Plane Master Copy

Chapter 978: : Royal Sword Flight

Blindfolded, he couldn't see anything, and Wei Chijin couldn't see the magic performed by the people of the Demon Clan. However, the ability of the Magneto King allowed him to clearly feel the existence of all metallic materials.

If you say that you have no vision, and your mind is dark, then countless metal substances are like a firefly in the dark.

These behind are naturally teammates, so these in front of them are, of course, enemies.

After controlling the arrows that came over and hovering, under the control of Yu Chizhenjin, these arrows all turned their heads and locked those who sealed the demons.

Then, with a push of the palm, all of these arrows were shot fiercely towards the people of the Demon Clan.

The people who sealed the demon clan naturally saw these returning arrows, but from the perspective of Jinwuwei and Dali Temple, the statue of the king of heaven controlled countless sword lights and wanted to shoot at Yu Chizhenjin, but, Yu Chizheng just raised his hand, all of these sword lights stopped.

Then, these sword lights were actually controlled by Yu Chizheng.

Screaming again and again, although watching the action of Yu Chizhenjin, many people who blocked the demons reacted quickly and dodged quickly. However, these sharp arrows shot in the past want to completely avoid it, naturally it is not easy. Many people of the Fengmao tribe were injured under these sharp arrows for a while, and even shot and killed directly.

"Abominable, kill him first!" Looking at Yu Chi Zhenjin's means, the patriarch of the demon clan was shocked and furious, and the magic wheel in his hand was raised and said loudly.

Even if the captain Chi Zhenjin is even more powerful, is he alone?

Even if he is blindfolded and not affected by illusion, can he resist the attack of so many soldiers?

The people who sealed the demon clan were also scared by the means of Yu Chizhenjin. With the words of the chief, these people of the demon clan were also ruthless in their hearts, and they murdered, all rushing towards Yu Chijin, Earthquake.

A dozen or so Demon Clan rushed out, and the target pointed at Yu Chizheng.

These warriors of the Demon Clan did not add up to nearly a hundred people combined with ninjutsu. In addition, a lot of people were injured just now. At this moment, more than a dozen people rushed towards Yu Chijin. In the heart of the patriarch, how big his threat was.

At this moment, from the perspective of the Feng Mozu, it seems that the capture of Kang Longyu is not important to kill Yu Chizhenjin.

"Everyone help!".

Although I can't see the people who sealed the demons, from the perspective of Dali Temple and Jin Wuwei, the **** of the king lifted his palm, and immediately it was like a dozen monsters rushing out of **** and rushed towards Yu Chijin, Regardless of the horror of these monsters, Di Renjie shouted.

"Yu Chi, retreat back!", With two fists invincible to four hands, watching the monsters pounce on Yu Chizhenjin, crowded, Di Renjie shouted loudly.

However, Wei Chizheng didn't seem to hear the shout of Di Renjie behind him, but his palm was raised.

Although these people of the Demon Clan cannot be seen, they have weapons in their hands and some metal products hidden on their bodies. Therefore, Yu Chizhenjin can clearly feel their existence.

The power of the Magneto King launched, and for a while, all the weapons in the hands of the Demon Clan flew uncontrollably at this moment, and then all pressed towards them.

Weapons, completely out of their control, actually attacked themselves and even the people next to them, which was unexpected by the people of Feng Mo.

For a time, these fierce Fengmao people were making a mess.

Aside, the people who had rushed over to help the Dali Temple and Jin Wuwei looked even more dumbfounded.

More than a dozen monsters rushed in, and they looked fierce, but with Wei Chijin raising his hands, these monsters rolled themselves into groups, even killing each other.

"Sir, you, are you also very proficient in alchemy?", Jin Wuwei, who seemed to be more familiar with Wei Chizhen, came to Wei Chijin and looked at the monsters who were messing around. , Said in surprise.

"Hey, hey, I'm not a deceitful alchemy." He heard Jin Wuwei's words beside him, Wei Chizhen Jin hey laughed.

With his palms raised, the ability of the Magneto King was unreserved at this moment, and he launched with all his strength.

With the launch of Wanci King ’s ability, all Jinwuwei, Dali Temple people, and even the people of the Sealed Demon Clan felt the weapons in their hands. At this moment, they shook gently, and immediately, one weapon was released Fly out.

Except for those who responded quickly and grabbed their weapons tightly, others who responded slowly did not catch the weapons in their hands for a while, and all of them flew directly.

"Here, is this an illusion? This illusion still wants to fool us !?"

