Plane Master Copy

Chapter 935: : Stunned Moganna

As one of the top powers in the Super God Plane, Holy Kaisa is beyond doubt. The number of crystal points is more than 30,000, which proves it all.

However, after Wuyan broke out of the eight-door armor, the number of crystal points was much higher than that of Keisha. In terms of strength, it naturally suppressed her.

The fall of a sword made it difficult for Kaisha to parry and be directly slashed into the sea.

The left and right wings of the sacred guard next to him, Yan and Zhixin, looked at the sacred Kesha was actually split off by Wu Yan with a sword. Both of them looked pretty and looked at Wu Yan in shock and anger.

Didn't expect that Wu Yan's power was so powerful that even Lord Kesha was not his opponent?

When did such a powerful being appear in the universe?

"What's the matter? Although I did the trick to plunge her into the sea, but it was impossible to defeat him with one trick? Are the more than 30,000 crystal points fake? The Sword of Flames is not a display. For the angry eyes of Yan and Zhixin, Wu Yan didn't bother, but just looked at the sea quietly.

Wuyan hasn't seen the sacred Kaisha come up for so long, which makes Wu Yan feel a little surprised.


However, soon the metamorphosis appeared. At this moment, the sea surface seemed to be boiling. At the same time, a golden beam of light connected the sea surface to the sky.

The powerful breath followed the skyrocketing, in this golden and sacred beam of light, the sacred Kesha opened her white wings behind her, the golden sacred energy on her body, as if boiling.

Didi ...

As Wu Yan's gaze fell on the beginning, the numbers on the crystal measuring instrument jumped for a while, and immediately, a high number appeared in front of Wu Yan: 52000!

"Is there more than 50,000 crystal points? It seems that it is a method similar to Bamen Jiajia. Can I increase my power in a short time?" Looking at the change of the crystal points on Kesha's body, Wu Yan's heart moved slightly, roughly Guess what happened.

It seems that, as the king of the gods, Kaisha is not just purely powerful, but the means of increase is also very strong.


Wu Yan didn't consider it for too long. For Kaisha, there was obviously a time limit for the increase. The wings vibrated and Kasha rushed directly towards Wuyan.

The golden light on the Sword of Flame looked like the sun, very dazzling.

"Gene lock, fourth-order, open!" Seeing Kesha's crystal point increase, he rushed forward with a quick and determined mind, Wu Yan sang in his heart, and instantly turned on the power of the fourth-order gene lock.

Then, the figure was greeted by electricity, and both of them flew up into the sky. The flame sword and the Qingdi sword slammed into each other fiercely.

A bang, a powerful collision, caused a huge tsunami on the sea surface. A terrible storm erupted with the two men fighting, like a typhoon of the twelfth level. The horror went into hiding, for fear of being swept away by the hurricane.

"Okay ... wonderful ... is this the real strength of Teacher Wu Yan?" All the students of the Super Theological College watched as the two battled in the sky, as if they were turning into an apocalyptic scene. shock.

Getting along with these days, although I know that Wu Yan's strength is very strong, he even even tried it with him personally at first, but he didn't expect to see the limit of his power today.

"General, hurry back the Gorge and leave this area, otherwise, if you just attack it and fall, the Gorge will have to sink." On the side of Lian Feng, looking at the data information displayed on the display, anxious He said to Dukao next to him.

Dukao also stood in the command room, watching the battle scene captured by the satellite on the screen.

Looking at the impact of the earth-shattering battle between Wu Yan and Holy Kaisa, it seemed that Wu Yan still had the upper hand, which made Dukao's mouth twitch slightly.

"Although I have overestimated Wu Yan's strength as much as possible, I did not expect that it still seems to be underestimated. Is his strength already so strong?"

Looking at the battle scene on the display, Dukao murmured in his mouth.


On the other side, the Demon Legion, as Holy Kaisa appeared on the earth with the left and right guards, Moganna naturally got the news.

As soon as Kesha arrived on Earth, she passed over to Super Theological Seminary, which surprised Morgana.

"Hurry up, let me invade the computer of Super Theological Seminary and see why Kascha's **** ran to the Super Theological Seminary, isn't it? The Super God's God-building plan also has her credit?", Mo Ganna spoke up and let the Demon Legion invade the Super Theological College's computer to see what was going on there.

It's not surprising that Keisha will come to earth, but if Keisha and the Super Seminary are together, Moganna will find the situation a little tricky.

