Plane Master Copy

Chapter 959: : When Crooked Nuts Get the Lens

Both Arthurs and Catherine followed Wu Yan's back. After walking around the capital, they were completely dumbfounded.

Originally, they still felt that the situation of Huaxia might be very bad. If conditions permit, they should first explore the situation here, and later they might be able to enslave some of Huaxia's people and use them as slaves.

However, after walking around the imperial capital, the two were completely frightened.

Wu Yan and Xiaomeng's unfathomable strengths are not mentioned for the time being. The situation in China is far from being comparable to the United States.

A city with a population of one million has survived the original disaster since the end of the last days, and it is hard to believe how far this Chinese city has developed.

Originally, Arthurs and Catherine also felt that eschatology erupted, zombies were running rampant, and the transportation system was almost completely paralyzed, which prevented the United States from expanding its footsteps, but now they are fortunate in their hearts.

Fortunately, the eruption of the last days has made the exchanges between the country a luxury hope. Otherwise, no one knows what kind of disaster it will be for other countries after the people of Huaxia can go out.

"Okay, let's go back. Anyway, a guest from afar, let's have a meal together ..." Seeing the sight of Emperor's side, Wu Yan had completely deterred them, Wu Yan said. .

Raising his hand while speaking was another space to convey magic, and returned directly to the residence of the imperial capital.

Although following Wu Yan and seeing the sight of the imperial capital, both Catherine and Arthurs were deeply shocked, but it is because of this that the two of them can understand that Wu Yan did not The meaning of killing two people.

Otherwise, why waste your thoughts and bring yourself two here for a few more laps?

"It seems that the book is true. The people in Huaxia, because of the influence of the so-called Confucianism, are humble and courteous in character.

Seeing that Wu Yan didn't mean to start with the two of them, Arthur's heart was relieved and relieved a lot.

"Okay, I've always loved Chinese culture, especially Kung Fu and food. In the last days, there are countless awakened people, Kung Fu seems worthless, but I want to enjoy this food. "After listening to Wu Yan's words, you have to invite two of you to dinner, Arthurs said with some anticipation in her eyes.

As for Catherine next to her, she didn't speak. Although she felt that it was dangerous to eat other people's food casually in the last days, if Wu Yan really wanted to murder herself, she would not have used such a method at all.

So Catherine nodded, and didn't say anything.

"Brother, I want to eat your roasted potatoes and sirloin ...", following Wuyan for a long time, Xiao Meng naturally knows about Wu Yan's cooking skills. Hearing that Wu Yan wants to cook himself, Xiao Meng His eyes also lightened, and he opened his own voice and said.

"Okay, rest assured, I will burn a large pot out," Wu Yan petted her head and said to Xiao Meng.

While talking, Catherine and Arthurs were busy on the sofa in the living room, and Xiao Meng was sitting near the kitchen, watching Wu Yan's busy figure in the kitchen. Just look back, you can see Arthurs and Catherine in the living room.

"Hey, Catherine, what do you think of this guy named Wu Yan, what does he want?" Sitting on the sofa, Arthur asked in a low voice to Catherine next to him.

Wu Yan's behavior makes Arthurs feel inexplicable. Want to say that Wu Yan is a good person? Although people in Huaxia are generally soft because of Confucianism, are there really good people in these last days? Arthurs didn't believe it.

However, instead of killing myself, I also invited myself to eat, but it was not just a good person. I did n’t have much effort before, so Arthurs' mind was uncertain about what Wu Yan thought.

"I don't know ...", and Catherine beside her shook her head as well.

Yes, it's not just Arthurs who can't see through. Even if Catherine is a woman, she has a small mind, but she also can't see through Wu Yan's actions and purposes.

"However, there is a saying from Huaxia that man is a sword and I am a fish. At this time, it is impossible for us to resist even if we want to resist. Just stay and eat what you want. I believe I will know ", after a moment of groaning, Catherine said again.

"Well, yes," Katherine said, and Arthur nodded in agreement.

Indeed, strength has been completely crushed. Both Wu Yan and Xiao Meng have terrible powers, and indeed they cannot resist.

