Plane Master Copy

Chapter 934: : Rolling

"So, do the angels like to do it?" Watching Kesha's Flame Sword point towards herself, Wu Yan murmured secretly.

The Qingdi sword in his hand also greeted him. The sword tricks of Dugu Jiujian were exhibited, and one sword directly pointed to the flaw of Kaisha's sword trick.

As long as there is a move, there will be flaws, and the principle of Dugu Jiujian is to find all the flaws in the sword move, hit with a single blow, and defeat the enemy.

For so many years, he has walked the heavens and the world, in Wu Yan's view, it seems like undefeated martial arts.

As long as the opponent's power is not strong enough to exceed his own limits, or it is fast enough to be unable to keep up with special circumstances such as his own, Dugu Jiujian is an invincible sword skill.

However, Kaisha has survived for tens of thousands of years. After so many years of fighting, her own combat experience has been very rich. Seeing Wu Yan ’s sword tricks come over, she knows very well that if she keeps the sword tricks unchanged If he did, he would be hit, so Kesha twisted her wrist and turned over.

However, Kesha's sword moves changed, Wu Yan's sword moves also changed, and Qingdi's sword was still the flaw of Kaisha ...


As the king of the gods, did Kaisha lose to others in fighting skills? Of course, she is unwilling to believe this, so she has no intention of overpowering people. The sword moves are constantly changing. Obviously, she is now struggling to surpass Wu Yan in skills.

With tens of thousands of years of combat experience, is it better than a little guy who has lived for decades?

Although Wu Yan's information and origin cannot be seen, but from the traces of his time, Keisha can see that Wu Yan is only 30 or 40 years old.

Kesha's sword moves changed so fast that ordinary people couldn't keep up with her movements.

Wuyan's pair of three-handed jade's writing round eyes emerged, and it was easy to understand these sword tricks. The Qing Emperor sword also continued to change, and the tricks were not separated from each other's flaws.

In the eyes of others, the discussion between Kesha and Wu Yan is really just a discussion, because looking at the appearance of the swords and swords of the two people, but in the dense shadow of the sword, they are a little bit of gold and iron. There was no sound, and the swords of the two had never actually touched.

Kesha constantly changes her sword tricks and wants to break through the blockade of Wuyan Dugu Jiujian. However, Wuyan's Dugu Jiujian looks like a hedgehog. No matter how Kaisa's sword trick changes, she still points to her The flaws of her make her sword of flame completely unable to attack.

In addition, the speed of the two players to move and change moves is extremely fast, which has caused the two people to have a heavy sword, but there is no sound of bit by bit.

"Unexpectedly, Teacher Wu Yan turned out to be a top swordsman ..."

On the side of Wuji's head was a piece of equipment similar to a telescope, staring closely at the competition between Wu Yan and Kesha, whispering to himself.

What the others see is just two of you coming and going with me. A large piece of sword shadow is very powerful, but in the eyes of Wu Yi, you can see some changing scenes between the two's tricks, and these, even if you can see Only a small part, but for him, it is already a rare gain.

After a moment of super high-speed swordplay competition, Kaisha couldn't get the slightest advantage in swordplay. She knew very well that it didn't make much sense to continue the competition, and she said, "Your swordplay is pretty good, but after all, it's just It ’s just a matter of skill, how about your strength? ”.

As the words fell, Kesha no longer paid attention to Wu Yan's flaws in her sword move, and the bright light burst out from the Sword of Flame, purely trying to overpower people.

"Quiet!" But, looking at the light on Kesha's sword, Wu Yan whispered.

The silence ability copied from Ge Xiaolun's place was launched. Immediately, the power condensed on Kasha's Flame Sword disappeared immediately.

At the same time, Wu Yan's Qing Emperor sword fell on her Sword of Flames, and flew the Sword of Flames directly. Even the throne under Kaiser's seat was shattered, and the entire portrait was hit by a train. The quake retreated far.

Watching Kesha flew out by Wu Yan's sword, the faces of the sacred guard's left and right wings changed greatly, and in exclamation, they were ready to start.

"Yan, heartburn, stop ..." But Kesha's voice followed, stopping both of them.

The white wings on the back trembled slowly, and Kesha's figure was suspended in mid-air, her expression was not sad and unhappy, and she was calm.

I just looked at Wu Yan's eyes, but I was very interested. The corner of my mouth was slightly raised: "Is this? The ability of the rule type? Interesting, I did not expect that you could mobilize the ability of the rule type for your own use."

As soon as the hand was raised, the flamed sword that was taken out by Zhenfei returned to Kesha's hand again. At the same time, a layer of golden and holy light curtain enveloped Kesha's body, and the sword of flame was brighter than the light curtain. , Holding up the sword of flames, the strength of the incomparable thick together.