"Okay, Her Majesty!", As Mogana's words fell, the man next to the Demon Legs nodded, and quickly controlled.

With the technology of the Devil's Army, it is not so difficult to invade the computer of the Super Theological Seminary, and it can already be said that you are familiar with it.

Although due to the situation of the last invasion, the Super Theological Seminary has taken precautions this time, but it is just a matter of extra effort.

Soon, the Demon Legion successfully controlled the computer at the Super Theological College. Naturally, the relevant screen information can also be clearly played.

In front of Moganna, they can see that Kasza are still as proud as ever, suspended in mid-air waiting for the person in charge of Super Theological Seminary to meet her.

"Hmm ..." Looking at Kasha's high look, she would sit on the throne even if suspended in the air, and Moganna hummed in her mouth, always thinking that she looked like that. Very annoying.

The discovery of the sacred Caesar's arrival, and sure enough, Dukao of the Super Theological Seminary was ready to meet.

However, in the computer screen, Kesha saw that she had voluntarily landed and landed in front of a young man at the Super Theological Seminary. Kesha also actively spoke.

After discovering Kesha's move, Dukao was not in a hurry to go out, and even Moganna's eyes fell on Wu Yan on the screen, feeling curious.

Who is this young guy? Can actually let Kasha's **** voluntarily land and say hello?

Although the satellite image of Super Theological College can see the appearance between Wu Yan and Kesha, but they cannot hear the conversation between them, which makes Moganna very curious and does not understand what this young man is. Why is Kesha so concerned about him.

It was just that Mogana didn't wait for her demon legion to investigate Wu Yan's identity information. Suddenly, Kesha in the computer screen took out the angel's sword and slashed it out.

However, just when Moganna thought that the young man in front of Keisha was about to be killed, she found that the young man also took out a sword and greeted him.

The next thing was the dazzling swordsmanship competition. Kesha kept changing swords to attack, but it was not cheap at all.

"What is this young man? In swordplay, he is not weaker than Kesha, a bitch, hahaha, now this **** has a face? Let her look high every day, and she will be beaten when she comes to earth. Face ".

Although Moganna was also stunned by Wu Yan's swordplay technique, Moganna was overjoyed and smiled happily when she saw that Kesha was not cheaply occupied.

"Although Holy Kaisa's swordsmanship is crushed, she should be very powerful. Since swordsmanship is better, why doesn't she need strength to defeat her opponent?", Beside the crocodile standing beside Moganna, Looking at the situation on the computer screen, he asked in amazement.

"Kaisha's character is so arrogant. Wouldn't she admit that she had poor swordsmanship if she defeated her opponent with strength? So, she would not use strength to win unless necessary."

Although it was incompatible with the beginning character, she had already turned her head against her, but Mo Ganna was very clear about her sister's nature, and she replied.

"That said, is this human little guy still to be defeated?"

Listening to Moganna's words, Kaisha just couldn't make it through herself and didn't use her powerful power. The crocodile shook her head and thought it was meaningless.

"Anyway, a little human being is able to hold Kasha's head in a technical way to make this **** shameful. It seems that this super seminary is still a little something. Do I underestimate this? Guy? "

Although Morgana was pleased that someone could humiliate Kesha, but as long as you think about these guys in Super Theological Seminary, the strength seems to be stronger than you think, and Morgana feels dignified again.

For a while, Mo Ganna felt a little entangled as to whether she should be happy about the situation at hand.

Not to mention Moganna's heart ~ ~ How is the tangle now, in the computer screen, the swordplay competition between Kesha and Wu Yan is still going on.

After a long time without a chance to win, Kesha also seemed to give up the idea of ​​pressing Wu Yan on the sword, and the Sword of Flame held up, and the bright light bloomed.

"Come on, it's over", seeing that Kesha apparently used her own power to press people, the crocodile next to him shook his head and reached a conclusion in his mouth.

"This bitch, hum, you can't beat the skill to win with strength," Moganna hummed uneasily.

She also knew that she was talking nonsense, after all, the battle was originally a competition of strength and skill.

However, both Moganna and the crocodile felt that Wu Yan should also be defeated, but in the picture, as the flame sword and the Qingdi sword collided.

Wu Yan's feet remained motionless, but Kesha seemed to have been hit by a train. The whole person was blown out and the throne under his seat was shattered.

"Hold the grass !?" Mogana, dumbfounded.

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