Plane Master Copy

Chapter 979: : Wu Yan Intervened

The patriarch of the Demon Clan, suspended in mid-air and holding a magic wheel, is actually extraordinary. People who saw Dali Temple and Jin Wuwei were stunned.

It's incredible how he could fly?

The ability to fly has been imagined by countless people from ancient times to the present, but there are few people who can really do it. Why can he reach this level?

However, it was surprising and amazement that the captain of the demon prince was able to fly, but when the Wei Chi Chinjin also flew up, the people of Dali Temple and Jinwuwei were dazzled.

Relatively speaking, both Jin Wuwei and the people of Dali Temple are more familiar with Yu Chizheng, but it is because of this familiarity that they feel dazzled.

Why can he do this?

"You, you can actually do this step?", The patriarch of the Feng Mo clan watched Yu Chizhen Jin actually stomp on his sword, so he flew up directly, with a sense of astonishment in his tone, incredibly against Wei Chi Real Gold asked.

At this step, he could probably guess that Wei Chijin's method does not seem to be an illusion, but another magical method.

"It's just flying, do you think you can beat us like this?", Also possessing the ability to fly, Wei Chi Jinjin snorted in his mouth.

While talking, his hands were raised again, and countless weapons on the ground flew again under the control of Yu Chijin.

The densely packed weapons flew in mid-air, and they looked extraordinary, with a feeling that Wuyan's hundred swords flew together.

"Well, it's not that easy to kill me ...", I've seen Wei Chi Jinjin's tricks before. The clan people were killed and wounded in this trick. Would the captain of the demon prince let Wei Chi Jinjin do this? How about launching again?

The tone was murderous, and the magic wheel in the hands of the seal demon patriarch waved. Immediately, a sharp blade of magic blade appeared on Yu Chizhenjin's head, and all of Yu Chijin's head was wrapped.

"Hahaha ...", watching the attack succeed, the demon clan laughed with joy, and said, "The magic wheel is the sacred thing of my demon clan. Once it is covered by the magic wheel, Lifetime is difficult to understand, hahaha. "

"Yu Chi!", Looking at Yu Chi Zhenjin shrouded by the magic wheel, as long as the patriarch of the sealed clan was willing, he could smash the head of Yu Chi Zhenjin at any time, Di Renjie looked shocked.

As for those of Jin Wuwei and Dali Temple, they were naturally more startled.

"Have you misunderstood something?" However, although Yu Chi Zhenjin's head was completely wrapped in the magic wheel, it seemed that as long as the captain of the demon clan wanted to, he could smash his head at any time. King's tone was still calm, and he didn't seem to panic at all.

"Hey, hey, you're still hard-mouthed? Then I'll see if your head is gone, and whether you can still hard-mouth ...", for the words of Yu Chizhenjin, the captain of the demon clan naturally did not care He said with a smile in his mouth.

With a wave of magic, he controlled the magic wheel on Yu Chizhen's head, and wanted to smash his head directly.

However, even after wielding it several times, the magic wheel on Yu Chizhen's golden head has not changed at all, and it seems that he is not controlled by him at all.

This made the Captain of the Demon Clan stunned, how incredible it is? How could this holy relic of the Devil be useless?

"So I said, you seem to have misunderstood my ability ..." Wei Chijin's words remained calm.

With his words, the magic wheel, which had completely wrapped his head tightly, was slowly released, until finally, completely disappeared.

At the same time, Wei Chijin's face also carried a sneer look: "Use the magic wheel of metal to deal with me? This is really whimsical."

"You, you ...", watching Yu Chizhen Jin actually unlocked the magic wheel by himself, and the captain of the devil looked at Yu Chizhenjin in disbelief at the same time.

Feng Mozu's proud ability seemed to him completely useless in front of him, and was restrained by death.

Could it be that the Demon Clan will not succeed in the sky. If his ability is publicized, will there still be a place for the Demon Clan in this world?

Uh ...

Yu Chi Zhenjin naturally did not know about the desperation of the Makai patriarch, and Yu Chi Zhenjin did not mean anything to soften the Makai patriarch. He held up his hands and pressed down fiercely.

Immediately, hundreds of weapons shot at the Demon Clan for a long time, as if raining.

Holding the magic wheel, the captain of the demon clan won't evade and let these weapons shoot at himself. Desperate in his heart, he even lost the will to dodge these attacks.

"Patriarch!" Looking at this scene, wouldn't those people next to the Demon Clan see that the patriarch was dead? Shouted in sorrow.

However, in the face of the ability of the Magneto King, they had no way to stop them, they could only watch these weapons with open eyes, as if shooting at their patriarch like a heavy rain.