"By the way, Catherine, what do you think of the strength of the two of them in Huaxia? Isn't there a lot of such strong people like Huaxia?" Suddenly, Arthurs suddenly thought of something like that, whispered Asked Katherine.

"I believe that although the number of Huaxia awakeners is large, their strength in Huaxia must also be the top rank of Huaxia. However, there are not many strong people like him, so I do n’t know, but from Huaxia In terms of population base, it should be more than we have, "Catherine's eyebrows flashed a thoughtful look, whispered.

"By the way, when I was walking outside today, I found that there is a good thing here."

At this time, Arthurs suddenly appeared mysterious and mysterious, and took out two identical props: "This thing is called a crystal measuring device. It is very popular in China, and generally people with ability will buy one. Measure the level of energy contained in the target. "

"Oh? This is really a good thing." Catherine's eyes lit up and she was interested in the effect of the crystallizer.

Then quietly took one from Arthurs and installed it in the eye socket, like a contact lens.


I took a look at Arthurs, and the crystallizer in front of my eyes bounced. Immediately, the number of crystal points in the early 10,000 appeared in front of Catherine, which made Catherine have a clearer concept of the so-called number of crystal points.

Immediately, Catherine lowered her head and glanced at herself again. Well, the number of crystal points around 12000, Biasers was slightly higher.

This made Catherine nodded secretly, comparing the energy level of herself and Arthurs, it was quite reasonable.

"This so-called crystallizer is really a good thing." After a brief trial of the crystallizer, Catherine was secretly surprised.

Although she also knows that the number of crystal points cannot represent the level of strength, but being able to understand the amount of energy in the other side can also have a rough idea of ​​the strength of the target.

At least, if this prop is already available, when they face Wu Yan and the two of them, they will not look down on them, and will not lead to the event of kicking the iron plate.

"Hey, Arthurs, what's the matter with you?" After testing the crystallizer, Catherine felt secretly that this was a good thing, and immediately looked at Arthurs and asked in amazement.

Because Arthur's mouth opened slightly, he looked like a ghost and looked dull.

Regarding Catherine's words, Arthurs didn't answer it, as if he didn't hear it, but looked dullly forward, as if turning into a sculpture.

Surprised in her heart, Catherine followed Arthurs's gaze. It turned out that his gaze fell on Miss Wu Meng not far away.


With Catherine's gaze also falling on Xiao Meng's body, the crystal measuring instrument in front of her was also beating. Immediately, a high number of crystal points appeared in front of her. Sexual hands covered his lips, almost screaming.


Looking at the number of crystal points in front of her, Catherine couldn't believe that this number of crystal points was more than twice that of herself. I did not expect that this woman's strength was so powerful?

No wonder she and Arthurs have almost no fighting power in front of her. Such strength is really terrible.

At the same time, Catherine's heart felt scared for a while.

Where did you get the courage? How dare you shoot her and take her as a hostage? Do you think of the big tiger as a kitten?

"What a terrible number ..." After seeing Xiaomeng's crystal points, both Catherine and Arthurs secretly feared. It seems that these two people are indeed the top powerhouses in China.

Tuk Tuk Tuk!

Just when Catherine and Arthurs were secretly shaking the number of crystals in Xiaomeng, suddenly, a knock on the door rang.

Xiao Meng heard the knock on the door, ignored it, but focused on Wu Yan.

Obviously, in Xiao Meng's eyes, only Wu Yan was the only one. As for the others, she ignored them.

Wu Yan himself ~ ~ was busy in the kitchen again, and couldn't walk away, so he said, "Where are you two, who can help open the door and see who's here?"

"Okay, let's go," Arthurs said, and he got up and walked towards the door.

"What's going on? Are you not at home? But someone clearly saw that Wu Yan and the two came to the imperial capital." At the door, Sun Hao waited for a while, but did not hear the response inside. Ready to knock again.

But just then, the door was opened directly.

"Hello, excuse me, you ...".

Opening the door and looking at the man in the uniform at the door, Arthur said, except that he hadn't finished his words, and couldn't say the rest of the words, with a horrified look on his face.


As Arthurs's eyes fell on Sun Hao's body, the terrible crystal points appeared above the crystal measuring device, which scared him.


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