of the battle changed significantly.

Let's start, the fighting between the two teams is much more fierce than it was just now. Naturally, injuries have also increased.

Wu Yan didn't mean to stop, let them continue fighting until one side wins, or everyone can't afford to fall.

Injury, as long as it is not fatal, you ca n’t stop. After all, you have to face the demon battle after all, it is often the case that you still have to fight with the injury after the injury. Now it ’s not bad for them to become skilled. Ok.

After a full-fighting battle, these students of the Super Theological Seminary could hardly stand up, fell to the ground, panting with a big mouth, and many of them were very seriously injured.

After more than half an hour of full-fighting killing, Wu Yan also had a general understanding of the strength of these people.

Finally stepped forward and brushed the healing methods for these people, then opened the teleportation magic of the mirror space, and let them go back to rest.

Teacher Liu, after they went back, they naturally told what they saw and heard with other teachers, even Dukao.

"Oh? Wu Yan's ability is so amazing? Who is he sacred?" Dukao's face looked surprised when he heard Wu Yan's ability demonstrated today.

Yesterday, Wu Yan showed the ability of heaven and earth, and thought his power was combat. Today, however, he can open the space of different dimensions arbitrarily, as well as control the metal, and even a powerful healing method ...

The performance of these abilities has nothing to do with it at all, but Wu Yan alone can have so many abilities at the same time?

Other people's abilities are generally more singular. For example, soldiers are fighters, mages are mages, or others are more singular. However, Wuyan's side is both a fighter and a mage, and there are treatments.

"Not to mention whether he is trustworthy. At least his ability to help those students in combat really can help a lot and fight desperately. If there is sufficient treatment as a guarantee, it is indeed "A good way", after a moment of groaning, Dukao, as a general, still agreed with Wu Yan's actual combat training policy.

"Just, the general ..." Lian Feng, with a hesitant look on his face, immediately said, "Don't you think Wu Yan's resurrection is what we should care about? The dead can be resurrected. "Does he really have this ability? Or is it simply reassuring the students?".

"Well, this news is indeed very important. Teacher Liu, you should pay close attention to it in the next days." Nodded, Dukao also felt that the means of resurrection is indeed a point that needs much attention.

Although Dukao thinks that Wu Yan's sentence is more likely to fool those students to be assured, but what if it is true?


On the other side, in the girls' dormitory, Carter and Lena lived together, and the two were chatting in bed.

"Lena, you are very strong, indeed a goddess ..." Carter said with some exclamation in his tone.

Although she was completely crushed when fighting Xiao Meng, when the two sides were fighting, Lena's strength was not something that other students could resist. As a monitor, her strength was beyond doubt.

"Is there anything powerful or not, am I still defeated in the hands of that Wu Meng? It's strange that their two siblings also look very young, but they can have such powerful power, where are they? Sacred ", Rena did not care about Carter's praise.

Although she likes others to praise herself, but today is completely crushed by Xiao Meng, this incident makes Lena feel a great blow.

"You don't have to be so sad. At least your strength is in the academy. You are at the top. At least you dare to stand up and challenge Wu Meng. Only you are the one. After you started, no one dared to stand up." Na's words, Carter beside him said sincerely.

"Eh? Yeah, those guys, they are really persuaded." Carter's words made Lena renewed a little spirit.

Although she is not as good as Wu Meng, she is a lot better than other classmates, which makes Lena regain her confidence.


On the other side, boys' dormitory.

"Crouching, Xinye, you are so cruel today. I broke your bones." Lying on the bed, Ge Xiaolun said to Zhao Xin, who was next to him.

"Don't say that, you haven't lightened me. Your kick on my chest almost broke my internal organs?" Zhao Xin said angrily about Ge Xiaolun's words.

"Well, didn't Wu Yan want us to go all out?", Scratching his head, Ge Xiaolun justified.

"Yeah, where is it that we ourselves are fighting? It's almost like we practiced as if we were enemies of life and death," Zhao Xin nodded, and said helplessly.

"But no matter what ~ ~ Wu Yan's treatment is still convincing. Today, Xiaolun's chest has been shot, there are threats to life, right? Nima, just ten seconds before and after , You will be resurrected with blood? There is wood? There is such a treatment, no wonder he dared let us release our hands to fight. "Jia Wen next to him, at this time could not help but interjected, said Wu Yan's healing fairy The ability to perform the operation is very amazing.

"This is, the treatment, as long as you don't die, it really looks like all injuries can be cured." For Jiawen's marvel, Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin nodded in agreement.

"When it comes to life and death, you think Wu Yan said that even if we die, he can be resurrected. Is this sentence true or false?"

Talking about this topic, Zhao Xin suddenly turned over and sat up from the bed, asking curiously.

"Is this supposed to be false? I haven't heard the phrase that people can't be resurrected. Have you ever said that, who is Lena? She is a goddess, she said, resurrection is something that God can't He shook his head. Ge Xiaolun didn't believe this, or he couldn't believe it.

"Yes, it should be impossible." He nodded, and Jia Wen also agreed with Ge Xiaolun's point of view.

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