Plane Master Copy

Chapter 937: : Crocodile is also a fish

"Jiawen, I am very glad that you have worked so hard, but people are not machines after all, and they ca n’t be tight all the time. In fact, sometimes they do their best to train. The effect may not be very good. The relaxation is good. "

"I urge you to relax in your spare time. It is good to play golf, listen to music, or fish and fish."

Here at the Super Theological College, because of the approaching battle, all the students ’training has been transferred to the mother ship of the Great Gorge. Today, after another day of practice, Jiawen thought of what Teacher Wu Yan said to himself .

After a moment of silence, Jiawen got a fishing rod, sat on the edge of the Great Gorge, and threw the hook into the sea for fishing.

Sitting quietly, holding the fishing rod in his hand, the atmosphere seemed very quiet. At the same time, Jia Wen's heart secretly thought about the cultivation results of these days.

I have to say that after receiving the one-on-one instruction from Teacher Wu Yan, Jia Wen can feel that his strength has improved very quickly.

Of course, the power of the galaxy owned by Ge Xiaolun is very strong. Therefore, among the three friends in the dormitory, Ge Xiaolun's growth rate is the fastest.

However, after thinking of his own power enhancement, Jia Wen's mind involuntarily thought of his homeland, his own planet was blown up by the terrible sun, which made Jia Wen's hand holding the fishing rod helpless. Tight.

Although my strength has improved rapidly during this period, relatively speaking, my strength is still very poor.

Jingle Bell!

Just when Jia Wen's heart was meditating secretly, suddenly, he felt that the fishing rod in his hand sank, and at the same time the small bell hanging on the fishing rod rang, interrupting Jia Wen's contemplation.

With a hard arm, it was empty, and the bait on the hook was gone.

With a slight sigh, Jiawen took the fishhook back.

"Hey, Jiawen, are you so leisurely today, fishing here?" At this time, Ge Xiaolun came over and patted Jiawen on the shoulder.

During the conversation, he looked at the dozen or so slap-sized fishes in the basket next to him, which made Ge Xiaolun laugh: "It looks like your harvest is good, but it is a bit small."

Without rushing to answer Ge Xiaolun's words, Jiawen grabbed a fish from the basket, hung it directly on the large fishing hook, and threw it out.

Looking at Ge Xiaolun's aggressive look, Jia Wen said: "These fish are not from me, they are my bait. With these little fishes, I can catch big fish."

"You like this, do you really catch the fish?" Looking at Jiawen hanging a fish and throwing it out, Ge Xiaolun said weirdly: "I remember when I was playing in the countryside when I was a kid, I dug earthworms for bait Fishing, how can there be you like this, using fish as bait, what do you want to catch? ".

"Since you want to fish, naturally you have to catch big fish to be interesting," shook his head, and Jia Wen said firmly, not ready to change the appearance of the bait.

"I think it's impossible for you to go fishing like this." He thought that his fishing skills must be much better than Jiawen. Ge Xiaolun expressed his views as a senior.

Jingle Bell!

However, at this time, the small bell on the fishing rod rang again, and at the same time, the fishing rod in Jiawen's hand sank and almost flew out.

"Holding grass? Can you really catch it?" Looking at the changes in front of him, Ge Xiaolun's eyes widened in surprise and said incredulously.

Yeah, just hang up a fish, so you can catch fish?

Is the fish in the sea so good at fishing? How come I never knew that fishing was so simple?

Not to mention what kind of thought was in Ge Xiaolun's heart, after Jia Wen beside watched the fish hook up, he naturally pulled the fish in the sea with force.

However, with a lot of effort, the fishing rod was horribly curved. Even the special fishing rod seemed to break at any time, but the fish in the sea had not yet pulled up.

This made Jia Wen's heart bewildered. Is it impossible for him to catch a whale?

Just when Jia Wen's heart murmured secretly, his hand sank, and Jia Wen's figure was stunned, but he was almost pulled down by the big fish in the sea. Fortunately, Ge Xiaolun next to him reacted quickly, holding Jia Wen.

"Be careful, it looks like you've caught an incredible guy, and you almost fell into the sea ..." Ge Xiaolun said, almost arrested Jiawen, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Well, it was just careless. It's okay now. Look at me pulling it up." After taking a step, Jia Wen's focus has been lowered a lot, giving people the feeling of being motionless, seriously.

