Plane Master Copy

Chapter 969: : Stabilization

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry ...", the young man, who looked pretty handsome, bumped Wu Yan lightly, and felt empty in his arms. Although secretly helpless, he felt that his luck was too bad, but On the surface it was still very polite and hurried to apologize.

"Well, it's okay, be careful next time you walk," Wu Yan said, glancing at the young man.

Wu Yan naturally knew about this man's small movements, but it was understandable that his wealthy appearance would attract a few thieves.

Looking at Xiao Meng's cheerful appearance, Wu Yan's interest was also good, so there was no meaning to investigate.

To Wu Yan, it's just a little hair thief. It's worth mentioning. He continued to walk with Xiao Meng. Suddenly, there was another beautiful ring, which made Xiao Meng's eyes bright.

Xiao Meng took it with a smile, put it on her finger, and liked it very much.

You do n’t need to ask Xiao Meng if she wants to buy it. Seeing that she put it on her fingers, Wu Yan directly asked the boss for the price, reached into her arms, and took out a piece of silver to pay.

Next to him, the man who had been hollowed into his arms looked at Wu Yan from a distance and took out a piece of silver again, his face could not help but change.

How can it be? I just reached into his arms and touched it. Nothing. If there is money, how can I not get it?

Moreover, the guy had both hands outside at the time and could not have been hiding himself.

"Hum, didn't expect, did I meet a master?" After thinking about it, the young man was a little unconvinced.

I have never lost my own means for many years. Seeing that guy is younger than himself, ca n’t he be better than himself?

Some dissatisfied, after thinking for a while, the young man decided to try again. After disguising himself, he leaned towards Wuyan again.

However, this man has just raised his hand to prepare for the operation. Suddenly, his wrist was pinched. Wu Yan looked at the young man helplessly, and said, "It's too much, how can it be? You have just let your horse go. Are you dead? "

"You ..." Wu Yan's words made the man's complexion greatly changed.

Listening to what he said, it was obvious that he had just exposed himself. With a flick of his head, two poisonous needles suddenly shot towards Wu Yan.

Wu Yan tilted his head and hid away. Taking this opportunity, the young man took two steps back and broke away from Wu Yan. At the same time, he stared earnestly at him and said to himself: "Immortal gate, magical flying smoke, I don't know What is your name? ".

"Fantastic hand flying smoke?" Hearing the man's self-registration number, Wu Yan looked at him with amazement. Isn't this the Jianghu Warlock who was brought by Wei Chijin with Weitianjin in the original book?

Form an alien race, listen to the assignment of the Queen of Heaven to get Di Longjie's Kang Longyu, how can you still be regarded as an identity person now? What about stealing money on the street?

After thinking for a moment, Wu Yan immediately understood what was going on.

Flying smoke? Does the so-called magic hand mean that the magic hand is empty? Is he originally a thief?

So, when you see yourself on the street, you have a lot of money. You can't help but steal yourself?

"After some dignity, some of the river and lake warlocks convened are really mixed, even thieves. What a matter?" After understanding the situation of the flying smoke, Wu Yan shook his head secretly.

"If you just stole my stuff, I'm not angry, but you want to kill me, this is not a small problem." After the wonderful hand Fei Yan reported to his family, Wu Yan did not say The meaning of his name, just looked at him calmly.

Steal money? This is a small problem. Wu Yan was not angry, but he was holding his own hands, but used a hidden weapon to deal with himself. This is not a small problem.

"Escape!", As soon as the so-called expert took the shot, he knew if he had done it. Just after some hands-on, Feiyan knew that he was not Wu Yan's opponent. Hearing that he was going to take a shot, Feiyan decided to retreat.

However, Wu Yan just smiled at him, pointing at him distantly, and whispering in his heart: OK!

Immobilization, which is the plane of the return of the Great Holy Spirit. As a spell copied from Sun Wukong, as long as the number of crystal points is less than half of his own, it is difficult to resist this move and he will be immobilized.

By Wu Yan's means, it is natural to hold down the magical flying smoke.

"Well, small punishment and great commandment, you should be a good sculpture for a few days." Watching the fast-moving flying smoke, because his fixation stiffened and fell to the ground, but also maintained the escape posture Without moving, his face was worn on the ground, and Wu Yan shook his head and went away with Xiaomeng.

In the city, many people's eyes were attracted by the magical hand flying smoke. Just now he suddenly ran up and naturally attracted everyone's eyes.

But now, it seems that he fell to the ground as if petrified, motionless, and still maintained a weird posture, and I felt a little surprised. Many people gathered around, and they didn't know why.

