Plane Master Copy

Chapter 958: : Bright blind crooked nuts

Catherine and Arthurs both looked at Wu Yan in shock and fear. The crushing power just showed by Wu Yan has made it difficult for them to develop a rebellious mind, let alone, except Wu Yanzhi In addition, Xiao Meng's displayed power also frightened them.

Fear is because of strength, but also because of mystery.

Wu Yan's strength is just fine, but he just poke a finger on each of them, saying that he wants to collect intelligence from himself.

Although he didn't feel any discomfort at all, both of them were very clear that Wu Yan was not joking to do so. His unknown and mysterious method was frightening.

Putting his fingers back, he completely ignored the fear and anxiety of the two, and Wu Yan's heart secretly thought about it.

It stands to reason that this foreign awakener came to explore the road, and also had the idea of ​​recovering the awakener base in Huaxia. It can be said that the bad ones did not need Wuyan to keep these two potential threats.

However, if you think about it, Wu Yan doesn't think he needs to do anything.

For one thing, in the last days, zombies run rampant, human beings live in deep waters, and the space for survival is constantly being compressed. Indeed, concerted efforts are needed. The fifth-level awakening can be said to be the cutting-edge force against zombies.

The second one is also the most important point. According to the Dark Forest Law, human power is reshuffled in the last days, so the first contact between foreign countries will determine whether to conquer each other based on the strength comparison of the two sides. Miscalculate.

More importantly, from the memory of the two, Wu Yan can roughly infer the situation of the awakeners on the American side, which is almost the same as that on the Chinese side.

The fifth-level awakening belongs to the most cutting-edge power, which is scarce and has no one out of every tenth. The fourth-level awakening belongs to the core power and belongs to the ranks of masters among the awakening.

And more importantly, although the situation is almost the same, China ’s population base is larger, although it has led to more zombies, but the number of awakenings is also greater.

Under the pressure of more zombies, the awakening people's growth rate is not slow. Therefore, whether it is the number of zombies or the number of awakeners, Huaxia is more than the United States.

Within China, such as Hero City and Titan City, bases of more than 100,000 survivors can be regarded as large-scale survivor bases, but in the United States, a population of about 30,000 to 50,000 is already a large base. .

"Before the end of the last days, the total population of the United States opened up to 300 million or 400 million, but Huaxia had a full one billion more than the United States ..." According to the information obtained from the memory of the two, combined with the information before the end of the end With regard to the population base, Wu Yan's mind has roughly been able to infer the situation between China and the United States.

After comparison, Wu Yan's heart laughed secretly. Based on the population base of the United States, the number of awakened people, once the awakened people with spatial capabilities appeared, they still wished to come to Huaxia, or even the government Huaxia?

Is this the delivery?

In other words, is it worthy of a strong country in a long history? Even in the last days, they still want to invade other countries.

As a good geographical location and the vast area of ​​China, was it first targeted?

Originally, Wu Yan's eyes were all on the country, and his mind was all on the crossing of the heavens and the world. He had never thought of anything abroad, let alone watched it abroad.

But now, since these two foreign awakenings have come, Wu Yan feels that it would be a good choice to include foreign forces well.

You don't need to do it on your own. You only need to structure the communication bridge between Huaxia and foreign countries to achieve a smooth communication between Huaxia and the United States. With the comparison of the power gap between Huaxia and the United States, all problems will be solved.

The thought of Wu Yan raised his mouth slightly.

"Hey, you, what are you laughing at? I tell you, we are all very strong and will never be frightened by you!" Seeing Wu Yan's mouth suddenly rise slightly, Arthur's heart tightened, high Cried.

Just because Wu Yan grinned a moment, then, Catherine and herself were frozen, and now seeing Wu Yan laugh again, Arthur reflexively felt uneasy.

Devil's smile, in Arthur's view, Wu Yan's smile is really like a devil's smile.

Moreover, before the end of the last days, when reading novels, Chinese people like to eat pigs and eat tigers are generally wicked and wicked.

"Nothing, Arthurs and Catherine, are you? Your purpose is to inquire into the current situation of Huaxia? Speak early, if you say good things earlier, I will take you directly to understand it." Yan didn't answer, but said after looking at them both.

