Plane Master Copy

Chapter 970: : Wu Zetian

The means of alchemy, if you ask the emperor, who is the highest, the emperor will definitely say that it is the highest of Wuyan.

True or false, for the time being, at least, no one can see it. What is the difference between this and true?

A group of masters of alchemy acted against the hall, even killing in front of the emperor. This is a provocation to the imperial power. Naturally, the emperor must respond well, and the person who first thought of him was naturally Wu Yan.

He also knew that Wu Yan had no interest in power and wealth. Therefore, the emperor only said that he was asked to help, but he did not say what to pay in return.

Xiaozhi loves, but does not move in favor.

The visit to Wuyan this time is the **** who came last time. He also knows the mentality of Wu Yan. He also witnessed Wu Yan ’s means the same day. Therefore, this time he came to pass the decree. He did not have the previous attitude. He was even more cautious about Wu Yan, even with a flattering smile on his face.

On that day, in addition to the mission, the **** also told Wu Yan what happened on the court.

The arrangement of their organs in Xuantian is okay, and it is said to be alchemy, but it is just some juggling of rivers and lakes that are not on the table.

However, the golden dragon on the hall came alive, and even after killing people in the face of Manchu and Wuwu, they broke through and flew away. This is the most shocking thing. These methods can almost be used with Wuyan. Compared.

"Mr. Wu Yan ...", with a flattering smile on his face, the **** also came under the command of the emperor, saying: "Your Majesty said, this matter is not only related to the court's face, but also to the Jiangshan community, His Majesty thinks that maybe only you can solve this situation in the world, so please ask for your help. "

"Well, has Master Wei Chi been arrested by you?", Nodding slightly, knowing that the situation is not much different from the original, Wu Yan asked again.

"After all, they were brought by Master Yu Chi personally. After this incident, it is naturally difficult for him to blame it." Hearing Wu Yan's inquiry, the **** nodded and replied.

"Well, I can promise to look over this matter, but before that, I want to see Master Yu Chi and ask my father-in-law to arrange it." After a moment of groaning, Wu Yan nodded and agreed.

To Wu Yan, these things are just a hand, Wu Yan really feels a little curious about the situation of Yu Chizheng.

Of course, I learned the truth of the universe from myself, and the mystery of the astral movement. The days have passed, and his mood calmed down.

Wu Yan was a little curious. After the worldview collapsed, what is the state of Yu Chizhenjin now, and he decided to forget the truths he let him know? Or go ahead and explore these truths?

Hearing Wu Yan's words, he was actually going to visit Yu Chizhenjin. The eunuch's face was embarrassed.

However, thinking of His Majesty's command, the **** nodded after hesitating: "Since you want to visit Lord Yu Chi, this is absolutely necessary, and the slaves will arrange it for you."

"Troubled my father-in-law," Wu Yan nodded slightly, and then, looking at Xiaomeng, was about to open her mouth to wait for herself at home.

However, looking at Xiao Meng's eyes, Wu Yan hesitated a little. It seemed that every time she kept her at home and waited, she changed her lips: "Xiao Meng, let's go and see how is it?".

Hearing Wu Yan's words, Xiao Meng's face immediately showed a bright smile, and nodded heavily: "Oh, okay, brother."

After listening to Wu Yan's words, he had to take his younger sister over. Naturally, the **** would not say much. He turned around and took Wu Yan and Xiao Meng back to Chang'an City, and went straight to Tian prison.

To say that the eunuch, as an attendant in front of the emperor, still has a high status. He is personally leading him. Even if Yu Chizhenjin was ordered by the emperor to detain him, the prison in the prison did not dare to stop it.

In jail, Yu Chizheng was still unkempt, holding a piece of black charcoal in his hand and drawing several large circles on the prison wall.

Others may not understand, but Wu Yan knows that there are several circles representing the sun, the earth, and the moon, and many points, which represent the countless stars in the universe.

"How? It seems that you are not doing well these days." Wu Yan flickered, completely ignored the isolation of the prison, entered the prison, and said to Yu Chijin.

"Mr. Wu Yan? You, why are you here?" Hearing Wu Yan's words, watching Wu Yan entering the prison without interest, Wei Chizhen said in amazement.

While talking, he looked outside the cell. The guards and eunuchs in the cell looked at Wu Yan with wide eyes, obviously frightened by the means he had just adopted.

