Plane Master Copy

Chapter 936: :pet

Although the two sisters have already turned against each other, Moganna can't wait for Kaisha to die early, but she also has to admit that as the supreme ruler of the angel civilization, the king of the gods is very strong.

Not to mention the powerful weapons of the angel civilization she has mastered, she is already very strong by her own power.

So, although Wu Yan is better at swordsmanship, Moganna never thought he could win.

Seeing that Kaisha was not just fighting swordsmanship, but using force to suppress Wuyan, Moganna thought that Wuyan had lost.

However, I did not expect that the final outcome was far beyond my expectations. After the sword collided with the sword, Wu Yan did not move, but Kesha was blown out.

With her eyes widened, Mogana stared at the situation in the computer screen seriously, her face became much more serious.

It can be seen from the computer screen that Wu Yan burst out with a stronger breath, and then, Kesha was split directly into the sea.

Later, Kaisha used mystics to burn her own power and increased her power in a short period of time. However, Wu Yan still prevailed in the battles you came to me. With Kesha using mystics After burning power, Wu Yan's power also actually increased a bit.

The Sword of Flames crossed the sky, the whole sky seemed to be split, and the clouds that were originally in the sky were all split under the Sword of Flames. This terrible power was dazzling.

The Qing Emperor's sword swept over and fell on the sea. I saw that the sea also seemed to be split directly into two halves by Wu Yan, revealing a trench that was unknown, and also bottomless. This split sea. The long-term close makes people tremble.

Under the orders of Dukao, Super Theological College has retreated a lot, but the hurricane and tsunami rolled up with the two men fighting are like the end of the world. Even mother ships like the Great Gorge are in Below this mad strait, it seems very dangerous, and it seems that capsizes are possible at any time.

Bang Bang!

In terms of strength, Wu Yan, which opened eight-door armors and fourth-order gene locks at the same time, is stronger than Holy Kaisa. In terms of skills, Wu Yan's solitary nine swords are invincible.

The battle between you and me looks very fierce, but on the whole, Wu Yan is stronger.

After fighting for a while, you can see that the armor of Holy Kaisa has been damaged in many places, and the whole person looks much more embarrassed than before.

Under the continuous attack of Wu Yan, the strength and skills were crushed. If it was not for tens of thousands of years of combat experience, it might have been defeated in Wu Yan's attack.

However, the fighting has continued to the present, and there is no point in continuing it. Under Wu Yan's attack, Kesha could only manage to support it.

More importantly, her power that has been raised by burning her power is almost reaching its limit and cannot be sustained.


After blocking Kaisa's Sword of Flames again, Wu Yan's Qingdi sword made a heavy shot on the starting armor.

The sword didn't go down, it just took a slap, but this shot, however, still knocked Holy Kaisa out again.

Wu Yan immediately released the power of her eight-door armor and gene lock, and her mouth was a little panted, and a feeling of fatigue followed.

At the same time, the strength of the eight-door armor and gene lock was increased. Even if Wu Yan had the body of the Asgard protoss, at this time, he felt that the load was a bit unusually large.

As for Keisha next? Her strength had reached its limit, and the violent breath on her body shrank rapidly.

Similarly, as Wu Yan's gaze swept over, the crystal point number on Kesha's body also dropped rapidly.

"Do you want to continue?" Watching Kesha's breath dropped a lot, she fell into a weak state, Wu Yan looked at the other person calmly and said.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a strong person in the universe as you did, but it was beyond my expectation", Kesha put away her flame sword and stared at Wu Yan seriously.

Although Wu Yan has no respect for himself, but just after the first battle, Wu Yan's demonstrated strength has been acknowledged by Kesha, and at the same time, he has taken him to the same level as himself.

"Your strength is also very good, worthy of being the head of the angel clan ..." Wu Yan also praised Kesha's words.

These remarks are sincere, and can allow her to use the power increase of the eight-door armor and gene locks to fight against her. The strength of the divine Kaisa also makes Wu Yan nodded secretly.

The plane of Super Theological College is not just a plane with high technology. Similarly, the value of personal force is also very strong.