Lifted his head and watched the hundreds of weapons floating in the sky, all of which were aimed at these people. Although the patriarch of the Demon Clan was frightened, of course, he would not believe that this was true. Yes, I only think that Yu Chizheng is playing an alchemy that he has never seen before.

No matter what the alchemy is, it's all illusory. If you find a way, you can crack it.

However, Wei Chijin did not give him too much time to think about the cracking method. He held down the palm of his hand and pressed it gently. For a while, hundreds of weapons fell from the air, like a torrential rain. , Screaming again and again.

Under these dense attacks, the people of the Demon Clan were severely injured and wounded, and even the surrounding buildings were succumbed.

As more and more people of the Sealed Demons appear dead and injured, the large-scale illusions maintained by these Sealed Demons are also difficult to sustain.

In the eyes of Jin Wuwei and the people of Dali Temple, the huge idol of the king transformed by this illusion turned into a blue smoke that slowly dissipated, and finally disappeared completely between heaven and earth.

Naturally, these people of the Demon Clan are also fully displayed in the eyes of Dali Temple and Jin Wuwei.

"Abominable, you all have to die, all **** it!", The patriarch of the Sealed Demons, because of tattoos on his face, wears a hood to make it difficult to see his expression. The tone is filled with monstrous hatred.

The voice of hatred was like a ghost that came out under Jiuyou.

"Patriarch, when is the report of the injustice, why is the hatred of the previous generation involved in the current generation?" Di Renjie held Kang Longyu in his hand, stepped forward, staring at the patriarch of the Feng Mo clan with a loud voice.

"Hahaha ...", but, hearing Di Renjie's words, the patriarch of the Feng Mo clan laughed aloud as if he had heard a big joke.

"We sealed the demons to help Datang gain the world, but how did he treat our people? Now, your fluttering words want me to let go of my hatred? Di Renjie, if your whole family was abandoned by the emperor's excuses, can you Let go of this hatred? ".

"Hate is a ghost that eats people's hearts and lungs. The past is like a smoke. The hatred of the previous generation has passed. You, the patriarch, are a great wise man. Medium? ", Staring earnestly at the patriarch of the Demon Clan, Di Renjie frowned, persuading bitterly.

"Hahaha, hatred doesn't happen to you, you can naturally say something like the past, evil spirits? Since the Tang Dynasty shot at us that day, our people are no longer evil, evil Ghosts were created by you, too. Now, do you want us to be human again? ", The captain of the demon lord, shouted with a feeling of hatred in his words.

In these words, Di Renjie was a little speechless, and at the same time he sighed secretly.

In the beginning, Tang Dynasty did something too idiomatic, and he was so hateful. It is no wonder that the people of this demons can't let go.

However, although I sighed in my heart, I still have to say what I should say.

Taking a deep breath, Di Renjie said: "Patriarch, the so-called put down the butcher knife to stand on the ground, you have great wisdom, don't you understand this simple truth?"

"Yes, I do understand this, but why should I become a Buddha?"

The voice of the demon lord was full of hatred like a mountain, and he condensed: "Since I am already in hell, why should I become a buddha? Everyone has his own purpose, and my purpose is to close the demon lord. Of the tribe, revenge and hatred, that's all. "

In the end, the voice of the prince of the demon almost roared and shouted.

And his words are full of **** hatred, boundless hate the sea, why should he become a Buddha on his own! ?

In a word, the captain of the demon clan lifted up the magic wheel in his hand, and at the same time, the figure slowly suspended, floating in mid-air.

Obviously, he did not listen at all to what Di Renjie said.

The monstrous hatred, how can it be put down by the enemy's few persuasive words ~

"He, how did he do it?" Watching the figure of the Matriarch Feng Sui floated out of thin air, the people of Dali Temple and Jin Wuwei all widened their eyes and looked at each other incredibly.

It looks like he is flying without any props.

"Huh, it's just flying, not unique to your family!", Tearing off the cloth strips in front of his own eyes, looking at the floating captain patriarch, Yu Chizheng said with a sneer.

With his words falling, Wanci King's ability was working, and a sword not far away suddenly came to an end, suspended in front of Yu Chizheng.

Yu Chizhenjin leapt forward and landed on this sword. Then, the sword dragged Yu Chizhenjin into the same suspension, flying in the air, and distantly opposed the clan leader of Feng Mo.

"So magical means ...".

Although Wei Chizhen Jin's means had been known for a long time, but Di Renjie also widened his eyes as he watched Yu Chizhen Jin's royal sword fly.

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