Plane Master Copy

Chapter 996: :timeline

"Well, who the **** are you? What are you doing here?" When she put away her stance, Klin looked at Wu Yan and Xiao Meng seriously and asked.

Just a few shots, although it was only a move, Klin also saw that the opponent has very strong power.

"It's not a big deal. I just want to determine the time now and see if it's too late. After all, I'm here to help," Wu Yan said after hearing Klin's words.

Although it is not clear whether Vegeta and his party have landed on the earth now, Wu Yan knows that after about ten years of the death of the big devil, they should have encountered Sun Wukong's brother Latiz. of.

Therefore, when I think about it, I should understand the existence of Saiyans. In this case, of course, I have to express a goodwill.

Throughout Dragon Ball's original works, these decent characters are straightforward in heart. Generally, they have no conspiracy and delicacy, and they will not easily doubt others, as if it were a world without lies and tricks.

"Help? What are you doing here for? Whom?" Klin looked at Wu Yan with a grimace and asked.

"Although I am a human, I have the ability to cross space. Therefore, I have been walking in the universe for many years, and the purpose of my return to Earth this time is because I heard about the fighting nation Saiyan in the universe. The news of people about to invade the earth, so I rushed back to help, I do n’t know if I ’m late, so find someone to check. ”Wu Yan said, it ’s half true.

If it is possible, Wu Yan would not mind helping, of course, the most important thing is the blood of the Saiyan on Wu Yan 觊觎 Vegeta.

Although looking at the original book, Sun Wukong's achievement has always been higher than Vegeta, but it is undeniable that the highest qualification should be Vegeta.

After all, born fighters have good combat capabilities at birth.

Moreover, in the form of a giant ape, only high-level Saiyans like Vegeta can maintain their sanity, but Sun Wukong can't do it, which can explain the problem to a certain extent.

Perhaps Sun Wukong's strength has always been stronger than Vegeta's half-chip, but in Wu Yan's view, the biggest reason may be that Sun Wukong's mind is simpler and simpler, or the role of the protagonist's aura.

"You, you actually know the Saiyan news? Great, you really came to help ...", listening to Wu Yan's words, you can tell the Saiyan news in one breath, Klin was shocked and happy For Wu Yan, there is no doubt about it.

Klein's reaction also made Wu Yan understand that Raditz should have been to Earth, but Vegeta should not have come yet.

"Yes, but I would like to ask, how many strong men are there on the earth? How about their strength? Are you sure you can deal with Saiyans?" After nodding, Wu Yan was curious again. Asked Klin.

"This, although I have confidence in the strength of everyone, but the strength of those Saiyans is too strong, and we do not have a clearer concept at all", heard Wu Yan's inquiry, Klin's face It was in a state of embarrassment, and shook his head with a bitter smile.

Yes, are Saiyans strong? It can be seen from the Saiyan named Laziz who appeared a few years ago. He alone can almost wipe out all of you, but it ’s not Sun Wukong who died in the end. Restricting his actions, everyone is not an opponent at all.

But actually? Listening to Latiz's last words, he still has two companions, and the main thing is that both companions are much stronger than him.

How powerful is it then? There is no clear concept in my mind. How can I be sure?

"By the way, how do you two call each other?" During the conversation, Klin asked Wu Yan curiously again. Regarding his name, he didn't need to introduce him. After all, Wu Yan had just spoke out his name. I want to come to know myself.

"My name is Wu Yan. This is my sister, Wu Meng." After hearing Klin's inquiry, Wu Yan opened her mouth and introduced.

"Two people, since you are from the universe, and you also know the news of the Saiyans, do you know what their strength is? Give me a good talk?" Nodded, it was a formal understanding After that, Klin asked Wu Yan.

"Well, I ’ve only heard of Saiyans and have n’t seen them with my own eyes, so I do n’t know much. Before that, can you let me have a good look at how much your earth ’s guarding power is?” Human strength, Wu Yan did not explain too much.

After all, from the perspective of the original work, the power system of the Dragon Ball plane has long since collapsed, and it is really difficult to measure it with the original work.

For example, the strength of the Turtle Fairy, when Laziz appeared in the original book, was measured with a combat effectiveness tester, only about 100 combat effectiveness.

But what? In the original book, the Turtle Fairy Qigong can bombard the moon.

What about when Vegeta first arrived on Earth? The combat effectiveness is only tens of thousands, but they are clamoring to use the unique skills of the sky gun to bomb the entire earth.

Looking at the back, what are the Super Saiyans, the Super Saiyan 2's form, etc., all come out, and the strength has not only increased by a factor of thousands?

But what? It stands to reason that the earth is as fragile as a balloon to them? In fact, these people are fighting you on the earth ~ ~ The earth is still good.

Therefore, with the arrival of Dragon Ball in the Saiyan chapter, in fact, the combat effectiveness has almost collapsed, at least in terms of the destructive power of the original work, it is completely inappropriate.

Naturally, Wu Yan would not simply use the destructive scene in the original book to describe the power of the Saiyans.

However, thinking of the current Klin, he has 30,000 crystal points. Wu Yan's heart is secretly dignified. When Vegeta first reached the earth, the few vegetable people who were thrown away by hand were not able to deal with them. Yes, it is conceivable how powerful they are in Vegeta, let alone Frieza.

"It's a terrible plane of force," thinking of Vegeta, Super Saiyan, and even Frieza, Wu Yan couldn't help feeling secretly.

"Mr. Wu Yan, since you are here to help, and you are not clear about the situation of the earth, then you go with me to Guixianwu, and I will tell you how?", And did not doubt Wu Yan's thoughts Kline offered an invitation.

"Wow, let's go." After listening to Klin's words, he actively invited himself to Guixianwu. Wu Yan naturally would not refuse, nodded.

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