"Oh ...", seeing this scene, Di Renjie sighed secretly.

From a personal point of view, Di Renjie feels that the Feng Mo tribe is very pitiful and worthy of sympathy. However, as a Dali temple secretary, he has his own duties in his position.

Therefore, despite feeling sympathy in his heart, Di Renjie was speechless, let alone to stop Wei Chijin.

However, under the watchful eyes, it was seen that the prince of the demon lord would be turned into flesh under these hundreds of weapons. Suddenly, these weapons seemed to shoot something invisible from the air, but they were rapid. Stopped.

Looking from a distance, the dense weapons completely surrounded the demon lord, but it was difficult to enter.

"What's going on? What the **** happened?" Wei Chijin's brow frowned tightly, feeling incredible.

The magnetic king's abilities are operating at full power, and they want to control all of these weapons. However, no matter how much mana they are, these weapons are difficult to enter and cannot be controlled.

"Hey, as the saying goes, put down the butcher knife and stand on the ground ...", when everyone felt ashamed, a sigh sounded, and immediately Wu Yan's figure came out of the void.

In fact, the demons live in a small village in the outskirts of the city, and Wu Yan and Xiao Meng live in a secluded area. Although they are some distance away, they are not too far away.

Wu Yan naturally cannot pay attention to the ordinary beating, killing and killing, but here the illusion is transformed into the image of the king of heaven, and then the general scene of flying with hundreds of swords, with Wu Yan's spiritual power, it is not difficult to think about it.

Although I was not very willing to step in, but since I felt the battle here, Wu Yan simply came to take a look.

Seeing that Feng Mozu was already seriously injured, the patriarch of the Feng Mozu was about to be killed, Wu Yan's heart moved a moment of reluctance, and he blocked Wei Chijin's attack.

From Wu Yan's point of view, although the people of Feng Mo Clan acted arrogantly, their actions were not wrong, and they were pathetic and pathetic.

In the C disk, there is a gene of overbearing color, and Wu Yan naturally has so few so-called indecisiveness. Since he feels pitiful, he can save it.

"Mr. Wu Yan ..." Looking at Wu Yan who came out, Wei Chizhenjin first looked at it, and then immediately hesitated.

No wonder his attack can't go on. Since Mr. Wu Yan has taken a shot, of course he can't help it. After all, he has given these powers to him.

"Are you Mr. Wu Yan? Why are you trying to save them?", Di Renjie next to him, listening to Yu Chi Zhenjin's words, also realized Wu Yan's identity, and asked.

"You are Di Renjie? Didn't expect that you were just like this ..." After hearing what Di Renjie said to himself, Wu Yan raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at him before shaking his head.

In this case, Yu Chi Zhenjin and Di Renjie next to each other looked at each other, and they could see that Wu Yan's mood didn't seem to be good, and that he did not like Di Renjie.

Wei Chizhen Jin is unknown, so Di Renjie also hesitated, and then spoke openly, and asked, "I don't know where I provoke Mr. Wu Yan to dislike, but please say it clearly."

"There is a saying that is good. If you haven't experienced the pain of others, don't talk about it. If you want to use your wisdom, you should be able to understand what this means?" After a quiet glance at Di Renjie, Yan said calmly.

These words obviously refer to the fact that Di Renjie had just persuaded the demon chief to put down the butcher knife.

From the original work, we can see the suffering of the Demon Clan, but Di Renjie urged others to give up revenge?

What's the reason for putting down the butcher knife to become a Buddha? In Wu Yan's view, it is farting.

Someone killed your relatives and friends, and then advised you to be generous, can you be generous? In modern terms, this is like a moral abduction ...

Seeing that Di Renjie opened his mouth ~ ~ Wu Yan still wanted to refute, but Wu Yan waved his hand and did not give him a chance to argue, and then said: "I just said it, put down the butcher knife and stand on the ground to become a Buddha Now that you just know that you can use this sentence to completely enclose the demons, then I will also persuade you today to lay down the butcher knife and become a Buddha? "

"This ..." Wu Yan's words made Di Renjie's face embarrassed.

The matter of sealing the demon clan is a task that the emperor personally explained. Now it is difficult to defeat the sealing demon clan. Seeing that the task of the emperor has been completed, let it go?

"Hahaha ...".

Seeing Di Renjie's expression of embarrassment, Wu Yan's mouth could not help laughing, and said, "Originally, what you said to put down the butcher knife was just what you said to others, but what others said to you has no effect."


As the laughter closed, Wu Yan nodded, and then said, "It's clear that you have come forward to attack, and now you have won, how can you let go of the butcher knife?".

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