Plane Master Copy

Chapter 938: :The tear of crocodile

Although Ge Xiaolun thought that a crocodile was caught in the sea, it was a bit strange, but Jiawen's words seemed correct, after all, it was just a crocodile, a beast, and how much of a storm can't heal? This is the Super Theological Seminary.

Besides, the strength of this crocodile is indeed a bit exaggerated, so there is nothing strange about this crocodile's strangeness?

"Well, Jiawen, then you have to be careful yourself. Also, if you want to train this crocodile, it's best to ask a specialized person or an animal trainer." After thinking about it, Ge Xiaolun didn't have much. What did you mean, just the last reminder.

"This is nature", nodded, Jia Wen naturally heard this reminder from Ge Xiaolun.

It wasn't too late with eyes closed, and Ge Xiaolun and Jia Wen went directly to the dormitory.

Along the way, Jia Wen's situation followed by a crocodile naturally attracted the attention of many people, and many people came up to talk a few words.

"Hey, Jiawen, I didn't expect you to get a pet. Interesting, crocodile. I think I should also get a beast. Is it a lion? Or a tiger? Or a cheetah?"

Da D came over, looked at the crocodile behind Jiawen, and said with admiration.

What is a cat and a dog? Raising such a beast seems to be a man's romance, right?

"However, we can be at sea now. Do you think the beast can perform well here?", Ge Xiaolun beside him, interjected.

"Well? It makes sense, too, so I have a shark, isn't it?" I felt that Ge Xiaolun's words made some sense, Big D nodded, and whispered in his mouth and left.

As I walked along, murmured, it seemed that I was really thinking about keeping a fierce pet to be worthy of my current status as a super soldier.

"Hey, Jiawen, I heard you fished a crocodile up", but, without taking a few steps, a woman with a good sister Fan came over, and said hello to Jiawen, not others, but the goddess Lena.

She seemed to have heard the news and came over to take a look.

While talking, Lena looked at the crocodile behind Jiawen, then walked to the side of the crocodile and nodded, and said, "Yes, this crocodile looks very big. If we add a meal, we will be able to Fully eaten. "

"This dead woman wants to eat this uncle !?" Although he is now mixed into the Super Theological College as a Jiawen pet, but even a pet has a temper?

Unhappy in the heart, the crocodile opened his mouth directly, biting at Lena in the past, and proved his dissatisfaction with actual actions.


However, the action of the crocodile is fierce. As a goddess, Lena's reaction is faster, and she is not polite. There is the power of the sun between her palms, and she smashes into the crocodile's head with a punch.

With this punch, the head of the crocodile was a little dazed, unbelievable. A young girl who looks young has such power? Is this too violent?

"Okay, Lena, it's my pet, and I want to cultivate it as my pet." Watching Lena hit her with a punch on the crocodile's head, Jiawen stepped forward and stopped Lena's In front of him, Ningsheng said.

"Well, you crocodile is very wild and interesting, I hope you can succeed", withdrew his fist, since Jia Wen blocked in front of himself, Lena has no intention to do anything anymore, after all, hitting a dog Look at the host, right?

Just when she left, Lena was secretly amazed, this crocodile was really thick and thick, and she was punched by herself. It didn't seem to matter.

"Are these super seminary guys so terrible?"

Although it was only a simple pass, and because of being on the ground, the strength could not be exerted, but even so, one punch can make his head blank, and the power of the punch just shocked the crocodile. Super Theological College Are all the guys so terrible?

A Ge Xiaolun possesses the power of the galaxy, and a Lena is the goddess. When encountering these two men, the crocodile felt powerful enough to threaten her power.

This makes the crocodile feel that the situation of the Super Seminary is unfathomable.

"No, the guys in the Super Theological Seminary are almost all human beings. Where can they go? I must be out of luck, so I met some of the strongest guys in the Super Theological Seminary?"

I don't quite believe that any guy at Super Theological Seminary is really so strong, or that the crocodile did not want to believe that his strength was so weak, and shook his head. The crocodile felt that he must have had bad luck.

After thinking about it, the crocodile glanced around and felt that he should find someone else to try.

The so-called thing is nothing but three, no matter how bad luck is, it is impossible to meet a terrible guy more than three times in a row, right?

After looking around, soon a woman's figure caught the crocodile's attention.

