Plane Master Copy

Chapter 977: : Turning the Trim

Illusions are afraid that the eyes are deceived, and they really start to use their hands. Everyone will have weapons in their hands. Yu Chizheng's ability is to a certain extent restrained from blocking the demons. This is what Di Renjie asked him to find. Come over for the real reason.

"Well, it really makes sense for you to say so," Nodded his head, Wei Chizheng agreed.

Next, after Di Renjie asked about the details of Yu Chizhen Jinwan Magnetic King ’s ability in detail, the two roughly formulated a strategy for combat.

After all, this is within the territory of Datang. They do n’t know the existence of the Sealed Demon Clan, they may still be able to hide it well, but once Datang knows the existence of the Sealed Demon Clan, it takes some thought to find these hidden Sealed Demon Clan. Nor is it particularly difficult.

Therefore, after receiving the emperor's order these days, coupled with the wisdom of Di Renjie, they have initially grasped the whereabouts of those demon-slaying clan.

Now that you have mastered the whereabouts of the Demon Clan, naturally, Dali Temple is ready to take the initiative to attack, and it is better to start with it. Sometimes, this statement is still very reasonable.

Led by Yu Chizhengjin and Di Renjie, the people of Dali Temple and Jinwuwei were integrated, and all hurried towards the territory where the Feng Mo clan was located.

Although in the original book, Di Renjie invited the disciple of Master San Zang from Master San Zang to come to crack the Fengmao game, but now, after seeing Yu Chizhenjin's method, Di Renjie feels that Yu Chizhenjin has the ability to break it. After winning the game, of course, there is no meaning to go away.

In an inconspicuous little Zhuangzi on the outskirts of the city, it was the place where the Fengmao people hid. Jin Wuwei and the people of Dali Temple added up. There were nearly a thousand people. Living.

There are only a hundred or so people in the Demon Clan, and the number is already a huge gap.

In Zhuangzi, the people of the Demon Clan naturally knew that they had been surrounded, and they were all scared in their hearts. Of course, in addition to the fear, there was more murder.

It was once betrayed by Datang at the beginning. It seems that this time, Datang wanted to kill all of them.

"Everyone!", The current patriarch of the Demon Clan, holding a magic wheel, glanced at the only remaining clan members in the clan, eyes red, and eyes full of madness: "At this step, we have no other I chose, in order to survive, I can only desperately. Now, we fight together and destroy all the people who come to Dali Temple and Jin Wuwei, and Datang will die! ".

Datang will die! Datang will die! Datang will die!

Living to death, breaking down the cauldron and facing an enemy almost ten times his own, these people who sealed the demons were as if being forced to the edge of a cliff.

Taking a step back is the abyss, then there is only a desperate attitude, there are only a hundred people, but this yells in unison, but it is full of momentum, giving people a completely unyielding belief.

"Go in!" Hundreds of people in Zhuangzi yelled in unison, and people outside thought they heard it, and Di Renjie screamed loudly.

Immediately, the people of Dali Temple and Jin Wuwei rushed towards Zhuangzi.

It was just that he had just entered Zhuangzi, and the people in Dali Temple all hurriedly braked and stopped.

A huge figure, dozens of feet tall, looked down at everyone. In front of this figure, humans were as small as ants.

"This, is this the means to seal the demon tribe?" Looking at the figure of dozens of feet tall, all the people of Jinwuwei and Dali Temple looked up, their eyes were full of panic.

Although I know all this is just illusion, but the terrible scene in front of me still makes people feel shocked.


This immense figure, like a god, lifted the palm of his hand, and countless sword lights appeared in the void for a long time, and shot at these people at Jinwuwei and Dali Temple.

"Don't be afraid, these are all illusions, they are all fakes," a man from Jin Wuwei shouted,


One of the sword lights hit the head of Jin Wuwei, and his head was instantly penetrated by one of the sword lights.

In this scene, the people of Jin Wuwei and Dali Temple were horrified, and they hurriedly pulled out their weapons to block these shot lights.

"What's going on? Master Di? You said that these magical magical deities are just false?" Ding Dingding blocked several sword lights, and some Jin Wuwei couldn't help asking Di Renjie.

"Yes, all of the things we see before should be false, but the people of the Demon Clan can hide their attacks in these illusions. The true and false are difficult to distinguish, so this is the demon. The most terrible place of the clan ", Di Renjie also started to block a few shots of Jianguang, and took time to answer.