"All the masters of alchemy you called for Tianhou were killed in the hall. You could not escape the crime and were sentenced to prison. You can also be regarded as a scapegoat for Tianhou, and the emperor can only blame you first, maybe he will find an excuse later I let you go, but now, Your Majesty asked me to help investigate this matter. I think you can come out soon. "

Nor did he abandon the filth in this cell, Wu Yan sat down on the bed beside him.

"Well, you have Mr. Wu Yan to investigate, I believe this matter will soon come to an end", nodded and heard Wu Yan's words, Wei Chi Jinjin was in a good mood.

Having seen Wu Yan's ability, he has blind confidence in Wu Yan.

"Well, don't brag about me, I haven't answered my question just now. I look at you, it seems that I haven't been doing well recently."

Pointing at the unkempt look of the captain Chi Zhen Jinpeng, Wu Yan said a moment, and then said, "How? Have you regretted the decision you made, and regretted jumping out of the well to see it? , I can help you erase this memory. "

"You can even erase a person's memory at will !?" Although I have long known that Wu Yan has amazing means and does not even have much suspicion about his immortal identity, he can even erase Wu Yan's words. After losing a person's memory, Wei Chizheng still opened his eyes wide and looked at him in disbelief.

With a slight smile, he didn't answer, Wu Yan just looked at Yu Chizhenjin quietly and let him choose.

After a moment of silence, Yu Chizhenjin's mood became much calmer.

Perhaps it was because the truth about the movement of the stars in the spacecraft was too shocking at first, so it was not surprising that these things in front of me were able to calm down my mind soon.

"Mr. Wu Yan, you are right. After knowing these truths, it really caused my life a lot of trouble. If I had known this would happen, I would indeed regret it, but now I am not Regret, "Wei Chijin's eyes stared at Wu Yan, his eyes were shining, although his face was unkempt, but his eyes were clear and firm.

"Well, good, since you have no regrets, I am quite satisfied." Looking at Yu Chizhenjin's expression, Wu Yan nodded, and then asked again: "So what next? What are you going to do next? These truths are buried in my heart, so I can live well? Or ... ".

"Mr. Wu Yan, I want to walk around the world in person to see what the whole world looks like. If possible, I will see if I can cross the entire land and come back in a circle in my lifetime. What you let me know is The truth, and these truths, I hope to make everyone in the world understand ", staring seriously at Wu Yan, Wei Chi Zhenjin said.

If you know the truth, then you must verify the truth yourself, and then tell these truths to people around the world. This is Wei Chijin ’s current goal and a plan for the future.

"Oh? Do you have such ambition?" If Wei Chizhenjin said, Wu Yan looked at him with amazement.

"Yes, these truths. Now that I know it, it is necessary to let people all over the world know. In the future, Qing Shi's name will definitely have a lot of me!".

Nodded earnestly, Wei Chi Zhenjin said, and did not feel that he was embarrassed by everything he wanted to do to keep his name.

"Well, if you have such ambitions, it can't be better. If you recover your freedom, come to me and I will help you," Wu Yan nodded slightly and said to Wei Chijin.

"Thank you, Mr. Wu Yan!" Hearing Wu Yan's willingness to help himself, Wei Chijin's eyes brightened and he said with joy.

"Well, it's almost time to talk. I'll go see the emperor first." He waved his hand. Wu Yan didn't say much.

After talking about this, the purpose of coming to Yu Chizhenjin by himself was achieved, and the eunuchs outside were waiting impatiently.

Of course, his impatience was not for himself ~ ~ but for the emperor, the emperor asked him to find himself, but he first came to jail to visit Yu Chijin, he was obviously afraid of the emperor Wait.

After all, how can the emperor wait for others?

"Mr. Wu Yan, let's hurry up", watching Wu Yan flash forward, the prison door is useless to him. This **** is not strange, and whispered to Wu Yan.

"Well, let's go", Wu Yan also nodded slightly, took Xiaomeng together, left the prison and went straight to the emperor's palace.

Obviously, he was instructed long ago, so after this time he brought Wu Yan, the **** didn't even have the intention to report, and signaled Wu Yan to go directly.

"Just, this Miss Wu Meng ...", looking at Xiao Meng, the **** was a little hesitant. The emperor only said to ask Mr. Wu Yan to come, but he didn't say there was anyone else.

However, neither Wu Yan nor Xiao Meng ignored his words and went straight to the palace.

You can see the emperor sitting quietly, but besides him, there is also the Empress Wu Zetian.

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