Because Wu Yan's displayed strength made Kesha understand his power, therefore, Holy Kesha completely stole her proud attitude and landed on the Great Gorge again, and began to discuss how to deal with the Demon Legion and Morgana matters.

On the other side, Mo Ganna can be said to have witnessed the battle between Wu Yan and the beginning.

Keisha's power is very strong, which is expected by Mo Ganna, and Wu Yan's power is very strong, which is completely unexpected.

Although from the situation, the fighting between the two did not end, but of course Moganna can see that, in fact, Wu Yan had just won the battle.

"The situation has become a little more troublesome ...", Moganna's face became more dignified, and her mouth murmured.

She should have been very happy to see Kaisha defeated, but thought that Wuyan was a member of the Super Theological Seminary, and after the battle ended, Kaisha and Wuyan did not become stiff, but entered instead. Going to the Super Theological Seminary made Mo Ganna feel even heavier.

If this angel family and the people of the Super Theological Seminary are together, they will join forces to deal with themselves, the consequences will be unexpected.

"Queen, Keisha, they have entered the Super Theological Seminary, and the satellite image is closed. What shall we do next?" After the image on the computer screen disappeared, the demon warrior turned back to Mogan Na asked.

"What to do? How do I know what to do?" Mogana, who was asked, said angrily.

While talking, she lowered her head and murmured secretly in her mouth: "Kaisha, Bichi, moves so fast. What's more unexpected is that her such a proud guy would actually be with those of the Super Seminary No, they must not be joined together. It seems that I still have to inquire about the situation at the Super Theological College before I talk about it. "

As the words fell, Moganna's eyes glanced at the men of the Demon Legion present.

Sweeped by Morgana's gaze, these Demon Legionnaires took a step back, always thinking there was nothing good next.

However, there are still some demonic soldiers standing up: "Queen, do you want us to mix into the Super Theological Seminary to investigate the situation? If you need it, I am willing to go!".

"Let ’s just forget it? See how you look like this picture, how can you get into it?" Although the demon warrior stepped forward and expressed his willingness to take risks, Moganna felt a little moved, but she put aside her lips and looked disgusting. Looks like that.

Indeed, these demon legions, at first glance, look like evil, how can it be mixed into the Super Theological Seminary?

These demonic soldiers are dead. After glancing around, Moganna's eyes fell on the crocodile next to her.

"What do you mean by looking at me like this? Do you want me to go? I don't even have a humanoid look, if you go, it will be even more useless?" Gonzo was glanced at, and the crocodile followed. He shook his head and answered.

"No, it's because you are not human, but maybe you can mix in", but for the crocodile, Moganna's face suddenly showed an unpleasant smile.

"Ah? You have such a weird smile ..." Looking at Moganna's smile, the crocodile got a little seduce and said two steps back.

"Others want to mix in, naturally they can't. They look different from humans, but you can." It was as if she had known a crocodile for the first time. After looking up and down for a moment, Mo Ganna was very satisfied. nod.

"But I am even more different from humans," the crocodile hurriedly argued.

"So, because of this, you can mix in as a pet." With a smile, Mo Ganna finally said her thoughts.

"Pet? Me? You asked me to be a pet to others !?", pointing to himself, the crocodiles looked incredible.

In the mythology of the earth, can you be considered a god-like existence? Obviously, you want to be a pet for others?

"Ahem ~ ~ Everything is for our organization, I'm wronged by you", patted the crocodile's shoulder, Moganna coughed twice.

"Queen, other people keep pets, don't they all have some cute pets like cats and dogs? Let it go, what to do in case of being killed by someone from the Super Seminary?", A demon warrior next to her couldn't help it Interjected.

"Shut up! No one treats you dumb if you don't talk!" As soon as the demon warrior's voice fell, Mo Ganna snapped up and let him shut up.

"Don't listen to him blindly saying that it's so easy to die, at most it's a lifelong disability. Don't you have confidence in your strength?" Moganna turned to her, her eyes softened to the crocodile.

"You are confident, why don't you go alone", shaking his head, the crocodile felt very upset.

"Well, don't stop talking nonsense, go quickly, find out the matter, and even disrupt the cooperation between the Super Theological Seminary and the angels, I will give you some credit!".

Not soft, Mo Ganna was impatient, came hard, said tough.

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