"I'm not worried about your current situation. I'm worried about this fishing rod. Will it break?" Ge Xiaolun looked at Jiawen's amazingly curved fishing rod in his hands with a worried face.

Now that he and Jia Wen are both super soldiers, if they really shot with all their strength, it would be impossible for the fishing rod to bear such a force?

"Rest assured, this fishing rod is made of special materials, no problem," Jia Wen said, gritting his teeth.

Force on the hand, but the monster in the sea is extremely heavy, no matter how strong the power of Jiawen, it seems difficult to shake.

"I'm here to help you!" Seeing that Jia Wen couldn't even catch anything in the sea, Ge Xiaolun sank in his heart, and said to Jia Wen, reaching out his hand while talking, grasping the fishing rod, and then the force of the galaxy started Together with Jiawen, the strength of the two gushed, and the fishing rod threw.

A huge crocodile was thrown directly by Jiawen and Ge Xiaolun, and then smashed heavily on the deck of the Great Gorge.

Seeing this crocodile is very large, it is on the deck and looks bigger than the average person.

"Crocodile ... crocodile ...?", Looking at the guy who the two of them had fished together, Ge Xiaolun's eyes widened and his expression looked unbelievable.

How could a crocodile exist in this sea? Although crocodile is also a creature in the water, does it not live in the sea?

"Is this what I fished?" Jiawen was equally surprised to see the crocodile that he had caught.

But with a smile on his face, he said, "Sure enough, I still have good fishing skills. This crocodile is also a fish, right? With such great strength, this crocodile looks extraordinary."

"Hey, Jiawen, is this a weird thing? Fishing in the sea can catch crocodile ..." Ge Xiaolun next to him looked a little uneasy and said to Jiawen.

However, Jiawen didn't consider so many meanings. He just looked at the crocodile on the deck and said, "Can you understand me? I told you that you were caught by me, so you You have to listen to me in the future, understand? "

The crocodile lay on the deck and did not dare to move, but apparently understood Jia Wen's words and nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

At this time, the crocodile was completely aggressive, and was originally instructed by Moganna. The crocodile dived into the sea and stayed under the Great Gorge. It was estimated that after dark, he sneaked into the ship to investigate Situation.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, I was hungry, and suddenly a fish appeared in front of me, and the crocodile didn't think about it, and he bit it down.

However, after biting it, it was too late to wait for it to regret it again. Jiawen's strength made it difficult to break free, and when Ge Xiaolun also shot together, the crocodile only felt an indescribable surge of force, unable to resist at all, After spinning around, he smashed on the deck of the Great Gorge, and his head was stunned.

When he came back, the crocodile knew that he had boarded the Great Gorge, and there were people from the Super Theological College staring at him.

Following Moganna's side, as Moganna's capable crocodile, the crocodile was still very confident of his strength, but he was caught in the sea, which surprised him by the power of Super Theological College Besides, I dared not speak again.

Don't let anyone in the Devil's Legion know about this. Otherwise, this is definitely a shame in life.

The words of Jia Wen next to him were not prepared to kill themselves, but to keep their own meaning, which made the crocodile stunned, and then overjoyed in his heart.

Is your luck so good? I was thinking about sneaking into the Great Gorge at night to inquire about it. I didn't expect that after such an accident, I seemed to be able to stay in the Great Gorge honestly?

Peak rotation, for Crocodile, the development of things is really a peak rotation.

At first, I was still having a headache about how to sneak into the Gorge. I didn't expect to eat a small fish and was caught on board.

One ~ ~ is surprised by the strength of the people in the Super Theological Seminary, and the other one seems to be exposed? Will not be killed by these guys?

Just feeling that when I was stunned, I suddenly found that the people who came to catch me didn't mean to kill themselves, which made the crocodile rejoice.

It seems to make some sense to think about it carefully. They don't recognize themselves, so it is reasonable to not kill themselves.

"Xiao Lun, although this crocodile is large, but my strength can pull up even a few cows, but it requires the two of us to pull it up. Don't you think it is born with divine power? With good training, you can become my right arm and right arm, right? ", Looking back, Jia Wen said to Ge Xiaolun, and expressed his own thoughts.

"Well, what you said really makes sense," Jia Wen's words made Ge Xiaolun nod in agreement. The crocodile's strength was really amazing.

However, Ge Xiaolun was a little uneasy: "However, I still think this thing is strange."

"No matter what, this is just a crocodile, isn't it?", The crocodile born with divine power is unusual, so what's so surprising when it appears in the sea?

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