This woman's dress is different from those around her. She wears an antique dress and looks quiet and quiet. She doesn't want to be as violent as that woman. Shouldn't it be difficult to deal with?

After making up his mind, the crocodile pretended that he really looked like a beast without much wisdom, and suddenly rushed at the woman ...

Xiao Meng walked quietly on the deck of the Great Gorge, thinking secretly about cultivation.

Cultivation is getting higher and higher, and the magical ability of the Moon Devouring Sun can also absorb the essence of the sun to improve cultivation, but you must work harder to practice, and you must not drag your brother's hind legs.

Before that, the woman with wings appeared and had a fight with her brother. At that time, the two men showed much stronger strength than themselves.

After working so hard for so long, does it seem that the gap between yourself and your brother is getting bigger and bigger?


When Xiao Meng was thinking about cultivation in secret, and also made up his mind to work harder, suddenly, a fierce shout sounded.

With the exclamation of Ge Xiaolun and Jia Wen next to him, Xiao Meng saw a huge crocodile rushing towards her and opened her mouth.

The eyes were slightly condensed, and the power of the wind and snow was released with Xiaomeng's heart. The original crocodile rushed towards Xiaomeng with an aggressive momentum, and the movement became slower and slower, but it took only two short breaths to become A snow sculpture, stiffened in front of Xiao Meng, did not move.

"Miss Wu Meng, I'm sorry, I just caught the crocodile, untamed and hit you ..." I was really afraid that Xiao Meng would kill the crocodile. Jiawen rushed over and explained.

Xiaomeng's eyelids glanced at Jiawen a little, and he turned away.

Just frozen the crocodile, for Xiao Meng, it's just a hand.

"Miss Wu Meng's strength is terrible, but she is also terribly cold ..." Looking at Xiao Meng's leaving back, Jia Wen said suddenly, and said with emotion.

"So, Lord Ye wants to pursue Miss Wu Meng. I do n’t see much hope. I ca n’t beat people, and I am an iceberg beauty, and Teacher Wu Yan seems to be a girl. This is the possibility to catch up. It's almost 0. Relatively speaking, it's still more likely that my Carter girl paper and your Lena's, "Ge Xiaolun next to him also said.

"How many times have I said that I don't have that idea for Lena," Ge Xiaolun's words made Jiawen helplessly justify.

"Oh, Jiawen, I say you're fine, but I'm too shy. As the saying goes, lady, gentleman isn't it? Isn't it our greatest dream to be a goddess? The real goddess ... "Although Jia Wen explained many times, Ge Xiaolun still did not believe his excuse.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, my pet has become a snow sculpture, let's quickly go back to the dormitory", not wanting to entangle more on this topic, Jia Wen shook his head helplessly and said.

The two talked and talked to each other, lifted the snow crocodile who was not, and went directly to the dormitory.

Thanks to the strength of both men now, otherwise, the crocodile weighing a few hundred pounds is really hard to lift.

It was getting darker and darker, and the snow sculpture of the crocodile was slowly melting in the bedroom.

It is because of this snow sculpture that Jiawen, Zhao Xin and Ge Xiaolun found that the night in the dormitory was much cooler.

When the night was completely dark, the snow sculpture finally melted, and the unconscious crocodile finally woke up slowly.

who am I? where am I? What happened?

Just woke up, the sea of ​​crocodile's consciousness was a little groggy, and secretly murmured in his mind. Finally, the consciousness slowly cleared up, and the crocodile also remembered what happened.

I remember seeing a girl who was very classically dressed ~ ~ I wanted to try the strength of others in Super Theological Seminary, so I rushed to the past.

Then, I felt the coldness in my heart, and soon lost my consciousness?

"I'm, is it a second?"

Although he didn't show all the power because he sneaked in, but when he was attacked by someone for a second, the crocodile asked himself, even if all his strength broke out, it seemed that he couldn't beat it?

"What kind of monsters are there in this Super Theological Seminary, it ’s terrible. It ’s more terrifying than just meeting a few guys? With such strength, do we even want to completely crush the earth?" .

"No, this news, I must find a way to pass it back to the Queen. If the Super Theological College and the Angels are united, we must guard against the counterattack of the Earth people."

Realizing that the power of the Super Theological Seminary was even more terrifying than I expected, a drop of tears rolled down the corner of the crocodile's eyes, and the heart murmured secretly, this news must be passed back.

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