Plane Master Copy

Chapter 957: : Kicked the iron plate

Arthurs is naturally very confident in his own strength. Mastering the palm of his hand with Wu Yan's hands, Arthurs didn't care too much, just nodded and told Wu Yan to start.

"Okay, be careful." Wu Yan nodded slightly, then, with the palm of his hand twisted, his waist twisted, and he banged, grasping the opponent's hand, Wu Yan directly threw Arthurs to the ground.

The rumbling sound made him seem to be buried in the ground.

The woman with the magic wand next to her saw her face widened and could hardly believe it.

How can it be? Arthurs seemed to have almost no response, and was directly thrown to the ground? What just happened?

"Who am I? Where am I? What just happened?", Arthurs was lying on the ground, the whole man was aggressive, his consciousness seemed to be a little blurred, and it was completely unclear what was going on.

It was just a blink of an eye. Somehow, he seemed to be lying on the ground.

When Arthurs came back to God, Gu Lu got up from the ground and stared at Wu Yan with a grave look on his face, saying: "It's just not counted, I'm not ready yet. This time, we Do it again. "

"Okay", nodded slightly, Wu Yan followed up with a finger, not sick, this finger nodded on Arthur's palm.

Then energy spit out.

There was a loud noise, and the violent power flickered away at Wuyan's fingertips. Then, Arthurs, who had a 10,000 crystal points, was blown out like a cannonball, and flew out. Hundreds of meters away, it landed on the ground, and a long mark was ground on the ground.

At this moment, whether it was Arthurs or the woman next to him, they all looked terrified.

Although the power that Wu Yan had just shed is flashing away, but with more than 20,000 crystal points, they still deeply understand the fright of Wu Yan.

The glance of the woman next to him fell on Xiao Meng's body.

In the last days, people's hearts are dark, and no one can easily trust others, let alone from different countries? Seeing Wu Yan's ability to completely crush Arthurs, this woman felt that if she wanted to protect herself, at least he had to grasp the opponent's handle to let him cast a mouse.

Therefore, the woman's gaze fell on Xiao Meng's body, and she shot instantly, trying to subdue Xiao Meng as a talisman.

The wand was lifted, and the invisible material in the void appeared, turning into a long chain, which instantly twined Xiaomeng several times, binding her firmly.

Immediately, the woman shouted at Wu Yan: "Stop it, otherwise I'll be polite."

Looking back, watching Xiao Meng being **** by the suddenly appearing chain, Wu Yan did not look worried, on the contrary, his mouth slightly raised, revealing a secretive smile.

"Hey, you, what are you laughing at? I can tell you that if you do it again, your woman will be more ferocious."

Looking at Wu Yan's inscrutable smile, the woman's heart twitched a little, and she felt a little uneasy reflexively, but still shouted at Wu Yan with a stubborn instinct.

Next to that, Arthurs climbed up from the ground, and ran over with a two-handed sword in his hand, but he dared not shoot at Wu Yan, but guarded beside the woman with vigilance, looking at Wu Yan, eyes It was full of shock.

It ’s over. It really is a pig and a tiger. Huaxia people like to play this trick. Before the end of the world, I saw this trick in Huaxia ’s novels.

These Huaxia people are really too insidious. Obviously they have such a powerful power, and they are deliberately weak.

"I just laugh at you. Do you think you have taken the hostage?" Wu Yan looked at each other and said calmly.

Holding Xiao Meng as a hostage? Is it because Xiao Meng is like a woman, so she doesn't think she is a soft persimmon?

With its 25,000 crystal points, and the increase in equipment such as the Amethyst Staff, Xiao Meng's destructive power is close to 30,000. Is she a soft persimmon?

"What !?", Wu Yan's words, shocked the man, the woman, and the two hearts, feeling uneasy, and looking at the bound Meng at the same time.

Xiao Meng, who was originally bound by a chain, instantly turned into a gust of snow and scattered. Naturally, this woman's **** magic also fell through.

The chain, which was originally tied to Xiao Meng, fell to the ground and immediately dissipated into energy.

"It's awful!" Seeing Xiao Meng's elemental appearance, the wand in the woman's hand was waving again, and turned into a flame and pressed towards Xiao Meng.

Since it is a snowstorm, then it is natural to use flame magic.