"Let the arrows!" On the other side, the Zhuangzi's Sealed Demons used the power of illusion to deceive them all. At the same time, hundreds of Sealed Demons used bows and arrows to conduct long-range attacks.

These attacks are hidden in the thousands of sword lights. It is indeed difficult to tell the truth, but in a moment, dozens of people in Jinwuwei and Dali Temple were damaged.

A giant of the King of the King ’s law, standing between heaven and earth, magical and powerful spells are cast, turning into countless sword lights, which can really be said to be sword lights like rain.

Some of these sword lights are false illusions, but some of them are real attacks hidden in these illusions.

Thousands of people, for a moment and a half, couldn't even rush into Zhuangzi, where the demons were sealed.

"It's a terrible method. It's no wonder that it can help Datang capture the world, and even make Datang jealous of it." Nearly ten times the strength of the opponent, but even Zhuangzi could not fill it, which made Di Renjie's heart secretly marvel Yu Feng's strength.

So far, what I have seen is only the illusions displayed by the people of the sealed demon clan, not even one of the people of the sealed demon clan.

However, there were already dead and wounds on his own side, and the situation was more terrible than I thought.

"Let me come!" However, at this moment, a loud scream broke out, and then a man rushed out and stood in front of all Jinwuwei and Dali Temple people.

The figure with bare hands and even cloth strips blocked his eyes.

"Master Yu Chi!" Looking at this standing figure, all of Jin Wuwei's faces changed.

He stood up and stopped, but what happened to him covering his eyes?

Although covering his eyes is indeed not to be fooled by illusion, but there is still a real attack hidden in this false illusion.

"What is he doing !?" It was strange not only for Jin Wuwei and the people in Dali Temple. On the other side, the people of the Feng Mo clan looked at Yu Chizheng, who had blindfolded, and looked at each other, feeling strange.

Do you think your blindfold can block your attack? If the means of blocking the demons were really so good to deal with, then Tang Dynasty would not have thought that it would be jealous of the powers of the demons.

"He is the red man next to the Dog Emperor, and Jin Wuwei's commander Chi Zhenjin killed him!", The patriarch of the Feng Mo clan naturally recognized Yu Chizheng's identity and yelled loudly.

Although I don't understand why Wei Chizheng's move, but since he came to death with his eyes covered, he doesn't need to be polite.

After receiving the order of the patriarch, some of the warriors of the demon tribe opened their bows and arrows and aimed directly at Yu Chijin.

In a short time, dozens of sharp arrows shot directly at Yu Chizhenjin.

In the eyes of Jin Wuwei and everyone in Dali Temple, the huge statue of the king of heaven also stared down at Yu Chizhenjin, and then the palm of his hand was raised and pressed down.

Countless sword lights, like dense rainstorm, shot towards Yu Chijin.

"My lord, be careful!", Looking at the sight of this horrific sight, the people behind Jin Wuwei shouted with anxiety.

In the eyes of others, the huge statue of Uranus attacked Yu Chizhen with blond hair, and those dense sword lights made them shocked.

It was only in Yu Chijin's perception that there was nothing in front of him, he could only feel some metal material, and was shooting towards himself.

Although nothing can be seen, the ability of Wanciwang allows him to clearly feel their existence.

Yu Chizhenjin raised his hand, and the power of Wanci King was instantly activated. Immediately, these metal substances were controlled by him.

In the eyes of the people of the Demon Clan, dozens of arrows shot in the past actually stopped slowly in the air, and finally, all were suspended in the air quietly.

"What? How is this possible !?", watching the arrows that had been shot stopped, including the patriarch of the Demon Clan, one by one in their hearts.

Incredible ~ ~ As a powerful master of alchemy, the patriarch of Fengmao is very clear. Wanting to achieve this scene is not pure alchemy, after all, shooting arrows in the past is real It is not illusory.

"Is this adults so powerful?" As for those of Jin Wuwei and Dali Temple, they were equally stunned.

In their eyes, the huge statue of Uranus pressed down the palm of his hand, and countless sword lights fell towards Yu Chizhenjin. However, Wei Chizhenjin just raised his hand. The attacks from this statue of Uranus stopped. .

"Using steel weapons? Not worthy to be my enemy ...", blindfolded, Yu Chizheng easily controlled these arrows, sneering in his heart, and flipping his palm at the same time.

Under his control, these arrows hovering in mid-air flipped at this moment, and immediately, the sharp arrow tip turned to point in the direction of the Sealed Demons.

"He, what is he doing !?"

Looking at the arrows that turned around, the people who sealed the demons were shocked in their hearts.

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