Plane Master Copy

Chapter 995: : Kline

After entering the F disk of this sloppy man, after looking through some related memories, Wu Yan also had a general guess about the current timeline.

About ten years ago, a big devil named Bike appeared, clamoring to rule all human beings, but was killed by a mysterious hero.

It ’s just ordinary people, so naturally, you do n’t know much about the Dragon Ball planes. From his memory, Wu Yan just viewed some information about the big devil of Bic, but more specifically, Don't know yet.

Therefore, Wu Yan felt that if he wanted to understand the timeline exactly, he had to find out the important characters in Dragon Ball.

About ten years ago, the great devil king of Beek appeared. Do you want to rule the earth? That should be Old Beek.

In this way, after the death of Victor Baker, Victor II, also known as Piccolo, appeared in the world ’s first martial arts convention three years later and fought with Sun Wukong.

After the battle was completed, Sun Wukong and the Cow Demon King's daughter Qiqi married, and gave birth to a little fart child, Sun Wuhan, who was taken away by Piccolo.

When the Saiyan invaded the earth later, Sun Wufan looked like he was six or seven years old?

Piccolo grew up for three years, he was pregnant for one year, and Sun Wuhan was six or seven years old. That is to say, the plot of the Saiyan invasion is probably about ten years after the death of Victor King?

And now, Bick has been dead for about ten years?

After a secret calculation in his heart, after probably deriving the problem of the timeline, Wu Yan was shocked. In other words, is it almost the time period of the Saiyan invasion?

I don't know if the Saiyans have not invaded at this time? Or have they invaded the earth, but they were run away by Sun Wukong?

After thinking about it, Wu Yan shook his head secretly. In any case, the situation still has to find the characters of the original plot, and inquire carefully.

So who should I look for in the original?

Turtle Fairy? His Turtle Fairy House only knows on an overseas island, but there is no concept of where that island is.

Sun Wukong and Kiki? In the original work, I only know that they seem to live relatively remotely, and the family's financial situation is not too rich, so it is not easy to find them.

So what? Tianjin rice? Yamu tea? Dumplings?

Forget it, on this timeline, they have all set foot on their own martial arts paths, and they don't know where they are, so what?

"Should I go to the temple and look for God? Is the God still alive in this time in the original?" After thinking about it, Wu Yan's heart was thinking, is he going to find God.

Relatively speaking, the shrine is above the so-called Kalinta. If you inquire about it, you should still find it?

However, after thinking about it, Kalinta in the original book is not everyone knows the location. Relatively speaking, it seems that it is the most convenient way to find Buma?

As the world's richest man, it shouldn't be difficult for the Boma family to ask.

It was just that Wu Yan wasn't waiting to find the address of the Buma family. Suddenly, a loud drink rang, and then, a sharp wind broke, and a strong force apparently came.

Suddenly being attacked, Wu Yan's brow frowned slightly. However, Wu Yan didn't need to take a shot. Xiao Meng beside him moved quickly.

With the palm of his hand raised, the force of the wind and snow appeared, squeezing past the attacker.

With a crystal point of about 30,000, Xiao Meng, the power of Xuexue fruit, has naturally reached a very amazing level.

With a bang, the fist collided with the force of the snowstorm, and the attacker was shocked by the force of the snowstorm, but the same snowstorm that Xiao Meng gathered was also directly broken by the attacker's fist. , Transformed into flying snowflakes, splashing out.

"Oh? Someone can be as powerful as Xiao Meng !?" In this attack, Xiao Meng and the attacker can be said to end in a draw. Wu Yan's heart moved and looked at the attacker.

It turned out that a small man was in action, looking like a 13-year-old boy, but his appearance looked very mature, and more importantly, his head was bare, and he could still see a few precepts. scar.

"He ... monk?" Looking at the guy who attacked himself, Wu Yan froze slightly, looking at the other person's bald head and the scar on his head, apparently the monk's identity.

Of course, as Wu Yan's gaze fell on him, after the number on the crystallizer jumped, a high number of crystal points appeared in front of Wu Yan.


"Is the number of crystal points in the early 30,000? This is even higher than Xiao Meng." Looking at the number displayed on the crystal measuring device, Wu Yan secretly murmured in his heart. With this level of strength, this is the picture Looks like Wu Yan's heart moved slightly.

"Are you Klin?" Wu Yan asked without asking the bald monk to continue his shot.

The solemn monk was setting off a stance and was ready to continue. When he heard Wu Yan's words, he was stunned and looked at Wu Yan in surprise, and said, "You? Who are you? Why do you recognize me? ".

"It really is him!" Seeing this guy's reaction, Wu Yan murmured secretly in his heart, and it seemed that his guess was correct.

Speaking of which, from the original works, Wu Yan still admires the character of Klin. After all, Dragon Ball is a Japanese anime in the real world, but the setting of the character of Klin is from the China Shaolin Temple, and then drifts The turtle fairy was found across the sea, and worshipped under his door.

Just ~ ~ Looking at Klin in front of him, the corner of Wu Yan's mouth twitched secretly. He was only about 1.4 meters tall. Where is this short? Obviously dwarf?

In this way, she can still marry the beautiful girl No. 18 in the original book, which is really a koi on the Dragon Ball plane.

Not to mention, he was originally a monk.

"Who the **** are you? Really recognize me? However, it doesn't look like you are a good person. I rely on my own strength to bully ordinary people here, and I will never agree." Although Wu Yan recognizes himself, this makes Klin think Surprised, but thinking of Wu Yan's attempt to hit ordinary people just now, Klin couldn't bear it.

"Well, do you have muscle training in your head? With our strength, if you really want to kill someone, do you think you can wait until you come to save someone?" Helping Clin's attitude, he was helpless. Shook his head.

"Uh, this ...", these words made Kling feel a little stunned, and immediately put away his posture,

It really makes sense. The power that Xiao Meng just showed is almost not weaker than him. If he really wants to kill, he really has no time to rescue.

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