"Quiet!" Watching Kesha's movements, Wu Yan repeated his tricks, reaching out to Kesha a little.

However, with the launch of the skills of silence, the golden mask on Kesha's body was only slightly rippling, but the power condensed on her Sword of Flame did not dissipate ...

"Invalid !?"

Looking at the still bright light on Keisha's Sword, Wu Yan certainly understood that this was a sign that Ge Xiaolun's silence skills had failed.

50G capacity silent skills, is it so ineffective? This makes Wu Yan difficult to understand.

Although Kaisha is known as the king of the gods, her crystal point number is only more than 30,000, after all, it is completely incomparable with the jade emperor's more than 100,000.

The Jade Emperor mastered the power of the rules, and it is not surprising that the rule skills of silence can be invalidated, but Kaiser can do it?

Could she be inferior to the Jade Emperor?

"You have mastered the ability of the rules, and it happens that I have also mastered it. For tens of thousands of years, my ability can be immune to any ability to act on me ...", you can see the stunned look on Wu Yan's face, and Kesha's mouth Announced.

While talking, the flame sword held up slammed down fiercely.

"So it is," Wu Yan sounded as if listening to Keisha.

As the king of the gods, although she did not directly control the rule with the emperor of the jade emperor, she also came into contact with the existence of the rule, so she mastered the skills of rules.

For a gangster who has lived for tens of thousands of years, her understanding of rules skills is naturally deeper than the skills she copied, so that Ge Xiaolun's ability is also invalid.

"Is this similar to the game, in which the invincible effect attached to the angel's big move is ordinary?" For Keisha's words, and this ability that can almost be called "invincible", Wu Yan's heart secretly Make complaints.

However, watching Kesha's Sword of Flame fall down fiercely, Wu Yan didn't have that much thought to vomit.

Keisha's law-like abilities are similar to the invasion of all laws, and any attack or ability can be invalidated. However, her attack is obviously not added by the power of law.

Looking at the angel sword that fell, the mighty force was enough to destroy the entire Super Theological Seminary, Wu Yan raised the Qingdi sword in his hand: block.


The Sword of Flame and the Qingdi sword collided, and the aggressive attack was completely resisted, making it difficult to enter.

Blocking skills can be resisted as long as the number of crystal points does not exceed 10 times Wuyan's attack. Kesha's attack is blocked, as a matter of course.

"Another rule-like ability?" Keisha's eyes widened slightly, and for the first time she looked surprised.

Having lived for tens of thousands of years, as the strongest superpower in the Super Plane, Kaisha has seen few people who have mastered the ability of rules.

However, Wu Yan not only mastered it, he even had more than one! ?

"Since you want to take a good look at my strength, then I'll let you take a good look." Although blocking Keisha's attack, Wu Yan's heart also moved with some anger.

Just now Kasha's flame sword fell down. Of course, Wu Yan knew that her attack just destroyed the entire Super Theological Seminary. Isn't that forcing herself to take this trick?

Taking a deep breath, Wu Yan held the Qingdi sword in his hand. At the same time, Bamen Panjia opened to the seventh door.


With the performance of the eight-door armor, the violent blue steam pervaded from Wu Yan's body. At the same time, the number on the crystallizer bounced and finally stabilized on a high number.


"The seventh gate, at the beginning, was able to increase the number of crystal points by about three times, but now it is only two times ahead, sure enough? With the strength of Bamenjia, the increase rate is getting lower and lower. "?" Looking at his more than 40,000 crystal points, Wu Yan secretly murmured.

Although inevitably a little disappointed, it is acceptable, after all, it used to be a few thousand points, even if it has tripled, but now, even if it is just more than doubled, the number of crystal points increased by more than 20,000 ...

"So terrible power ~ ~ Watching the powerful breath that erupted on Wu Yan, the air seemed to shake the whole sea, and Kesha looked at Wu Yan in surprise.

It is unbelievable that from the conclusions obtained from the analysis of the dark matter computer, Wuyan now has power beyond himself!


There is no nonsense, the Qingdi sword chopped down towards Keisha, and there is no so-called skill. Since she can't easily compete with herself, if she wants to overpower others, then she will satisfy her.

Although her rule-like abilities are strong and inviolable, she cannot continue forever. At this time, the golden shield on her body has disappeared.

Looking at the Qing Emperor's sword cut off by Wu Yan, Kesha lifted the flame sword in her hand and greeted it.

Whether it can be blocked or not, at least, can't stand still.


The sword collided with the sword, and Kesha's body fell from the air and hit the sea directly ...

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