However, the restraint in terms of attributes depends on the difference in strength between the two sides. The flame is indeed a force to restrain snow and ice to a certain extent. However, when the difference in strength between the two sides is large, the effect is completely reversed and becomes The power of ice and snow restrained the flames.

With the power of Xiaomeng Xuexue's fruit over, these flames flew like a candlelight in the cold winter moon and went out instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the wind and snow passed through the two awakened men and one woman, but for a moment, the two foreigners of the fifth-level awakened turned into two snow sculptures under the power of Xiao Meng.

Frozen by Xiao Meng's strength, these two are naturally difficult to break free. Looking at the two awakeners who really kicked the iron plate, Wu Yan smiled secretly.

Level 5 Awakeners, this is indeed a very good strength. They act in an ordinary way, even if they are arrogant, they really have such qualifications.

But unfortunately, they encountered two of themselves and Xiaomeng, so they were destined to kick the iron plate.

Wu Yan waved his hands. Soon, the snow on the imprisoned pair finally melted, and the two looked trembling, watching Wu Yan and Xiao Meng in horror.

It's unbelievable that this person has just come to Huaxia and just met two people casually. Does he have such a terrible power? Is it because they are out of luck? Or the Awakener on the side of Hua Xia, the power has reached such a terrible level?

Can you encounter any terrible existence?

"Well, now you also understand the difference in strength? So, I hope you don't play tricks, obediently ..." After lifting the snow on both of them, Wu Yan's eyes fell on these On the body.

With these words, they both looked a little embarrassed.

This was what they said to Wu Yan just now, and now, Wu Yan returned the words, but he really cracked his face.

"If you want to ask, just say it. We can say what we can say, but if we can't say it, even if we kill us, we won't tell you." Although looking at Wu Yan was a bit afraid Color, but Arthurs' words were very boney.

"Sorry, you seem to have misunderstood something. What I just said is just talking. I want to know your intelligence information, and I don't need you to say it ...", a very strong word for Arthurs. However, Wu Yan waved his hand and said that he didn't care.

While speaking, Wu Yan stretched out his finger and nodded at Arthur's eyebrow.

Ding, found removable storage!

With the contact on the body, the prompt on the computer page arrived as expected. There is no nonsense. Wu Yan directly opened Arthur's F disk memory space, and then packed his memory of recent days directly to his F disk. Copy over.

Of course, as the copy bar appeared and waited, Wu Yan also curiously opened the other disks of the other party to check it.

In terms of blood, it is just the blood of ordinary human beings, and there is nothing worthy of attention. In terms of skills, except for life skills, combat skills are all types of melee combat. Just look at his weapon as a two-handed sword .

In general, the number of crystal points is not weak, but there is nothing outstanding in terms of ability.

Arthurs's whole body seemed to be fixed, and he froze, but his face was inexplicable.

Originally watching Wu Yan's movements, he thought what would happen, but he didn't expect that the other party just put his finger on his forehead, but did nothing?

"Hey, what's your guy's name? What are you doing?" After waiting for a while, seeing that Wu Yan was completely intact to maintain this posture and did nothing, Arthurs could not help but rush at Cried Wu Yan.

However, Wu Yan turned a deaf ear to his shouting, and after Arthurs's F-disk memory was copied, Wu Yan followed up with his fingers and pointed at the woman's eyebrow.

Similarly, Wu Yan also packed the memory of this woman into her F disk in recent days.

Look at the other few disks. As an awakening of magical abilities, she also has several magical abilities ~ ~ However, these magical abilities are also relatively tasteless for Wu Yan. Therefore, Wu Yan has nothing to look at.

After the memories of both were copied, Wu Yan also had an understanding of their situation.

First of all, the man's name was Arthurs, a warrior-type awakener, who initially reached the level of the fifth-level awakener, and the woman's name was Catherine, a magical fifth-level awakener.

Both of them came from the Los Angeles Survivor Base in the United States on the other side of the globe.

The purpose of their coming to Huaxia was unusual. In short, they came to Huaxia with the purpose of inquiring information.

With the end of the last days, so many years have passed. It can be said that the countries on both sides of the globe have completely cut off contact and communication. After several months of training, Catherine has been able to initially accurately position her space magic ability, so she took Arthurs came to Huaxia to inquire about the information.

Of course, if it's possible, Los Angeles doesn't mind occupying some living space here.

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