Soon, someone who was on patrol came over, saw the situation of flying smoke, and saw that he fell to the ground like a sculpture and remained motionless, all surprised.

After inquiring the people next to me, I found that this lifelike sculpture is really a living person, but I don't know why it suddenly can't move.

After thinking about it, these patrolling soldiers carried the flying smoke back.

For Wu Yan, encountering flying smoke on the street is nothing more than a small episode.

However, for the magical hand flying smoke, he is now in panic. He obviously has consciousness. When he falls on the ground, he can feel pain, but his body is completely unable to move, even a finger can not move. This feeling is scary.

Alchemy? He also considers himself a magician's wonderful hand to fly, and he is very confident in his ability, but because of this, he is even more frightened, because the condition of his body at this moment seems difficult to explain with alchemy.

Alchemy, aren't they all blind-eye methods arranged by some organs?

Wu Yan and Xiao Meng went shopping and bought some useful supplies and went home.

The magical hand flies into the body, and can't move for a few days. The soldiers patrolled in the city carried it as a sculpture.

In the imperial palace, Phantom got the news from Tianhou, saying that he will be officially enshrined as a state teacher tomorrow, but whether he can succeed depends on his own ability, which makes Phantom really incomparable. joy.

If you can really become a master of the Tang Dynasty, you can be a step up in the sky.

However, after waiting for a long time, they did not wait for the magic hand to fly back, which made Xuantian feel a little surprised.

The subordinates next to you, whether they are overpowered swords or Shuiyue, are the most important means of martial arts. To talk about the alchemy arranged by the organization, it is best to spend two nights, such as the fire ghost night and the magic hand flying smoke. .

"It stands to reason that Fei Yan should have returned, Gui Ye, you can check to see what happened to him", and realized that the magic hand Fei Yan did not return, it seems a bit unusual, Huan Tian said to Hua Huo Gui Ye next to him.

Nodded, Hua Huo Gui left with a grin at night, and it is not difficult for them to investigate the whereabouts of the magical smoke.

What's more, when the wonderful hand flew into a sculpture and fell to the ground, it also caused many people to watch.

Soon, a few of their strangers who got the news of the magical real people and the flower fire ghost night went to the relevant yamen and also saw the flying smoke like a sculpture.

Looking at the weird appearance of Fei Yan, a few of the real fantasy people naturally went up to investigate it, and reached conclusions that made them difficult to understand.

Obviously flying smoke is still alive, breathing, and flesh and blood, the skin is soft, even a needle and a bit, can bleed out, but the whole body froze, unable to move at all.

Such a situation is only seen in life.

"How, do you find anything?", Looked carefully, and the situation of the flying smoke was completely clueless, and the fantasy person asked the person beside him.

It was said that the next flower fire ghost night and the ghostly swords each shook their heads, and even the magic sky could not see the slightest clue, and they naturally did not gain anything.

"Strange, what is this ability? Is it alchemy? Is it still diarrhea?", Magic Sky seriously looked at the situation of Fei Yan, completely unaware of what happened, whispered in her mouth.

In any case, if it is not clear, then take the person back and talk about it.

"Ba Dao, you have to investigate and see who Fei Yan has contacted today. Ask the people present to see if anyone has seen what happened." Let people fly back with a wonderful hand. At the same time, Xuantian said to the ghostly sword next to him.

"I see!", Nodded heavily, and the ghostly sword turned and left.

The next day ~ ~, the imperial palace, the meeting will be held as promised, above the chapel, Tian Hou opened his mouth and directly said that he wanted to become a master.

Naturally, according to the agreement, the emperor let the magic sky show his skills.

If there is no difference in the original book, the so-called ability to call the wind and rain in the fantasy works is only with the help of some institutions. In the original book, the emperor could not see it, let alone see the means of Wu Yan in person. It's nothing.

Then, the people who sealed the demons appeared and deceived everyone by means of illusion. Above the hall, the military hundred emperors and the emperor saw the golden dragon on the pillar of the hall resurrected, and killed the hall including the sky in one breath. All alchemists.

This incident naturally caused a lot of shock, and the emperor was furious. After consulting the queen of the sky, after learning that these alchemists were all brought by Wei Chizhen, he ordered him to be imprisoned.

"Come, hold on to my decree, and ask Mr. Wu Yan to enter the palace ..." After a moment of silence, the emperor said.

With regard to these alchemy questions, the emperor felt it was time to ask Mr. Wu Yan for his opinions.

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