"You, how do you know my name?" Wu Yan broke his name with a sip, which surprised Catherine next to her.

Arthurs didn't even have to. He just called his name himself, but he never said his name. How did he know?

"You, you are a devil. Did you really get the information you wanted from us?" Looking at Wu Yan in surprise, Arthur's body shrank and looked at Wu Yan. It's like looking at the beast of flood.

"Well, don't call it, let's go, I'll take you to see what the Huaxia survivor base looks like", waving his hand, Wu Yan said.

With his palm raised between words, he circled a few times in mid-air, and the magic of space teleportation appeared in front of Wu Yan. However, the other side of the space portal was not linked to Changshi, but to the imperial capital.

"Is this? Space magic? You, are you actually a magician !?" Seeing Wu Yan's actions, he was able to release space magic, Arthur couldn't help screaming, his face was even more ugly Very, just feel that life seems to be getting dark.

As a warrior, you are actually in a power competition? Lost to a magician! ?

"Me? I have many identities. I am a swordsman, a magician, a mutant, or a ninja. Well, of course, I am also a **** ...".

As for Arthurs's shout, Wu Yan opened his mouth, scratched his fingers, and counted them one by one.

While speaking, Wu Yan's footsteps didn't stop. He immediately crossed the space to transmit magic and came directly to his residence in the Imperial City.

On the other side of the magic, Arthurs and Catherine both hesitated.

Although Wu Yan had been used as a guide for two of them before, now they are afraid to step forward. After all, the situation just now is completely different from the current situation.

However, people had to bow their heads under the eaves. Although hesitating a little, they looked at him behind him and said nothing, Meng and Arthurs and Catherine did not dare to say anything more. Can only follow Wu Yan's behind and walked over.

The space portal behind him disappeared, and Wu Yan led them out of the room.

However, when they walked out of the house, the two looked at the imperial capital of Emperor Capital, and widened their eyes, with an unbelievable look in their eyes.

Emperor Capital has a population of one million. This is the only city in China that has withstood the eschatology. Although these population numbers are indeed far worse than before the end of the world, they are too shocking for Arthurs and Catherine. Some more.

After all, within the United States, the survivor base of 30,000 to 50,000 people is already a large survivor base. This million-dollar population city is an unimaginable existence.

"Let's go and take a look ...", watching the two men grow up their mouths, looking like they did not know, Wu Yan smiled secretly in his heart, and said, taking the two of them around in the imperial capital, seeing and seeing The sight of the capital.

It was as if Liu Yan entered the Grand View Garden, and behind Wu Yan, Arthurs and Catherine were very amazed by everything in the capital.

For example, ordinary people walking on the road, and even ordinary people in suits and leather suits, with briefcases. If they are not able to see the awakened people wearing armor, they must doubt whether the world they live in is in the last days .

After a good stroll, Arthurs and Catherine can see that the scene in the Imperial Capital is completely different from their own country. Even the eyes of ordinary people are very energetic, unlike the survivors on their own, ordinary people. It is completely the lowest level of society. Even food and clothing can't be solved. Both eyes are numb.

In the end, Wu Yan took the two of them and stood directly on a high-rise building in the capital, overlooking the entire capital.

A city with a million-dollar population ~ ~ is vibrant and lively.

However, looking out from the distance, you can also see the surroundings of the imperial capital. Countless zombies approached here, but before they approached, they were destroyed. Sufficient protective forces ensured the security of the imperial capital.

"Okay ... a big base ...", this city with a population of one million has existed only in distant memories since the end of the last days. Today we suddenly overlook the entire emperor capital and see the bustling here. Arthurs and Katherine were both, eyes widened and dumbfounded.

"Well, yeah, when the last days erupted, most people became lost, countless people died more unfortunately, but fortunately, they resisted, so that the city did not fall." Wu Yan nodded slightly, and there was some between Said with emotion.

I have to say that as the people of Huaxia, you can still see the prosperous scene of the imperial capital in the last days, which is indeed very proud.

"Arriving ... resisting the last days ...?", These words made Catherine and Arthurs look at each other, their eyes were shocking.

Now, to what extent has Huaxia's power been so strong?

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